Sleeping Rosalia, Princess and Tattoo and other mysterious mummies from different parts of the world


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When it comes to mumers, most people immediately represent Egypt. However, people for thousands of years found ways to maintain the bodies of their dead on all continents. And if you add to this number of people who were "randomly" mummified naturally after death, it will suddenly be found that mummy can be found almost everywhere, and not just in the pyramids. We give examples of similar mummies, which are not talking about almost anywhere.

1. Mummy spiritual cave

The so-called "Mummy of the Spiritual Cave" was discovered in a spiritual cave near the town of Fallon in Nevada. In 1940, Sydney and Georgia Wieler studied and slipped dry caves in the area when an unpleasant incident led to a successful discovery. Sydney damaged the ankle, surprised from the rattle snake, and the couple hid in the next cave. Inside, they found not only 67 artifacts, but also two bodies wrapped in rugs from the root.

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One body is well preserved in the cave. It belonged to a man about 45-55 years old, which died about 1500 years ago. Only in 1994, with the help of modern technologies, the age of mummy was able to accurately determine. And he turned out to be no one and a half thousand, but as many as 9,415 years. Incredible, but the sequence of the Mummy genome proved that this man was closely connected with modern indigenous Americans.

2. Man from Tollund

The next naturally formed mummy, known as "a man from Tolutanda," was discovered in Denmark in the 1950s. It was assumed that the dead was about 40 years. Its corpse dug up in a peat swamp, where the acidic and deoxygenic medium saved the body and internal organs in good condition. It was originally believed that it was a corpse of someone from the local who became a victim of criminals. However, it turned out later that "a tolling man" died more than 2,000 years ago.

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Most researchers believe that the cause of death determined at the opening in the 1950s was correct: the tollyund was hanged. On his neck, traces of the rope were discovered, and in 2002, the forensic medical examination found that his tongue sticks out and swollen, which is the usual phenomenon during death from hanging or suffocation. Although the body decomposed after it was removed from the swamp, the head was carefully saved. Its and now can be seen attached to a copy of the body in the Silkeborg Museum.

3. Xin Zhuy

Mummified remains of Xin Zhui (aka Lady Dai) belonged to the nobility of the Han dynasty in ancient China. She died in 163 BC. Aged about 50 years. Her grave was discovered in 1971 during the digging of the tunnel by Chinese military near Changshi. It was discovered in a complex burial chamber with more than 1000 precious objects inside it.

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Opening Xin Zhui is extremely important because it is one of the most well-preserved mummies ever found in China. In fact, her skin is still elastic, and the muscles are in such good condition that the joints are still capable of bending. The main organs and blood circulation system are also in excellent condition. Scientists were even able to extract a small amount of blood from veins of mummy and identify its blood group: Group A. Incredibly, but even eyelashes and hair in the nose remained intact, and Xin Zhuju still have distinct fingerprints. For this reason, Corpse Xin Zhuju is still explored in the Hunan Museum, where they are trying to find the perfect way to maintain human bodies.

4. La Doncella

In 1999, at the top of the mountain Lewlyillo in Argentina found a beautifully preserved body of a teenage girl. Famous as La Doncella ("Virgo"), the girl was discovered nearby with the bodies of two young children, a girl and a boy. Their bodies are among the most preserved mummies who have ever been found. This is explained by the fact that they were frozen in ice on the top of the mountain. It is believed that "Virgo" died 500 years ago, and she was sacrificed in the ink.

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Sometimes children sacrificed during various rituals, leaving them on the mountain peaks, where they frozen to death. No matter how terrible sounds like, it was considered an honor that only children from the most noble families could be honored. The shape of La Donachella's head suggests that it was truly noble, since the shape of her skull was changed by traditional head wrappers. In its body, a huge amount of alcohol and Koki leaves were also discovered.

5. Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died in January 1924, and his body is still in a pyramidal mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow. No first year there are disputes, what to do with the Mummy the leader of the proletariat - to bury or continue to exhibit.

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Now the corpse, followed by scientists, is contained at perfect temperatures and humidity in a hermetic glass container to prevent its decomposition. The exact method used to preserve the body of Lenin is considered a state secret. However, foreign scientists have found that this process includes the removal of all body organs, injection of the groove fluid in veins and soaking the body in the grooves fluid for about six months.

6. Rosalia Lombardo

Perhaps this is one of the saddest stories in this list. Rosalia Lombardo, which was only 2 years old, died in Palermo in 1920, becoming a victim of pneumonia. Her father Mario Lombardo was so shocked that he turned to the famous Alfred Salafia Blasser with a request to preserve a tiny corpse. The body has been preserved so well that Rosalie is often called "sleeping beauty."

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Her body is stored in a glass coffin in Capuchin catacombs in Palermo. Mummy Rosalia gained a terrible reputation, as observers argued that at different points of the day her eyes open and closed. They even say that the bright blue pigmentation is still preserved at the iris. However, this frightening statement was divorced when it was found that the effect was caused by the variable light passing through the windows of the catacomb, since its eyes are actually in a constant half-closed state.

7. Tattooed Princess

"Princess of Ukoka", which lived in the V century of our era, proves that tattoos remain with a person not only for life, but after her. Its remains were discovered in the burial, closed in the ice layer in Siberia. Although it may not be a real princess, "Ukoka" almost certainly was a man of high status, since it was buried next to six horses. Also near her corpse were found food and decorations, and some witnesses say that there was even a container with cannabis.

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Although her internal organs have long broke, bones and part of the skin are preserved. Incredible, but perfectly preserved intricate tattoos on both hands of a woman. They see complex images of animals and mythical beings. It is believed that these tattoos were an important part of people's personalities, demonstrating family connections. They could also be useful after death, helping people find each other in the afterlife.

8. John Torington

Poor John Torington is another example of how the conditions in which a person is buried can turn it into perfect mummia completely randomly. He was an ordinary fireman in Franklin's expedition to the northern polar circle. John died from lead poisoning at the age of only 22 years and was buried together with three comrades in the ice conditions of the tundra. In the 1980s, scientists who decided to exege the body to determine the cause of death were shocked.

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When they opened the coffin, they saw the blocks of ice. Carefully casting ice, scientists saw the perfectly preserved faces of John Torrington and his ill-fated satellites that looked right on them. The only degradation of the state of the corpse was a slight compression of lips and eyelids. Although the partially of John's face was blue, it happened not because of freezing. His skin was painted by the pigment of the blanket, in which he was buried.

9. Holy Bernadetta

Another relatively modern mummy, Holy Bernadett rose in France in Victorian times. Being a teenager, Bernadetta Subira argued that she repeatedly had a vision of the Virgin Mary. In place, where these vision were (in the grotto) built a shrine, and so began a series of wonderful healing, attributed to the spring in this grotto. Although many of these miracles have since been debunking, a number of people to this day claim that they managed to cure thanks to the water in Lourdes.

Bernadetta herself died in 1879 from tuberculosis, and she couldnonized her posthumously. Her body was exhumed at least three times and was declared the Church of "Enlenged." In other words, it was quite well mummy, although some areas of decomposition were observed. This certainly contributed to the wrong handling of her body during exhumations. For this reason, it was decided to cover the face and hands with a layer of wax to hide the decomposition. Mumia can be seen in the chapel of St. Guildar in the Nevera.

10. Mummy "Alien" from Atakama

Perhaps the most fancyful of all the mummies in this list, the tiny mummy of "Alien" from Atakama has one of the most tragic stories. The amount of residues that were found in the Chilean desert of the Atakam, only 15 centimeters in length.

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A little mummy had various strong defects of development, including a smaller number of ribs than the "ordinary" person, and an unusual cone-shaped skull. This led to wild assumptions about its origin, and many people believed that it could be even proof of a foreign life. Nevertheless, the study of mummy genes from Atakama showed that it was a woman with genetic anomalies, which caused her unusual appearance. Most likely, she was born already dead about 55 years ago.

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