Men's Idiot Cuisine: Top Beat


Winter finally came, and this time it is some kind of wild toxic, with mercury pairs in the air and gray poisonous and sediment on the machines. And this means we must have beans. Beans with greasy meat and very sharp pepper in winter saves life for real. The combination of protein, squirrel, squirrel and fat with a lot of capsaicin (this is the poison for which we love sharp peppers) well at any time of the year, but in the winter, when a trash can from the Saalaryevskoy dump, he gives energy and meaning of life.

There are different recipes. There is a Turkish bean halfup with meat (about which we have been writing here in the material "What to eat in Istanbul in particularly languid moments of life"), there is something like Lobio, there are chili Kon Karna. We, perhaps, consider calling our hellish dish by Chile Kon Karna, but with the same success it may be both "peasant leggings with pork". It happens the ear with pork, right? The main difficulty here is time. Beans must be pulled out a few hours at least. So if you occur a brilliant idea "And I will build sharpe beans today," you will not work. Well, that is, it turns out, of course, because in any store a large selection of canned beans, you can take some simpler, without sauce and do not bother with all this soaking. But if you do old school and normal, then you just need to work in the morning, go to work, soak the beans in a large saucepan with water. In the evening, the water should be merged, pour a new one (a lot; the beans loves a large amount of water for cooking), put on fire, bring to a boil and retrain to bring baulcal. Cook until readiness (it may also have an hour). Not, of course, it is far from the concept of male idiot-kitchen, because long very much. And with canned banks - somehow embarrassing comes out, not according to the rules. But in any case, in parallel we will make meat sauce. For him, we need meat, fatty pork or beef (if anyone suddenly the pork on a fundamental consideration does not eat), and a little bit of sweet pepper, chili pepper pod (only asleep, otherwise you have a hard food), onions, carrots. All this is finely cut, fry, pour, at will, tomato paste. And you can not pour, but to do with your paprika, pepper and onions ... Then you need to roll out the beans there, from a pan or from the can and to do some more, not very long. From above, all this can be decorated with grated cheese and greens, already when serving, and you can do. If you add walnuts, the emphasis will turn out to be Georgian. If zira - it will be a bean pilaf. Experiment, it's fun!

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