Walking riddles of nature


All animals are amazing. But some animals are still amazing!

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The person is unique fingerprints, and every elephant has its own own, distinguished from the fellow, the border of the ears. And in the elephant trunk, already half ancient muscles, and the elephant requires a couple of years to master the control of this complex "device".

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Once a tapir female named Debbie, a resident of the London zoo, Mount Hare: Her husband Sonny died. The poor fellow fell into such depression that he could neither eat or sleep. Then the zoo staff began to show her video with her wild rings. And the footage from the native Amazon jungle returned widowed tapyrich to life! And we fall into depression from the families from the photos of girlfriends with the January Maldives. Tapiirs are worthy civilization. And we - well, that ...

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These doves are Haldir and Java name. He himself from France, she from Switzerland, met, got married and live in Bratislava. Recently celebrated the decade of marriage!

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Horses - creatures finely feel, they have all the senses much more perfect than in a person. With its sensitive lips, the horse can even unbuck a button on clothes, and from the full oats of the feeder, in which several peas got, choose the whole oats, leaving the peas.

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Hippopotamus is actually a beast travelers, she grabs her own, eating at 40 kilo herbs per night. But if it seems to him that he or kids threaten, can attack everything that is moving, even on an elephant. And his teeth grows all his life and grow almost up to half a meter, and the mouth reveals 120 degrees ... In general, the crocodile can have a snack. And, often, it comes.

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In the Indian fairy tales it is said that Raccoon was once man. He and shave loves closer to human housing, and in search of how to get excited, the refrigerators can open. And I tried alcohol and hooked up - still and independently scolding off the beer banks and pull the plugs from bottles.

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Squirrel-flying, of course, does not fly, but plans, however, it overcomes to 90 (!) Meters in one jump. And donning up to the goal, every flying first is hiding behind the trunk: there are very many enemies from this Milahi. Enlighten.

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Red proteins adopt the orphaned embarrassment from neighboring nests. But, as the researchers installed, selectively. More often - if those come to them relatives. As proteins define the relationship of the cub meets, science is still unknown.

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In the frost, the imperial penguins for the lack of heating are heating a friend about his friend. At the same time, when on the street, let's say, -20, inside the penguin of the package resort: +35.

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Amazing dog breed - Commander. Externally, this miracle of selection resembles a bear hybrid and mops, the eye is not visible because of the "hairstyle" (they are all wonderful), and when attacks, it does not bite, but ... comes. The blow of the head can break the spine wolf! And the wolf still did not really survive a dog.

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In nature, symbiosis is when one species helps the other, and as a result, both useful. And in captivity a new one, which was not in the wild: when both are just nice! Here the Beliche monkeys came to ride on the capible - and in several different zoos, independently of his friend. Although it is not excluded that they have Wi-Fi.

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And here is another example of the friendship of peoples, that is, the species: at once two symbols of next year sniffed! Goats and sheep combines a wide range: they are not round pupils, but rectangular, thanks to which animals see for 320-340 degrees around themselves, it is not necessary to rotate once again.

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Caracatians have even more bizarre: in the form of the letter W. Thanks to this complex structure, these champions in the vigilance among mollusks are generally all around see - and in front and rear. It is saying that some mother-in-law also have the letter W.

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Feline lemurs love to take sunbathing: break out on the sun with raised paws and are pussy. From this ritual they start their day. Who will behave well, in the next life will be born lemur.

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In general, the monkey animals are omnivores (some can even catch and eat some small animal), but for some reason the people of branded monkeys consider bananas for some reason. But in some species, this fruit is not included in the diet. And, mournfully taking out the extended banana, monkey looks at a man with a mixture of bitterness and irritation: "Cute monkeys God, well, how did it grow out of me?"

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The fact that mice is the strongest in the world like cheese - too, only myth. They prefer products without a strong smell. And the cheese is just such a product that two-legged leaves on the table more often than any grain.

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Any normal hedgehog that did not read the books for human young, prefer the apple insects, larvae or even snakes. Fruit except with hunger snaps.

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Why do cats like mice so much ... in the gastronomic sense? It turns out that the mouse skunk is rich in microelements, especially gray. And that, in turn, is an integral part of cystine and methionine, which are very useful for the fur. That is, mice - this is such a feline analogue of celery: taste - shit, but it is necessary necessary.

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Octopus, if very-interference is hungry, is able to eat one of its own tentacles. I must say, not all zoologists consider this theory by the fact. Especially zoologi-octopuses.

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Do you know that frogs chew ... eyes? They don't have teeth, they cannot push into themselves to push into themselves, so they are drawn into the skull of the eyes with special muscles. And chew.

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The sea lion can swim 10 thousand kilometers, stopping only to build a little. And this animal is able to fertilize hundreds of nautical lion women per season. Thus, the "lion" is just a name. And in fact - seal and dog.

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What do you think, who has more cervical vertebrae: Ducks or giraffe? Correctly feel tricks: Fifteen duck has seven giraffes.

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For a long time, science believed that duck chamber was so unique that he did not give echo. Denged this inquisitive British scientists not so long ago. Researted, tried! And decided: there is an echo, but such a subtle that we do not hear it. In general, it is obvious that this fantastic discovery will lead human civilization along the new way.

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Koshkin navigation is a mustache, more precisely, Vibrisians. If they are damaged at the kitty, it jumps inaccurately, and the LAZ may not be appropriate, and get stuck.

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The sloth sleeps until 20 hours a day, digest the leaves can a whole month, goes to the toilet once a week, and moves about 20 times more than a person. At the same time, the most slow animals in the world do not get fat, because the fat is postponed ... on the pads of the legs. That is, where a woman needs to wear a spacious, vertical strip and pulling, pulling, the Sleavitan puts on boots and becomes the queen party. Eh.

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