10 strange facts about allergies that you should know and absolutely healthy people


10 strange facts about allergies that you should know and absolutely healthy people 40166_1

Today, all over the world, doctors in vain argue about the dangers of allergies. Most people have heard that many people suffer from this disease, but do not even have the concepts that it is, and why periodically "neither from this" begins ", for example, a runny nose. Allergic reaction occurs when the immune system begins to "overly protect the body."

If something relatively harmless is perceived as a threat, then as a result of a protective reaction of the body, a person can lay the nose, pour the urticaria or even a life-threatening anaphylactic shock. In fact, it is a very strange paragraph, with whom scientists still did not really understand.

1. Many suffer from allergies

In 2019, scientists have published the results of an interesting study that even surprised them. It turned out that among 40,000 adult Americans, one or more food allergies had each tenth. About 19 percent of people that twice the more believed that they were allergic, although they really did not have it.

The reason for this most often was self-diagnosis, when people appeared symptoms after using a certain food product. Nevertheless, the study showed that basically it was food intolerance, not allergic. Removeability is the inability of the body to absorb a certain kind of food, which does not threaten life. A real allergic reaction occurs when the immune system is mistakenly accepting something to threaten and reacts aggressively, and this is truly dangerous. The most unexpected was that 48 percent of people allergic appeared not in childhood, but only when they rose.

2. Myth about hypoallergenic cats

Very many cat lovers, to their vast regret, can not make themselves fluffy pets because of allergies on their wool. It is just possible to come to friends who have a cat, and all - sneezing, laid nose and itching is provided. But then there were good news - there are hypoallergenic cats. Based on the approval that the whole problem lies in wool, rocks such as Kornish Rex, with short and curly wool began to be advertised as pets that do not contain allergens. However, hypoallergenic cats do not exist. At least, as long as the researchers cannot do something with cat saliva, because, as it turned out, the whole problem is not at all in wool, but in the saliva Murlyk.

Cats are the only animals in the world that produce a protein called Fel D 1. In fact, if someone says he is allergic to cats, he is actually allergic to this protein. The uniqueness of FEL D 1 is also the reason why people do not experience serious reactions to other animals. This protein exists in the urine, the skin and saliva cats. After the cat is washed, saliva dries and evaporates. Long-haired cats after washing just highlight more allergen in the air (after all, you need to lick more wool).

3. Clamping allergies to meat

The mite of Amblyomma Americanum lives in the United States, mainly in the Eastern Coast area. When this malicious insect bites a man, some of his victims later lose the ability to enjoy the steak. It all starts with the carbohydrate "Alpha-Gal", which probably falls into the stomach tick after it is the blood of the animal. It is believed that the tick introduces alpha-gal in human blood flow, after which the immune system begins to produce antibodies against it. This in itself does not cause any problems.

Nevertheless, the immune system after that "enters the alpha-gal at its own list of threats, and this carbohydrate is in red meat. After the bite, symptoms occur in 4-6 hours. Unfortunately, this is not a rare disease, and the allergic response is so serious that almost identical to allergies to peanuts. Currently, there is no way to stop the reaction, which can be expressed in the form of urticaria, difficulty breathing and anaphylactic shock.

4. Allergic to exercise

Those who love to do at home or visiting the gym are faced with an unusual risk. About 2 percent of people suffer from an allergic reaction to physical exertion. For some reason, the physical activity causes rejection from their immune system. It begins to produce antibodies that cause a lot of trouble: from urticaria, runny nose and problems with digestion before spasm throat and even lowering blood pressure to such an extent that blood circulation deficiency begins.

Such a condition is called anaphilaxia caused by physical activity (EIA), and it can be intensified regardless of the intensity of physical exertion. Oddly enough, although many, it would seem, ordinary actions can activate this strange state, there were no messages that EIA was caused by swimming. The total reason for the appearance of such allergies is also unknown.

5. Treatment by Ankillas

In the 1970s, a parasitologist named Jonathan Teron tired of his allergies, and he decided to get rid of her extremely unusual way - swallowed ancilosity (round worm-parasite). After two years of life with a parasite, he published results. Teron claimed that during this time he had never appeared hay fever, which tormented a man for many years.

The parasitologist believed that the worm protects it, producing chemicals that suppress its own immune system (this meant that the terrtone's immune system simply could not respond to allergens). Modern researchers confirmed his opinion. Several studies have shown promising results regarding the influence of worms on inflammatory diseases, including Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Traditional healers who practice treatment with parasites, and at all argue that the anquifylostoms can lead to an improvement in allergies, asthma, crown disease and inflammatory intestinal diseases. However, the Ankilosters themselves are a serious infection, so their use is unsafe. There is still many studies.

6. Allergy to Wi-Fi

Some people claim that they have electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). In 2015, the 15-year-old girl committed suicide, after which her family explained in court that Wi-Fi's school signals caused her nausea, the inability to focus and led to exhausting headaches. The parents of the 12-year-old boy sued him to his private school, insisting that the new Wi-Fi institution for industrial use was harmful. Allegedly he had symptoms in the form of dizziness, skin irritation and bleeding from the nose.

In another case, the Frenchwoman and at all awarded disability allowance. Although the court recognized that the symptoms of "allergies on Wi-Fi" prevented her life, he did not fully admit the EHS. Similarly, the World Health Organization (WHO) declares that this is not a "medical diagnosis". EHS symptoms can mean anything. Patients report general features such as headaches, dizziness, rash and nausea.

Although the affected people insist that when they are removed from electromagnetic signals, they begin to feel better, scientists doubt it. When testing, patients with EHS could not determine when Wi-Fi was turned on, but the symptoms do not cause doubt.

7. Buckwheat tattoos

Allergy to peanuts is well known. Although most Americans know that it can provoke serious consequences, almost no one even suspects that buckwheat is just as dangerous - anaphylactic shock and all other charms. The United States and the United Kingdom mainly do not use buckwheat in food, but in Japan there is a completely different story, since buckwheat is the main ingredient of the local popular noodle soba. For this reason, the Japanese knew well that buckwheat is a food allergen.

In 2017, the owners of Japanese restaurants wanted to extend this information among foreign tourists so that their clients did not have problems with delicacy. As a result, a unique campaign was launched - tests for allergies using ... a temporary tattoo based on historical Japanese art. To check if a person has an allergic to buckwheat, he was pierced with a needle's skin with a broth of noodle soba. Then they looked, whether the skin irritation will appear. If the red rash appeared, there was a temporary tattoo around her so that redness seemed to be part of it.

8. Aquagenic urticaria.

Life is impossible without water. And now it is worth a second to imagine that some people have allergies to water. It sounds like nonsense, but this is a condition called "aquagenic urticule", quite real. It is very rare, and only about 100 cases were registered. Oddly enough, an aquagenic urticaria is somehow depends on age. Most patients for the first time experiencing a similar condition with the onset of puberty. And such simple things like swimming and sweating can lead to a rash and other reactions. This allergy is extremely mysterious because doctors have no idea why it happens. Any water, regardless of temperature, can cause a reaction.

9. Poslagazmic disease

In 2002, a kind of state was officially recognized. Called by the syndrome of the Posorgazmic Disease (POIS), it can be caused by allergies to cum. Scientists are not sure about the causes of the disease, and it was also almost examined, since it was recently open (and men, for sure, often inconvenient to see a doctor with a similar one).

Researchers suspect that patients from somewhere there is an allergy to their own cum. Symptoms after ejaculation resemble flu (terrible fatigue and weakness). They appear within a few seconds or hours, and sometimes last until the week. Sometimes there were even such symptoms as failures in memory and incoherent speech. What is even worse, this is a chronic disease.

Since only about 50 cases are known, the disorder is considered rare. The study showed that two volunteers symptoms decreased after injections of their own concentrated sperm. Poor news for suffering POIS is that they had to go through such a strange treatment for 31 months.

10. Allergies can be transmitted

When the patient is transplanted by the organ, they can acquire not only the chance for the best life, but also the food allergies of their donor. In 2018, one woman found it on himself. She ate all his life without any harm. After the 68-year-old lady transplanted a new easy to treat her emphysema, she had a terrible allergy to peanuts. Such cases of allergy transmission are rare, but they happen, and the lungs are not the only organs capable of transferring food allergies to a new person. There were cases of bone marrow donation, kidney and heart. For some reason, liver transplantation is associated with the highest risk.

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