Lawbir's law: 20 correct will take from



Sandwich, falling oil down - is an eternal and immortal classic. But not all, oh no, not all! The editorial office of PIKS has observed at least two dozen species of this subtitle law. Yes, and any of you probably too: we argue for five thousand!? If they, according to the law of meanness, did not fastened in jeans at that only time you did not check the pockets from fatigue;)

1. The law of the bag

When in the bag is invasive and nervously rings, this is a signal. That from above you have dill, on the occasion bought from a cute grandmother near the subway. Under it - taken from the repair of the shower. Under it - a cosmetic bag that has emerged from the bottom. Under it - food for fish, which was not there and should not have been. The phone is for another ten cultural layers, even if it has just been laid in the closest pocket.

2. Phone and Mom law

Mom is calling about three cases. When you enter the plate of the plug with something tasty; When you try to open an apartment with one hand, you hold the second to buy, and the third you catch the child - or when your lips of a beautiful prince are inexorably approaching your lips. In 99.9% of cases, Mom urgently wants to know how you have the weather there and in general.

3. Law of date

Before a particularly long-awaited and vital date, when you feel like you to move your wardrobe thirteen times, you find a good lucky thaw on the thirteenth and a half, you have a completely virtuoso shooting arrow (both!), I don't miss anything, you do not forget the phone and do not come white sandwalk into the product The life of the neighbor's poodle ... When opening the door of the entrance you break nail.

4. Internet law

Returns in exactly one second, when you are firmly telling yourself: "So, all, no longer a second of procrastination!", Resolutely close the facebakes - and at the same time you have time to read an important letter for which you need to answer quickly, quickly, urgently long just yesterday.

5. Tablet and Paper Law


Tablets are sealed into the blister, and it is put in a box with a bent instruction. So the world is arranged. With whatever parties, you tried to open a box, from there on you in 100% of the cases will watch the fogging of the paper, and not the edge of the blister. Such is the nature of the universe.

6. Law of Packtikov

The thin cellophane bag is such an item: it is always unleashed voluntarily and with the song, if there is something that can somehow flow. And it is not unleashed into anyone if there is something that you need to get enough - and it is necessary, this package is reinforced, quickly untie.

7. The law of purple scarf

If you have a hundred years old, a super-beautiful purple scarf, who once gave mom, but it was not at all what to wear to ... then you will give it a niece on a dress for doll a day before a friend will bring you from Nepal awesome purple Sarafanchik.

8. The law of a moving child

The elegant kid stands in a picturesque pose and is unbearably desiccitiously posing - until that second, when you guide the lens. After that, it moves at an average speed kilometer per second at the same time in all four sides of the world.

9. The law of the lying cat

It is a direct consequence of the previous law. The cat is sleeping Mimmishno, spreading the paws and lounging the fluffy belly up in a picturesque sunny spot, five hours in a row - but even before your silent jerk ... for at least a phone.

10. Law of Mukhu


Muha, once sowing on a certain point on the human body and being brushed from it, returns exactly there, with an accuracy of 1 mm, in 120% of cases.

11. Law of wet dog

Yes, you have the most educated dog in the world. And no fanaticism on the sterility of linen. But it is on the day that for the first time in the historic period, it's thoroughly strictly strictly strictly strictly strictly strictly strictly in the historic period, she (not a mother-in-law!) It will joy after the rain, jealously jumps on everything at once - and devouches sweet and passionately, pulling away for The entire previous five-year plan.

12. Red Wine

If you are told at the table a really funny joke, you can be absolutely sure at least two things: a) you have a red wine in a glass; b) Blouses on you - white.

13. The law of adjacent letters

The letters "b" and "u" are on the keyboard in dangerous intimacy. Everyone suffers from this - and those who name Julia, and those who have at least one Julia among colleagues. The author rehearsed this piece of text three times - and fixed twice. Guess your name.

14. Law of Ospalkov

If you doubted for a long time, whether Saturday day in a cafe is not held - and finally decided on a bicycle walk, you can not look at the forecast. Rain over the place, which will be quite far from home, will happen even if the probability of it was 1%.

15. Law of Puzha


If on the street in two and a half (2.5) kilometer, one (1) of a fifty (50) square centimeters and a depth of three (3) meters is located on a three (50) meter depth, any car will pass it at a speed of one hundred and twenty (120) kilometers per hour in those one and a half (1.5) seconds when you pass by.

16. Law "Sharikov"

If you are not flexing your back and not sprinkling the mouse convulsively and continuously dropped 7 and a half hours, and on the outcome of this period, wealing, it began to drive "balls" - and you do it exactly 2 minutes ... then in the second minute, the chef will be exactly your back. Even if he did not appear in your office for two days before.

17. The turn of the turn

If there, where you stand in a long queue, there is a clock dining break, then it will begin at the moment when the queue comes to you. However, the law acts, even if there was one person before you. It will be exactly the person who always needs to know what these diquses mean in his piece of paper, which before him did not interest anyone in line.

18. Law diet


If you sat on a diet confidently, iron and for a long time in the morning on Monday, then on Monday, a friend will decide to make you a surprise. And calls on a cake that learned to do it today. And so great he got her!

19. Law of roller skates

Protection is always purchased the day after injury. After that, no drops happen. Until that minute, when you are on the first after that case, you roll out without it.

20. The law of money on the phone

Money on the phone ends always at the moment when you need to get through to a very important case urgently. Never in world history, they have not ended at that moment when it would be good for them to do it ... And you would say with a clean conscience: "Oh, I'm sorry, I could not call: the money on the phone ran out!"

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