10 inventions that are settled by introverts + 5, which we invented themselves


What do not say, and it became better to live, it became more fun to live - botanted in white coats and geeks in the checkered shirts invented a lot of things useful. They are, as you know, for the most part of the introverts - others in the inventors and do not go. Therefore, in recent years, the world for other introverts has become somewhat more convenient.

Well done, friends and girlfriends, do not relax, still have where to strive. But we are already scary than grateful for:

Payment terminals

A conversation with a tight in the ear manager, who can not hear your account number, is a rare pleasure in itself, and how much happiness can be grabbed, waiting in the queue! But all, whining - we have payment terminals that will never ask us for whom we occupied and who is the last one here.

SMS and messengers

It is possible to think about the answer and relax the facial muscles, because it is not necessary to simulate interest in this thrill. And you can simply ignore all these countless "how are you."

Number determinant

Sorry, aunt from Barnaul, a vicious of a parallel class and this one, how are you there - you are all recorded as "not to take 1", "not to take 2" and "not to take 3".


If the will of the evil fate you have to share the living space with someone else, it was literally divided - with the help of Shirma. Nobody will stare over the shoulder in your tablet and climb into a personal space with your "And to talk?" Intrunned and sit as in a house. It also comfortably hang clothes on the screen.

Online orders


Marketers think that the form on-line order on the site raises sales because it is quick and convenient. Damn with two - she just adds to the number of buyers of the master of the introverts, which each conversation with a vigorous salesman - like a knife in the ear.


The ingenious invention - in Mute mode, people are transferred much easier.

Cloud desktops

And in general, all technologies providing the possibility of remote work. We surrendered to us your dances from the cooler, corporate ritual dances and the boss, which from the idleness wanted from the office to the office and stands above the soul.


"I am Polbuhahanki Borodino, just not in cutting, but a piece, and stuck that milk, if yesterday, and if there is a day before yesterday, let's better kefirchik, no, without strawberries, and with papaya." It is not clear how during it all introverts did not walk from hunger. But now you can fill the trolley to failure without a single word. And no one rubs to you that this kefirchik is good, all take.


This young lady does not ask questions, does not fall out of you all the details of how she rezched somewhere there, how going to burn tomorrow and what kind of cool blinds she bought for ASOS. Perfect interlocutor. All would be the same.



And its version 2.0, video intercom. Sift carriers of the good news, sellers of unique vegetable cutters, neighbors in the salt crisis and other bores even on the approaches to your citadel.

Another 5 inventions that we are very waiting for:

Robot taxi driver

Suppose that it is called "Ashot-3000". In comparison with the analog Ashot, the robot will not set out the history of its relocation to Moscow, views on sanctions and the opinion of the weather. The radio in it should also not be. But the navigator is yes, satellite, so that NASA has become unlawheed.

Capsule for travel in public transport

Durable and almost opaque membrane, which will separate you from extraneous elbows, carts, juvenile gangsters with dirty boots and amber harsh cologne "Irvillag Intense".

Intellectual answering machine


The usual can only speak "You called Masha, lay out the painful after the beep." This is obvious flaw. The right answering machine should be able to support the conversation - at least from time to time to say "Yeah", "Nihosa", "And you what?" And "here is the cattle."

Indicator openness

It would be nice if in the crowd each over my head was soaring such a small icon - "In the active search", "I am not going to silence" and "I'm not sad, I just talk to me." And they would immediately take all these "Cho-miss".

Realistic hologram

Here you dumped with this sad party, and no one noticed - because your digital twin bursting into the smartphone continues to sit in the corner. From the real not to distinguish. I will enjoy a pati monster and moreover a lot of nerves.

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