25 things that every girl makes


Anyone, even the most well-thought-out girl, in the hallway there are a favorite metaphorical rake, which girl gets in the forehead. Moreover, it is not possible to throw away these rakes. As a maximum - to tie a bow to the handle and put some beautiful. In other words - to accept, because like girls did not shut up, they still will do it.

1. Buy a size dress less

Or two sizes. Or three, but very beautiful. Because sooner or later, a girl in it will fit, honestly. In particularly self-confident girls' clothes from the detachment "I will lose and wrestle" many times more than that which one in which you do not need to "fit."

2. Buy shoes on unthinkable heels.

Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse
There is something desperate and almost religious in it: a girl who buys 20-centimeter studs of lacquered skin initially gives itself a report in what will suffer. But with the observance of two conditions (1 - very beautiful shoes; 2 - shoes fantastically expensive) it will get a wallet with the determination of a Christian, walking along the hot sand of the Roman Colosseum to a lion meeting. And dies in terrible flour at the nearest party, of course.

3. Sit down on the diet

Every girl understands ... Well, well: every girl with the brain understands that any temporary diet does not work. That is, or you eat pork kebabs and a cake all your girls life, or you know 123 recipe for cooking rice grains per day, occasionally allowing himself celery and an apple. It is clear that to deceive the body a weekly starvation once a year will not work. But the Royal Guard does not give up - May comes, trying on the swimsuit, and the word "express diet" is again leading in the statistics of search engines.

4. Chat about your personal life

Generation experiences once again proves inexorable justice Rules: "All you say can be used and will be used against you," but the girl is nevertheless. The whole world should learn how well she is now (or bad). Or sad. Or fun. Or lonely. Or Siderov Goat, and she is about to throw it.

5. Believe in a fairy tale

Not necessarily about Prince, no. There are still many wonderful fairy tales, for example: "The Lost African Uncle left you two billion dollars and a kimberlite tube (two hundred steps to the north of Brandberg, dig three times), pay for the services of the notary, all Stobaksoff." The fairy tale can be easier, but the essence of the same is the entire Stobaksoff, and a financial miracle will come to the girl.

6. Thinking with heart

Heart is a muscle. As triceps (well, almost). Of course, the girls in mind do not come to think with a triceps, but in the heart - easily. As a rule, the decisions taken by the heart lead to the fact that tears drip out of the head, but the girl remains a great renome of a mental person. Let and a little unhappy.

7. Feel head

The brain is designed to collect visible facts. Attempts to issue an ephemeral category for the fact, like love, once at a time lead to the realization that the calculation is made incorrectly.

8. Return scandal

After each ugly kabatsky scandal, every girl in the depths of the soul understands what she moved. Not admitted, but understands. And gives himself a word that is more than ever, because I am smart and restrained. But a month-other passes, and the new sputcher rolls up with a ringing about Italian tiles, and the girl in the jubilee time is sent along the route "from her husband to mom", for significantly grabbing children with him.

9. Drink alcohol

Each time, when someone is unfambled in bed, when the inner surface of the hips scraped the cactus, used in yesterday's corporate, instead of a pole, or when a trite hurts head, the girl promises to be no longer drinking. Never never. Yeah.

10. Believe in words

And then climb hands in desperate: "Well, you can't lie so much?!" What it is impossible? It is very possible. Yes, a certain doctor House insists that everyone is lying, but when the beloved swear, that "My wife and I have long been alone," how can I believe in it? In no way. And House - old cynic and addict.

11. Close your eyes on unpleasant calls

These are the most favorite girls rake. The girl lovingly strokes the place of impact and thanks the rake for good science. Now, then the girl will definitely respond to each dubious Ding Ding. The girl and the mind will live happily and happily, while the next dopamine will not separate them.

12. Imitate orgasm

Every time, entering new relationship, the girl wants to play honestly. Because, yourself worse. The former was confident that I like everything, and the girl was afraid to admit that these moans on the fourteenth second - a little bit quite untrue. But in the process of first sex with the new love, the girl is surrendered, and quickly. And then suddenly he decides that I can not at all, and disappointed? Well, no, "the girl decides and stints my fingers in the back, lean, like a wounded guinea pig, and again it will be voluntarily sent to the usual closed circle.

13. Trying to control everything around

When the drunk horse, that is, a girl, once again shoot, the girl decides to give part of the authority, well, for example, a spouse. And do not control the execution, because I am here, as a woman, is standing, not as an ensign. And then the bills are not crying, the kote is not fed, the child has snot before the Pup, and from all the achievements of civilization in the house only the Internet works. As a result, cut-off straps will somehow return to accurate shoulders.

14. Look at the surrounding

I don't care what they think about me, "says the girl and sneaks in the mirror - whether the mascara did not smear. I am not a hundred dollars to like everyone, "she sniffs and cries in the pillow when it turns out that someone does not like it. This is one of the most painful rabel of the company "Yazzttakstaras Ltd".

15. Contact his phone

The girl is not a fool at all. She knows perfectly well, he will not find anything in the phone (which, for some strange reason, will not remove suspicions, but will only strengthen them), or it will find what the girl will destroy, but a girl is not ready for such a turn. In general, not a single reasonable reason to read SMS SMS. But the phone lies like this on the table and manit, manit.

16. Believe that "I will be different with me"

Ha ha ha, - Rake rake with each blow, - ha ha ha.

17. Place information about yourself in social networks

There are neither terrible police stories, nor the inexorable former boss who dismissed the girl, because she consurgeted on sick leave and over the day he posted his legs against the background of Thailand. Rakes also do not work. What do we have any holes in the forehead, when all the friends, even if they are bosses or maniacs, do not see how I erotic hug a palm tree.

18. Sorry money

Fragile solid solution to postpone a certain amount of money from each paying to smash at each campaign to the store. Because with each campaign to the store turns on the regime "The real woman does not save on itself."

19. Get acquainted on the Internet

It was called, registered, and here Facebook and pallows by the electric voice of a personal message: "You are so beautiful." Well, okay, "the girl thinks," but that's just the last time. "

20. Forget spare stockings

Stockings and tights may not rush for years. And then - as from the chain, three pairs per day. And the absence in the reserve handbag is a very offensive tragedy, because the girl, here you have a cross, promised themselves to certainly put literally yesterday. Or put on jeans. Or look at the chair before sitting. The most idiotic rakes, in short. Bear straight.

21. Trying to make parallel parking before

Even if the girl understands that it is possible to get into this hole only as a back, she will still try to park the fore. Five minutes later gather the crowd. An hour later gets to the U-Tuba. Crying a girl, sills, but the back ride scary.

22. Shouting on a child

Each time, accidentally having broken down, the girl puts his right hand on Spock, the left on the hyphenrateter and solemnly swear, which is never more. Then he breaks off again, again swars out, and this cycle "I am the most terrible mother in the world" continues plus-minus eighteen years.

23. Trying to impress the former

The girl convinces himself that she is still. Moreover, long ago. It is still a long time ago, about Mesozoic. And in the hairdresser before the intended meeting, she just walks so. Well, coincidence. The more the girls' former, the more it earns her hairdresser.

24. smear fresh oil burns

In theory, the girl knows that the burn place needs to be cooled. Not 10 seconds under cold water, and 10 minutes, no less. And then smear. But no one of the studied girls lasted more than a minute before closing uncooled tissue with a hermetic oil or panthenol cushion.

25. Get married

Everything, "the girl tells himself, - never. Relationships must be free. I am proud bird. No rings. No borsch No bondage. Float, know. And then he is: "Will you marry me?". And the girl is this: "yes-aa". It puts on the paw ring and go to boosch. Perfectly happy.

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