No way out: 10 terrible films about how to get out of any Western


According to statistics, claustrophobia or fear of a closed space - one of the most common fears in the world. And the manufacturers of horror films are only happy and we use it all! Pics.Ru collected 10 films about what to do if there is no way out.

Cube (Canada, 1997)


Sci-fi thriller, which has become truly cult in narrow circles. 7 people are in a gigantic Cuba - a system of more than 17 thousand completely identical rooms, from which they have to find a way out. Some of the rooms are equipped with ingenious traps reacting to sound, movement or pressure and ruthlessly killing captives without the slightest delay. The film is a real anthem of claustrophobia, dedicated to the topic of human struggle with himself. And I wonder - who will get out of Cuba?

Cell (USA, Germany, 2000)


Bold attempt to combine in one film of the serial maniac-killer, searching for the exit and young Jennifer Lopez. What if your cage is the subconscious of another person? Is there a way out? How to be if someone's life or painful death depends on your actions? It was removed incredibly beautiful, gloomy and surreal, with incredible costumes and special effects. Surprisingly, the film keeps in tension until the very end and still looks at one breath, and this, forgive the Lord, the distant 2000th year.

Devil (USA, 2010)


The most closed place in the world (except for the box with pencils, of course), which almost every person uses, is an elevator. If you are an impressionable person, the film is not recommended for viewing, because then you have to run on any floor, even the 93rd. In the plot, several people are in the stuck elevator cabin, and one of them is a surprise! - Devil himself. This will turn out to be that each of the heroes managed to stratum in his life, but the idea with Satan in the elevator is good, nothing will say anything. And in general, this is a movie - an excellent example of a well-made horror without stars and proceitable budgets. It would seem - turned the camera upside down, frightened the light - and scary as for the first time!

Yama (United Kingdom, 2001)


Cinema about four teenagers who are locked up in the underground bunker to beat. The party clearly succeeded: only one girl is selected from the dungeon - Liz, the rest are dead. A police psychologist is taken for business to find out what happened there. Selection is offered several versions from the two events left in living participants, but which of them is correct, it is absolutely impossible to find out. A fairly realistic filmed film about how love can bring to the real madness.

Saw: Survival game (USA, Australia, 2004)


This is the first of a series of films about the insane maniac, dictating victims, how to die from portable dynamics. The plot is simple: two men wake up in a strange type of basement bedrooms chained to the walls. To get out, you need to kill the other, but for now everyone thinks, as if it would be better to turn, together they gradually spin the chain of events, which brought them to life. It is noteworthy that the film was shot less than three weeks, and with the actors before the shooting did not even rehearse, they decided that they would be better to include and would be horror and suffering. Well, with a budget in a little more than $ 1 million, the movie collected more than $ 100 million. Prank succeeded!

Hut in the forest (USA, 2011)


The film begins as a classic American horror: Five friends go to relax on Weekend where? Right! To the village, to the aunt, in the wilderness, in Saratov, that is, in an abandoned hut located in the forest. They are balagen and having fun exactly until the moment the bloodthirsty zombies do not rise from the nearby lake and do not begin to kill everyone. It would seem - everything is as always, but no! In the film, the ancient gods, ritual sacrifices, ten meters of snakes and psychotropic substances on a strictly allotted area, limited by the energy grid, are strict meters. Eh. And so everything started well! ..

Paranormal Phenomenon (USA, 2007)


A young couple has not moved to a new home so long ago, but it turns out that from a paranormal phenomenon who pursued Katie is the main character - in the past it is not so easy to get rid of. To understand what is happening, Mika - her boyfriend - puts the camera in the bedroom, which fixes everything unusual what happens while they sleep. The film is quite terrible, fear catches the titer "based on real events" and a pseudocumental filming format. And the conclusion is simple - no need to run from evil, it still will find you. Disappointing, it should be noted.

Steel doors (Germany, 2010)


A young man wakes up unknown where, it is unknown, as it got there, there is no one, but only one thing is clear - it is necessary to find a way out. Classic Survival genre! Further there will be other rooms, a partner, riddles without answers, answers without mysteries, chisel and gorgeous morality in the junction. This is a penis about who we and where we go with the capacious philosophical subtext - is not deprived of some excessive straightness, like all German, but it is definitely worth looking.

Ghost at home on the hill / House of Night Ghosts (USA, 1999)


These are two different films, but they are surprising a lot in common! Old sinister castle, a handful of people, locked in it and ancient whisk demonic forces, awakened from sleep and requiring bloody victims - all as we love. In both cases, just a brilliant cast: Jeffrey Rush, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Famke Jansen, Liam Nisson, Owen Wilson, - confess, to catch the fear they can be great! Almost no morality, but a great reason to be afraid of a dark autumn evening.

Western Farm (Spain, 2007)


Thriller with a mathematical bias. Four mathematicians, locked in the four walls, decide the most complex puzzle for a while, because if they do not have time to solve the mystery and call the name of the mysterious killer, the walls of the room will begin to shrink and destroy everyone! Family cinema: True connoisseurs will not have enough drama and glow of passions, cynics and will fall out at all. But if you suddenly want to rinse your nerves by refreshing a semi-forgotten course of school mathematics - Milicia are pleased!


Massacre (Germany, France, Spain, Poland, 2011)


If the claustrophobia does not let you go, and with the demons to contact reluctance, then here you have a wonderful movie from the novel of our Polanski. The film takes place in a single room where 4 adults turn out to be at first glance. The degree of consumers will turn out to the end of the film, but it is short, so time will fly imperceptibly. Once again, look at the creative ensemble from the outstanding actors of our time - Jodie Foster, Christoph Waltz, Kate Winslet, John Si Rieli, - united by the cult director in a chapito show, is it not beautiful?

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