Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment


Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment 40201_1

There is no house where there would be no bathroom. A modern man needs a place where he could take a shower or lie down in a foam bath, wash and make other hygienic procedures. Each of us spends in the bathroom daily at least 0.5-1 hours. What will happen this time is pleasant or not? It depends on many things: the functionality and serviceability of plumbing, the convenience of the room, aesthetics and harmony of the interior.

If nothing annoys, everything works like a clock, the bathroom clean, beautiful and like the owner, then her visit turns into daily pleasure.

Bathroom accessories: stylish and comfortable

Sink, shower, bath, toilet, some of the furniture, including cabinets, couches and shelves, original accessories - all these elements fill the bathroom and turn it out of the standard room for hygienic procedures into a stylish and comfortable space where you want to spend like You can make more time. Now we will not talk about key "figures" of the bathroom - plumbing and furniture, and we will immediately move on to accessories that many are underestimated by many.

Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment 40201_2

Even if the bathroom is decorated in minimalist style, there must be accessories in its interior. Because accessories are not unnecessary elements that does not adorn tinsel, but things carrying a functional load. No on the floor of the rug - the risk of coming on a wet tile with bare feet, leaving the bathroom, slip and get injured. There is no on the wall or on the side of the soap box bath - there are no place to attach a piece of soap after you use it. Being abandoned "where you have", the soap from the effects of water will be rascis, will lose the form and becomes completely unsuitable for hygienic procedures. There is no convenient glass - the toothbrushes will remain without a "house", and to brush the teeth, they will have to be sought every time somewhere on the shelf among the same items that do not have a particular place. No hook or towel holder - there is no way to hang a towel and a bathrobe. Accessories occupy very little space, but in the interior of the bathroom play an important role - the role of comfortable and enhancing the convenience of the elements of space, which is difficult to replace with something else. And without which it is absolutely impossible to do even a convinced ascetic.

Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment 40201_3

In addition to the fact that accessories make a bathroom comfortable, they complement the interior, make it more harmonious, holistic and individual. Even the simplest, small and unfavorable furnished bathroom can be very stylish and beautiful if you choose the right accessories for it.

The choice of accessories is a delicate matter

Harmony and the combination of color range, convenient location (so that the accessories were comfortable to use, and they did not interfere with each other), compliance with style and the color of the interior and wall decorations - when choosing accessories, all this must be considered. After all, if some item in the bathroom will be knocked out of a common style, rushing into the eyes with its alienity, then it will destroy the overall positive perception of the interior.

Each accessory is its place

The area of ​​the bath, shower and washbasins for washing - the most rich in accessories. This is the most functional place in the room, and it is here that soaps and dispensers, stands and holders, rings for towels are located. Accessories are very harmoniously look, evenly located on both sides of the washbasin. It can be said that this is the classic location of accessories. If there is a desire to modernize the interior, to make notes of originality in it, you can position all the accessories on one side of the sink. The main thing here is not to sculpt them too close from each other, otherwise the inconvenience will arise during operation.

Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment 40201_4

Often the space in which all accessories needs to be followed is so little that it has to refuse some items. Modern manufacturers took into account this moment, and created multifunctional and compact multisystems, which are a whole set of accessories.

Accessories for the bathroom that help turn rest in enjoyment 40201_5

An example is ergonomic holders that combine the function of the holder holder for a cup for toothbrushes and tube paste, soaps, all sorts of racks equipped with mirrors rotating towel holders, containers in which not only a tube with pasta and toothbrushes can be placed, but also a hairdryer, Shaving machine, electric razor. Separate models even have built-in backlight.

The main advantage of such accessories - they perfectly organize space, give the bathroom a neat appearance.

In addition, these are elegant and beautiful things that improve the interior. The more functions, that, respectively, above the price of the multisystem. Multifunctional racks can be mounted or outdoor (desktop) - the first are good because they allow you to save space, and the second does not require drilling walls.

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