30 Merry Christmas films


In English there is an expression "Christmas Spirit". This is when you expect a holiday like a child. When you love all people, but at the same time sober like glass. When you have butterflies in your stomach, not related to sex. And even in the smoked car you feel the smell of the Christmas tree.

But in our harsh time, the Spirit of Christmas does not come in itself - it needs to be called. Traveling is optional: the ubiquitous synema will help to imbued and elevated. And since before, actually, Christmas remained about a month, we offer you 30 films that you can watch every evening before bedtime. Then, by the holiday, we will suit quite overwhelmed. Note: "The irony of fate" does not enter the list, it will be shown everywhere.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_1
New Year's classic, which was seen all the parents of today's peers of the main character. And our children are this film, you will be surprised, have not seen. Another thing is that to prompt the child how you can bring to Kondrashka two adults, it can be a rather risky occupation. Yes. See without your children. From sin.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_2
This film needs to be watching not only without children, but without a husband - Willis there is such a bunny that straight cats.

This wonderful life

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_3
This black and white film is an American analogue of our "Irony of Fate" in the sense that all New Year's New Year and Old Year holidays are twisted on all channels. By rating, Air Force enters the top three best films of all the times and peoples who could not grab Oscar. Look, if you have not seen. Very helps from Handra.

City without Christmas

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_4
"They say, for the new year, no wishes." Little boy wanted to go to the assistants to Santa Claus and wrote him a letter. And then the stranger came and said that if you really want a very, very much ... a weighty film, despite the Happi End.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_5
Despite the uncomplicated name, a brilliant film about how under the new, 1914 year, the warring soldiers of the First World War came out of the trenches to wish each other Christmas.

House by the sea

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_6
Most likely, you saw the remake of this film - "Lake House" with Kiana Rivz and Sandra Bullock. Normal remake, come worse anyway. But the original is completely magical. Lovers of melodram will definitely be brought into a personal list.

Unforgettable Roman

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_7
"If after six months it does not pass, we will meet on the roof of Empire State Building." Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr are not just so inscribed in the history of cinema gold letters. This film should evaluate not only lovers of old good Hollywood without breathtaking special effects that make sense replacing films. This film should evaluate all lovers of love, as such. There she is just like that - higher than, actually, Empire State Bilding.

Family rental

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_8
A businessman blood out of the nose needs a deal, but the counterparty communicates only with family people - there are no fools, idle to trust. And the businessman is just a single. Therefore, he grabs the first woman with a child, so that for five kopecks played the role of his family. Well, they played. And how do such stories come on Christmas Eve? The answer is correct!

Embankment Alfevr.

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_9
It's time to dilute the pink hobs of our list of criminal history from the French. Here you and murder, and perversion to you. And almost Moulin Rouge with Songs. But, despite the atmosphere of Noura, no painful aftertaste. 7.8 IMDB rating - this is not a ram sihan.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_10
Lone billionaire or half-baking family man? Nicolas Cage has to do a difficult choice. The film, by the way, proves that Santa Claus exists. It simply does not necessarily have to be a fraudulent granduy with a salad beard. Frost easily can be a black man who smoked herbs.

Eight women

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_11
The murder of the owner of the house may give the Christmas party originality and even piquancy. Especially when there are some women around. Especially when each of them has a motive. Boys, where do you go for the new year? Well, we just asked so ...


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_12
A film that turned to anyone who is not famous to Eddie Murphy in Mega-star. And there is Dan Ecroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis, annealing abruptly than in the "truthful lies" (this film needs to be watching, although he is not about Christmas). Success recipe is simple: Take the famous plot of Mark Twain (prince and beggar), add modern realities and multiply a brilliant cast. Top sprinkle with paper snowflakes and multicolored "rain". Profit!


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_13
Activity of the "Christmas song in prose" Dickens. The Fairy Tale of Dickens is considered the most cited in the English-language world. The classical story is that if we bring external and internal wealth to one denominator, it will be hurt.

Delighted in Seattle

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_14
Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Already one of this is more than enough. But here is another year. And a little boy who calls in the night radio and says he is looking for mom. Slogan film: "Do not wait for your happiness" ... Do you feel this smell? It is now on you right from the screen of the monitor blowing the hit.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_15
The French do not bother with nemine how you noticed. What, however, does not prevent them from shooting brilliant movies. "Happy New Year!" - This is such a prototype of friends of Oushen, but very French and very tired prototype. In the good sense of the words "French" and "tired." Need to watch.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_16
- Have you cleaned your teeth? - I already cleaned them in Detroit. - Now and twist in Chicago! A simple plot, but when viewing a mimimeter shrinks. The girl plays brilliantly. Who did not look - to watch. Who watched - revise, definitely!

Aircraft, train, car

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_17
It would seem that it's easier? I sat down in a taxi, got into the plane, came home to eat Olivier or that there in the Christmas night beyond the ocean. But no! John Candy hero will hold the hero of Steve Martin through nine circles of hell. And it will be very, very funny. One of the most fun and most famous American New Year comedies.

Silent night, deadly night

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_18
Are you sick of love and family happiness? You hate people and love to watch them kill them? Nat you a movie about Santa Claus-killer, no problem. Mama dad died, all yell and very scary. Happy New Year, Cho.

Santa for sale

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_19
Previous film Priocted you? Then we go to you! No delicate kisses under the fir branch, only hardcore. Hot Finnish guys removed by Santa quite horror. Injoyte.

In bed with Santa

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_20
The Swedes adjacent to Finns have fun and without horror. The heroine of the film invited her former with wives for the Christmas. And so, inability, reported that it was pregnant. Pa-Bam.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_21
A large Italian family is going to Christmas in a country house. Everything would be fine if it would not be one tiny "but": there are no ideal families.

Save Santo

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_22
Fans of cartoons will not remain disappointed: a cheerful elf travels in time to fight with an evil general and save Santa. What is characteristic - saves. In general, everything is like in a cartoon.

Winter fairy tale

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_23
The national team is not very professional actors rehearsed the performance of Christmas. Homosexual and almost blind girl, defining the success of the hardness of the nipples, have their own opinion on the acting game. All this imposes an indelible imprint on the performance of the role. In general, such a very productive drama with a brilliant game and excellent humor. Yes, places looks like Woody Alena, but who said that it is bad?

Miracle on the 34th Street

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_24
A fairy tale about how important it is to believe in miracles. The six-year-old girl is already completely adult and knows that Santa Claus does not exist. But he is. Those who do not want to believe in good, the film is shown as supportive therapy.


30 Merry Christmas films 40194_25
Slightly not forgotten Gremlinov! Perfectly wonderful creatures. Until you splash on them with water. Or do not feed after midnight. This overwhelming Christmas fairy tale with blood, maybe you should not show small children, but it is useful to review with my wife (or with her husband), and under the final credits turn and say very affectionate: "Now, baby, you know what happens with those Who violates the rules. "

Tom and Thomas

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_26
Toma has an imaginary friend Thomas. And Thomas has an imaginary friend. Gemini separated in infancy feel that they have someone very close. Christmas is the most logical time to meet. Very touching and generally.

Santa Claus - rubble

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_27
French neiming continues to deliver. However, there is a plot to become. A real crazy house, and no victims, as usual.

Dad is required for christmas

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_28
Christmas is approaching, and Linda knows exactly what she wants as a gift. To begin with, she needs a father. Then mom. And if you get completely different - a small brother or sister. Linda, which nine years old, round orphan. The baby perfectly realizes that no Santa Claus can fulfill her desire, and if she needs a father, she must go and find it!

Greench - christmas kidnapper

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_29
He lived in the city of KTograd man, and called him - Greench. He was all green and hairy, no one loved him. Greench was offended by Ktovichi and left to live on a lonely, chosen by all winds. Sit there in his cave and was angry with the whole world. Most Greench hated Christmas. While the entire population of KTograd has fun from the soul, the barometer, and without that very bad mood Greencha showed something terrible. Anyone in his place would go to take revenge on these boobs! The film received both Oscars and Golden Malina. Stalle in the category "On the Amateur".

It's damn, christmas miracle

30 Merry Christmas films 40194_30
We thought for a long time than to finish this selection, and decided to complete a novelty with Robin Williams. We have not seen her yet, so we will look together. The plot, judging by the annotation, is spinning around what amazing adventures are waiting for people who managed to forget home New Year's gifts. We do not know how you, but with us such a couple of times it happened, so we went to look together. And - yes - our list, to put it mildly, incomplete. We are waiting for additions and running to the screens while the Spirit of Christmas was not offended and did not escape from us myself, without Greencha.

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