Antistress habits that will help relive the working week



Wednesdays are still hired. Especially closer to Friday. So right from Monday, start to introduce these useful anti-stress habits - you will see, the next Friday will be completely different.

Do not play multisascy

First, we checked - not working. Secondly, grabbing a new thing until the previous one, you oversail, you get tired, three times, and you do three times less. And by the evening, rushing your head against the wall. Therefore, take the habit of talking to speak "no, I'm busy", if the truth is busy.

Support order

Because the world and so cruel and harsh. There is nothing to add to yourself the experiences in search of unknown where blackened points and contracts with the company "Ass, Tuben and Iron" from May 2014.

Use mouth

It is convenient to it, but we are not about it now. Ask. Especially if there are some doubts. Attempts to guess and read other people's thoughts do not lead to good - you only cheat yourself with reflections, what he meant, and build the most gloomy scenarios. Which with reality have very little common. Scenarios will be imaginary, but stress is the most real.



Easy to say. But it is not so difficult to do. Relax physically. When stressing muscles are strained, because we have a very old brain and nothing about catching from the authorities does not know, but it knows very well about the strategy "Bay or Run". And prepares you to one of these actions, and you do not need it. Strain in turns all the muscles, what you remember, to the limit, and then relax. So the brain will receive the "Fest" team and stop producing stress hormones.

Get up earlier

Your day will be subjectively longer, and therefore, there is more time. But - and in our latitudes it is especially valuable - you will get more sunlight, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Eat fish with greens


In this combination, a lot of magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins of the group B - that is, is the set that is necessary for the normal operation of the brain and the nervous system. In essence, it is a natural anti-stress complex.

Look at the sky

If it is blue, of course. And if not, then leave something heavenly color - yes, at least a notebook. Psychologists have calculated that heavenly blue color has the most relaxing effect on us.

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