17 products that protect the body from terrible diseases


17 products that protect the body from terrible diseases 40163_1

You need to start with the fact that the first step to ensure good health is the awareness of the need for healthy and balanced diet. The second step will be the use of products that can help prevent the risk of certain diseases and deal with it.

Cancer cause many factors. Nevertheless, studies have shown that the regular inclusion of certain products in its diet can prevent its development. Natural chemicals, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibers in various products can help the body combat the increasing cancer cells.

1. Broccoli.

Many lovers of healthy diets and vegetarians love this funny cabbage looking. Broccoli contains sulforafan and isothiocyanates. Both of these phytochemicals that can work with enzymes in the body are capable of fighting cancer. Broccoli is also an excellent source of vitamins C and K.

2. Tomatoes

17 products that protect the body from terrible diseases 40163_2

You can eat tomatoes in salads, add them to soups, prepare sauces and more of them. Immediately it is necessary to clarify that it is not necessary to eat stalks and leaves in food, and the pulp is a good source of vitamin C. Some studies show that liquor, oxidizing agent in tomatoes, has antitumor properties.

3. Garlic

Naturally, not everyone loves this spicy vegetable, but it is worth using it in cooking meals at home. It is believed that sulfur compounds in garlic can help reduce the risk of developing several different types of cancer. Garlic is also a good source of Vitamins B6 and mineral manganese.

4. Corn

It does not matter, cook corn on the grill, cook it or use as an ingredient in recipes, it contains beta-cryptoxanthin and ferulic acid that can prevent cancer growth. And, moreover, it's just tasty.

5. Beckla

figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/ImageObject"> 17 products that protect the body from terrible diseases 40163_3

You can make juice from beets, fry it, cook, prepare them for a couple, use to prepare borsch and salads. Edible as rootpode and beet leaves, and they are full of useful things. The pigment of the Betachianine contained in the root plant (it is he gives the beets of its recognizable color), as it is believed to have anti-cancer properties.

6. Carrot

The anti-cancer component of carrots is also contained in pigment, carotenoids, including beta-carotene, which gives this vegetable orange color. Carrots are another versatile vegetable from which you can cook juice, use it raw and cooked.

7. Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, which, according to scientists, help prevent the growth of cancer cells. It is believed that dried leaves of this plant, Camellia Sinensis, strengthen the immune system, remove toxins and improve the overall health. Green tea contains caffeine, so it is worth being careful and not to drink it too much.

9. Strawberry

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And now we turn to good news for lovers to enjoy in summer strawberries. These berries contain phytochemical substances, which are believed to have antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese.

10 spinach

The sailor fell was right. Spinach is a vegetable greens rich in nutrients, full of all sorts of "utilities". It is said that Lutein and Zeaxanthin contained in it have anticance properties. Maximum benefit from greenery can be obtained using it in the raw form in salads, but you can also cook it and add to soups (and not forget the garlic).

12 Malina

Both black (American) and red raspberries contain proanthocyanidine, which is considered an inhibitor of cancer and tumor growth. Berries are also a rich source of vitamin C and manganese. You can enjoy fresh raspberries, add it in dry breakfasts or cottage cheese, combine with lemon for cooking home lemonade or just drink tea with raspberries.

15 Walnuts

Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, omega-3 fats and a large number of different antioxidant polyphenols and phytochimicates, which are considered to help prevent cancer. They are also rich in copper and manganese. There are studies based on the results of which it turned out that Pecan, Brazilian nuts and almonds can also be useful to combat cancer.

16 coffee

Yes, it is really good news for coffee lovers. Coffee grains of good quality prepared properly are a concentrated source of phytochemical substances. Coffee also contains riboflavin, one of the vitamins of group B. More and more reasons to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning.

17 Apples

In order to get the best benefit from anticancer phytochemical substances in apples, there are their peel (but not seeds). Apples also possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and are good sources of vitamin C and fiber.

20 mushrooms

It is believed that mushrooms of certain varieties have anti-cancer and antiviral properties. These include Asian varieties of Reishi (Hanoderma), Maitaki (Griffing), Agarikus Blazi Muril and Turkish Rutovik Multicolor. Of course, they are quite problematic to find in a local supermarket, but it is worth knowing that even common types of mushrooms with high selenium and vitamin D.

21 Luk.

It is believed that in a modest bowl a lot of anticancer compounds. These include seleraganic compounds, quercetin and anthocyans, which are considered to reduce the risk of many types of cancer. Various varieties, such as green onions, bow-shallots, brown / yellow and red onions, have different strength.

22 Curly cabbage

This crispy green leaf vegetable is a good source of selerarganic connections that help reduce the risk of cancer. Cabbage is also rich in vitamins K, A, C, B5, folic acid and manganese.

23 lemons

Lemons and other citrus satellites contain phytochemical substances of D-Limonen and Terpene, which help to stop the growth of cancer cells. Also, lemons are rich in vitamin C.

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