12 reasons go to Alaska


In the middle lane of Russia is now the most depressive weather: it darkens four, there is no snow, cold, wolves are spent. Weak Spirit are in line at the Embassy of Thailand, India and Vietnam. Strong - go to Alaska.

Why in Alaska and not, for example, in Komi? Well, we assume that we did not hear this issue. Hot springs, dogs on dogs, skiing, horses, winter huts, like Jack London (only with normal heating, hot water and minibar) - in short, everything, as in our north, is only originally designed for people. So we dress warmly, it is very warm, almost a day fly - and hello, winter.

White silence

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We, understandable, stuck in a complete collected Works Jack London and are going to experience everything. Item first - to leave a hundred kilometers from a major city (here, of course, there is an element of irony, because the population of Anchorage - 300,000 people, in some Fairbank lives ten times less people), go out at night (that is, at 3 o'clock , for example) on the street and look at the snow. Think. If there is an opportunity - it would be quite good to divide a fire and ironing a dog lying in the snow, presenting yourself with a primitive man with an early stage of tuberculosis, like Jack London, actually.

Northern Lights

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Detailed physical explanations about accelerating the particles here are unnecessary, another thing is important. Northern Light is the most unpredictable thing: you can catch it, and you can not. It is also important to go away from serious light sources, to go on the street at night at night (polar night, we note; with the light in this journey there will be serious problems) and in the end it is to see the reflections of some kind of grand disco with a colorwoman arranged, presumably angels. Green and pink shine, white and blue flashes - shorter, it will be beautiful. If you're lucky.

Overnight in the hut

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The third important point, ideally combined with the first two - overnight in the hut. Well, remember, like London? Such a tiny log box with an iron stove and be sure to leave the reserve of firewood next traveler. Such in Alaska still meet, the truth will have to search. What gives up travel agencies as a "hut" will be better than other villas near Moscow: a rather large house with heating, hot water and fireplace. But if you climb, then you will still hear the wind of the wind in the chimney. And howling wolves too.

Ride a snowmate

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As in the Russian north, a snowmobile in Alaska is just a vehicle, the way to get from point A to point B. There are companies that simply give them, there are tours with guides. If you are not a very experienced snowmobile, we warmly recommend a tour with wise leadership. Because to leave kilometers at least 10 - 20, to fall on the bump, turn the snowmobile and stay alone with white silence and the northern lights - like two fingers frost. Feelings are incredible, even if you do not break anything in the process. And if at the same time there will be an attendant messenger man in a high-tech Ushanka, he can at least evacuate you.

Ride a dog's harness

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Also, a tribute to the memory of Jack London, of course. In his times, dogs were delivered to dogs and food, and the mail (hence and the tradition of racing, in fact, in the English-speaking world, the high-speed delivery of mail was considered a matter of honor) and it was the only connection with the world. Nowadays, the harms of the goal of enthusiasts, but these enthusiasts are full. You can ride along a rather long route for a couple of days with overnight in the hut, you can simply spend a few hours with incredible beauty with huskies and try yourself as Caiura. Snow in the face, the tail of the ring - everything is relying.

Big Dog Race Iditarod

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On the race site is approved, nothing that is "the last Great Race". To say to honor, it is: it lasts many days. The average result, shown, in particular, Fedor Konyukhov in 2000 - 15 days 5 hours 44 minutes. Of course, on the race (we talk about the individual stages, of course) and you need to look. This year it will happen on March 7, just in Russia there will be long weekend.

Airplanes and airplanes

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It is clear that Alaska is so big that half of the charms of your journey will be transported. As in many other places of America, small transport aviation is very developed here. Small airplanes for quite moderate money carry passengers from the village to the village - and it is worth taking a ticket at least to look at this country from above. Taiga, Tundra, Mountains, Rivers and Lakes - and all this is falling asleep on top of a thick, thick layer of snow. "You will see that there is no wonder the North is extreme" and all that.


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From Anchorage - the state capital - train. You can just take the train and look at the winter from the warm window. And you can ride the last in America train, which stops from the flag of the flag. You buy a ticket, you sit down (you need to stock sandwiches, because they do not feed here), you leave anywhere and go to walk. When we get tired (in the winter, however, you need to carefully count on time, clothes, food and other risks), go to the railway, see the train, Masha flag - it stops and picks up the passenger. It has already become already 90 years old, since 1923.

China-Hot Springs

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The complex of hot springs, in which it is necessary to jump at first, and then jump into a snowdrift with a squeal. Known since 1905, in 1911 the complex consisted of stables, Psarni, bathing and a dozen huts for visitors. It is a pity that it is not so now (progress is not always useful), and the houses are completely warm and comfortable there. But if you are lucky, the northern light can be viewed directly from the font.

Anchorage Museum

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A large serious museum in which there is a powerful exposition of materials on prehistoric Alaska, the Museum of the history of the region (and, of course, the Golden Fever) and the Exhibition of Art of Polar American America. Sin does not go shorter.


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It is logical, in general: in place, where eight months a year is very cold and very dark, the main life takes place in the bars. They are all very cool look, they have a very special atmosphere. Some in the toilets are free machines with pregnancy tests - there is hope that girls that night will decide to drink smaller. Well, everywhere - Heftyar bar racks, homemade brewery, cranes with dozens of local beer varieties, excellent food with huge portions.

Hunting and hiking

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Not that we actively supported the hunt. Killing animals for entertainment, and not necessarily, as our distant ancestors did - a rather strange idea. But for Alaska hunting fans is a stunning place. There is a mass of companies engaged in tourists and hunters. In winter, big hunting for wolves with snowmobiles occur (this is a completely environmental, authorized event-authorized event for the number of animals). In addition, they catch Lis, Coyotov, Rysy and other predators. And if you are not going to kill livestock (in Hector Terminology, this is called "Unsupping Client"), then you can simply go to the winter hiking campaign. Sordigradus dry frost, northern lights, over the head of the swarm of small single-engine airplanes, in the distance - Lai dogs and howl wolves, under the legs of gold and oil, behind the bar. Better, it seems, and you will not come up with.

Photo: shutterstock.com (1-8), Alaska.org (9), graylinealaska.com (10)

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