10 beauty trends in 2020


10 beauty trends in 2020 40177_1
1 Each woman should look "all 100", and for this you need to stick to fashion trends. If you do not want to spend time and money on consultation in the beauty salon, you can proceed much easier - look at Pinterest. There you can quickly find out what trends will be popular this year.

1. Lilac hair

In 2016, the "Fashion Pit" was smoky-lilac hair, and in 2019 it is expected that in the trend there will be an ordinary lilac dye. Perhaps it can even be called the trend of the whole year.

2. Natural Sedina

Now you do not need to be afraid to detect the first gray hair, on the opposite you need to actively try to find them. From where the legs "grow" this trend is unknown, but the fact is that the number of requests "Artificial Sedina" has grown by 879% this year.

3. Fat lips

Thanks to Glossier, 2018 passed under the sign of minimal makeup use seriously challenged the hard image of Instagram. 2019 will become a year of compromise, and it will be possible to combine the barely noticeable tone with a bright fatty lipstick. Now everyone is looking for "outstanding lipstick colors."

4. Speed ​​nails

If someone is constantly using false gel nails, she should know that this year a rather unusual trend has entered the fashion. Everything is simple - we use powder instead of gel, and no longer need to take care that gel nail will break.

5. Gamamemelis

It is not a secret for anyone that skin care products are now more popular with makeup money. But who would have thought that such a old folk agent, like Gamamelis, will again enter the fashion and will be used in makeup.

6. Almond Nails

There are quite a lot of different forms of nails. But it is worth remembering that only one - almond-shaped is popular in 2019.

7. Glossy cosmetics

This year, lovers of matte shades of cosmetics will have to suffer because gloss returned to the fashion. Moreover, now it is not only necessary to replace the matte liquid lipstick on lip gloss, you also need to give the brilliance of your skin face, for centuries, and everywhere, where you want to keep the view of other people.

8. Liquid exfoliant

First of all, if some fashionista has not yet tried a liquid exfoliant, it urgently needs to run to the store. Liquid exfoliating agents are much more efficiently removed dead skin cells, brighten its tone and "leve out" the complexion in the evening.

9. Natural curling eyelashes

If some girl ever used a curling for eyelashes, she knows how this thing can completely transform eyelashes for one and a half or two hours. If there is no time and money, natural agents can be used for these purposes, such as grape seed oil and aloe vera.

10. Cropped bangs

Of course, this is a taste, but in 2019 there are low bangs. Their popularity grew by 51% compared with last year.

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