10 reasons to hate those who need


PICS recently talked about how to properly hate Muscovites. In the sense - for what. Some Muscovites are very offended. Not so we say. About those who were better wrote, they say.

The desire of the reader is the law. Here are 10 reasons to hate those who need. What are they worse than Muscovites, in the end? No worse! So they can also hate them.

People remain

Everyone who first remains in Neshinovsk forever, this is an axiom. Even if he cooked for education and planned to return home with his beautiful diploma. Even if he arrived to earn money. Some at all come to visit, and then it turns out that they were planted on the chain, and this chain from the walls of the Kremlin is reached only to satellite cities, and then - neither. And okay, they would not have any other property, except these the most chains - but they also want an apartment, a car and a cottage to be like everyone else. And here at the site of the pond with indigenous frogs grows the tower of fifty floors, and on the site of the cozy yard - parking. And in this house live, and in these machines stand in traffic jams. "Who are all these people?!" - Muscovite is perplexed. Who is who. Poned.

Impowed - Snoby

The only entertainment of the provincials is to drink vodka and rubbing to scold those whisen of Muscovites. This is what they are engaged in their small homeland before it should be laid out in Hrad. Therefore, everyone who poned Muscovites hates in advance, and still on the train begins to sharpen his teeth and claws. And if I first get acquainted with a friendly locate, he cracks the pattern and the paradigm collapses, and this is very scary. But there is a way out. Everyone who came to the question "Where are you from?" It responds like this: "I am from the city of N. This is, in fact, in Russia, so that you knew." Moskvich could in response could say that at school he was not taught alternative geography, and he does not think at all that the Ice Desert inhabited by the scattered dicar tribes stretches behind the Moscow Ring Road. But he does not say that. He brows face and quickly says goodbye. And the imaginary rejoices - the treatment, all Muscovites are worn assholes who do not consider provincials for people. I knew it!

Ponlers are selected from local jobs

And all jobs. Provincials love to argue that a native man imagines too much about himself, and he considers the dignity of the street of revenge or turn the street. It is not true and vile mine. Just the locals do not want to clean up behind the hopping and drive the bus stuffed. According to traffic jams, which, of course, also arise because of those who needed.


The provincials of someone are confident that the Moscow metro is such a type of transport. Haha. Locals in this transport spend half of their lives and rightly consider it the second home. They read there, watch movies, knit socks grandchildren and make lessons. And here who, tell me, will like to endure in your own house of guests who are shoved by elbows, confused under their feet and ask stupid questions? And, most importantly, there is still a house - scrap, they say, the apartment, and the corridors are too long. And in that corridor will stand and stare on the light bulb, and you bypass them. Away, they do not lead themselves, and in the subway - every day. And their such thousands there, thousands!

People insult the feeling of beautiful

And all other feelings. They are fascinated with spirits from head to feet. They will have, geek, incorrectly put accents and use the definition of the type "succulent", "ride", "cleaned" and "one-year", from which local blood boils and begins to beat the fountain from the ears. They wear all the best. In winter, nothing, but in the summer it is very, very scary. Boys wear plastic sneakers, t-shirts in a mesh and Abibas shorts. Girls wear stiletto sandals, mini dresses with neckline and bare back and evening makeup in the morning. How, this is how you can watch and do not cry blood?

Move the cultural layer

Almost fully consisting of themselves - you know what. Therefore, chanson plays in minibuses, the husks are lying on the sidewalks from seeds, and children's playgrounds are turned into a karaoke bar. If you invite visitors to visit, it is very surprised without finding vodka and cold on the table. And if with a visit to say hello in the entrance, he frightened his eyes and runs away. He does not know you! There are all strangers! However, it is possible to forgive it - in the event that he did not ponal from St. Petersburg. Pieters are a special case. All the rest of those who come to work, and these are the grievous burden of a white man, missionary and enlighten. This is the very case when a girl can take out of the cultural capital, but the cultural capital of the girl is never.

Those who follow the persecution mania

And they shake on you all your crocodiles. That came out from the car, and the metropolitan police had already declared a plan-interception. Here I took off the apartment, and the malicious old woman from the next apartment (one in three-room lives, infection!) Already shining the statement by the district. I came to get a job to work, and the frame was already under the knee-knee button clicks: the slave came, the passport already gave, drag the shackles. But it's all the little things. The worst is the city itself. The mythical monster, everybody devouring provincials. Under each metropolitan lantern buried ungvented bones, but what. The old woman in his province, all the tears flushed, does not know what Ceradushko shouted in the bottomless womb of the monster. Digested the monster of good well done and did not frowned. Well, those who need so often talk about the terrible city, which seems to be this and mean.

People are brought together

Live clans and diasporas, primitive communal system in all its magnificence. As soon as he had fallen, he would have been born in the capital, he would immediately clarify his mother, dad, brothers and sisters, a secondary grandfather and a friend of childhood Kolyan. The feature of the bald will also clarify if it decides that somehow it will be possible to stuff into the removable odnushku. I needed can't communicate with Skype native and visiting them if possible. He will certainly need the clan to hold together. And how to survive something otherwise how to survive? At the same time, imagining contemptuously looks at the local, who prefer to live with their parents, and Babushkina to take the apartment. To him, hemp. Mamenikina Sons, Ha! Do not want to work, nor live yourself, like adults. Whether he, he pon!

People walk on the heads

Myths and legends about those who walked up Muscovites and a terrible city are so tightly naked in the head of the opposite, which is no longer placed objective reality. Everyone who pones believes that to conquer the capital is an unusually difficult task. This is a battle! This is a war! Even if the guard is satisfied with the guard to the Pyaterochka store, he is confident that everything around is plenty of blood. His heroic blood. He absorbs his teeth on the sun! But, Chu! Enemies do not sleep! It is impossible to lose vigilance, it is necessary to bite more more, it is necessary to hit the defeat. Well, or at least preventively rude to everyone around. And so that they were afraid! Governing - and Muscovites will throw you into a moment for the Moscow Ring Road, do not have time to hurry.

People will become Muscovites

And myths will become a reality. It will take for ten years, and the imaginary will be burning, take the apartment to the mortgage in the near Zamcadier and buy a Ford Focus. He marries a small Muscovite to himself in Japanese diapers and transports parents to Nezaininovsk. It will learn to stand by a column in the subway and in Ashan, in line at the cashier. He will build a career and stop shuddering at night, expecting that the terrible city is about to come according to his soul. In short, they will not need, and a full-fledged resident of the capital. And then he will begin to nurse and resent. Resent and nude. "Move here! Corks from them! Show and break, what do they sit at home in their Muhosransk? Moscow is not rubber! " Everything, died by imagined. And immediately reincarnated in the cluster, a worn Muscovite. Which hate all provincials. And Muscovites are hated too. And for what to love him, eh?

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