5 things you need to avoid if you want to get rid of extra kilograms


5 things you need to avoid if you want to get rid of extra kilograms 40165_1

So, first you need to understand for yourself once and for all, that weight loss has never been easy. What the first comes to mind when someone decides to lose weight. Pick up one of the popular diets, go to the gym or sit on some trendy celebrity diet.

No matter how much the way the person chooses, sooner or later he will think that it was a big mistake. Just many do not understand that changes in any case will not be light.

It is worth starting with a small, gradually adding all new changes to your diet and the way of life while adapting to the previous one. Even if someone finds the ideal slimming plan for himself, it will be difficult to stick to it for a long time. Therefore, we give examples of what you never need to do if you sit on a new diet.

1. to give up any products completely

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If someone believes that the complete elimination of dairy products or products containing gluten, from their diet will help him lose faster, he is in the root of the wrong. Refusal of certain products or even groups of products entirely brings more harm than benefits, moreover, it can spoil the entire weight reduction program. If you restrict yourself in what really likes, it only increases the craving for this food.

2. ignore the feeling of hunger

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If you seriously treat your plan loss plan, then instead of ignoring the feeling of hunger, you need to learn to respond to the signals of the body relative to hunger and satiety. If a person feels saturation after consuming a portion of food, he will most likely adhere to a new diet for a long time. The feeling of deprivation is the last thing you need when you go to healthy food. Therefore, even if you want to lose weight with all the might, it is necessary to eat in your pleasure.

3. change everything and immediately

The conviction is that immediately, literally from the first day, you need to drastically change your eating habits and exercise, simply wrong. This can be done much easier, conducting such changes in your life in stages. Therefore, it should be smarter and make changes to your diet gradually.

4. Sacrificing a dream for training

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In order to strictly adhere to a new diet and exercise plans, you will need a lot of time and effort, but this does not mean that you need to sacrifice your sleep for training. A good sleep is that it supports hormones of hunger and satiety in equilibrium, and, moreover, muscles are restored at that time. Therefore, it is impossible to spoil the sleep cycle. What is curious, the results of one of the studies have shown that when people are not poured, they eaten the next day on average by 385 calories more than usual.

5. Select training on the basis of how much calories it burns

Consider the following example - a person does not like to run, but he turned on running his workout plan, because he burns more calories than yoga. With a greater probability, he will be under any pretext to postpone the training session and in the end of calories will not burn at all. Therefore, it is always necessary to include in training exercises that like, because it will help burn more calories.

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