17 things that every single woman has


To be honest, we were going to write a sad material about how terrible - to be a lonely woman when the cold bed is waiting at home and other tragic hardcore. Compiled a list.

And then something went wrong. The married part of the editorial board began to sigh nostalgically, and the unmarried said: "BGG". In general, I mean, when you marry, you have all this (well, almost everything) will not.

Account on dating site

Used for permanent self-assessment maintenance at the level of the "Goddess". Even if you look like a curling shrimp, some raffik still half a year winks and sew gigabytes of electric colors. And from the husband I will wait for FIG.

Just friend

Between you, of course, nothing and can not be. No erotic component, you. You wipe the snot, give advice about an intergenerate and feel free to loudly blow your napkin. In general, real friends. Surprisingly, after yours, a real friend for some reason dissolves in a foggy haze, sending emoticons exclusively on holidays.


The bosses argues how? This is this - married, it is still the whole quarter report to Borsch. And this is free, it means that let it sit until nine in the evening. Or - until nine in the morning, as it goes. The answer to the question: "Which of them will make a career faster?", Self-evident, but it's not even in it. The fact is that there are few things in the world to be cooler than to call food at four in the morning, say: "Take me from work." Without any erotic component, of course. ;-)

Bottle of Britty

Or wines. Complete on a special case. A special case comes around once a week, when another unmarried friend comes to visit you and starts a standard, but an unforgettable evening under the code name: "Eh, Babonki!".

Telephone housing

It can be on a hot button on the phone or just at hand. But he is. When a married woman needs to call plumbing, she sadly speaks to the nosphere: "You need to call the plumbing." Lying near the projection of the noosphere nods, and the plumber comes, it seems, by itself. If the projection of the noosphere left, for example, on a business trip, then two enemy are opposed to a married woman: toilet and despair.

New anti-cellulite scrub

It is new that is important. Because the old anti-cellulite scrub in a married woman is also there. It is worth the third year in the bathroom and decomposes on the fraction.

Dried bouquet

The second month is worth. Nothing like that, just hands do not reach drunk.


Real cat or conditional, but meets the requirement: the object of care. The conditional cat may be a grandmother-neighbor, an idiot-slave (which will disappear without me) or society of the protection of the polar nerve.


When a man comes to visit an important thing, he probably forgets condoms with a chance of 50%. Here is such a feature of memory is funny, yes.

Disabled switch

The non-working switch happens two types: just a non-working switch and a poorly working switch, which every coming man is trying to fix. In the third-fourth man, the device turns into simply not working switch.

Squad of advisors

Rather, the counselor's horde. It doesn't matter that they motivate them on "you, all-doing-wrong-so-on-all-life, one-and-staying" - or pity, or envy. But the fact - after their verbal cavalry at the site of spiritual comfort and good mood remains the scorched steppe.

Crumbs in bed

Because you can eat in bed and no one will see! One of the most undervalued life values, by the way.

Male disposable set

Includes a bathrobe, slippers, sealed toothbrush and an innocent facial expression for a response to the question: "And many people have already used it before?"


A free and independent woman is capable of planting flowers on a virtual farm. Not fifteen minutes a day, and as it seems to pay well for it. Already the 135th level took.

Pipe cleaning fluid

Five items. Because it is not clear - which is better. If anything, it will be possible to pour everything at once and do not delve into incomprehensible letters written on the label.

Training apparatus

Which has not yet turned into a hanger. A married woman knows how to turn the Health into a hanger.


Lonely woman has time. Which is not affected by the Dedine, nor the day of the week, nor seasonal traffic jams. At the time of writing this paragraph from an expensive editorial office of neighboring apartments, envious dawn

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