10 signs that he is a psychopath, which is better to stay away


10 signs that he is a psychopath, which is better to stay away 40159_1

Clinical psychopaths are not so little - according to the most pessimistic estimates, they include approximately every 30th. That is, statistically, his psychopath was in every class, and in the university only on your course there was a couple of such characters. Units fall into the criminal chronicle. The rest turn the blood and eat the liver close to their figuratively. And there is no guarantee, next to you, one of them is not stuck next to you. Not all psychopaths are running for homemade with an ax and shine strangers on meat cutting. Most looks completely fine, or even charming.

He is calm

Psychopathy is a common name for a whole flower garden of a variety of personality disorders. The general denominator they have one - a psychopathist completely sincerely do not care about the feelings, experiences and safety of others, he is not capable of any attachment, only to their imitation. The sympathy for him is like a round square for you, that is, the thing is completely unimaginable. These people live in the world inhabited by cardboard men. Or robots. Or speaking gadgets to meet their needs. In short, in his universe, psychopath is the only living person. That is why the psychopath is not too worried when his grandmother takes off with flashers in the hospital or a better friend with special cynicism throws a girl. Therefore, psychopaths are usually considered to be equilibried and cold-blooded.

He does not talk about feelings

Professor of the Cornelical University (USA) Jeffrey Hancock talked to souls with a whole sculpture of diagnosed psychopaths and revealed a curious pattern. When a normal person talks about something, he and then it turns something like "I am already frowning", "I thought - Lopna from laughter," "I was straight upset." The psychopath also mentions his emotions very rarely, limited by the presentation of events. But when it comes to such durable matters, like food, housing, clothes or money, a psychopath for hours can spill a nightingale, in all details describing a new jacket.

He is a victim

A psychopath has a hard life - the poor thing is brought, offended and do not understand twenty times per day. If you catch it on some kind of meanness, he proudly goes into the angle to suffer - and it will be so loud, theatrical and convincing that you yourself will beat him to comfort - won how he is killed.

He always has an explanation

The psychopath rather splashes her ear than says: Yes, I got on the full program. He is never to blame for anything. Moreover, you are really to blame. He did not write a report, because you constantly remind him about it, but it misses inspiration. He changed you, and what was to do - you myself have looked at him on January 18, 2012, which man will demolish it? Whatever nonsense is an excuse, a psychopath justifies it clearly and clearly: experts calculated that such people use turns "because" and "because" several times more often than everyone else.

He is impressive

This breakdown in the brains is congenital, and it is usually manifested for years at 13-15, and by the time the psychopath will reach you, he induces and strengthened. He will have a normal work, a normal company, a decent suit and the slightest propensity to rush with the Tesacian around the area or eat grass from the lawn. Exactly the opposite - psychopaths are usually eloquent, love to arrange dances around their person and impress. This is the third date of the maiden in Paris, they arrange sudden parties for 300 people and bathe horses in champagne.

He sits on the neck

All the above-described joy of life, psychopath infrequently pays independently. These people very successfully parasitize on other organisms - parents, friends, brothers and sisters, husbands or wives, and when the previous feeder gives him Pink, it instantly finds the following. Psychopaths calmly launch the wicked garbage in the party cashier or family piggy bank. Or simply take an invitation to the restaurant, and at the end of the evening they smile radiantly and report that they are generally no money.

He has a weak scent

Psychopathic addictions are not just a lousy character, but the breakdown "in the gland", that is, in a certain section of the cortex of the brain. The side effect of this problem is the inability to distinguish between many odors. Scientists from Sydney conducted a study and found out that people with psychopathic inclinations and the truth hardly distinguish the smell of orange from the smell of popcorn or freshly acted herbs, while normal people, let the assholes, from the first scent, recognize these aromas.

He was married. Five times

Psychopaths are not particularly legitimized in relations, and for years they have time to fall in love several times, throw the whole world to the legs of a beautiful lady, cool and fall in love again. They do not really know how to assess the consequences of their actions, weakness in planning and do not understand the meaning of the word "responsibility", so often instead of a candy-bought period, they immediately offer a honeymoon from such a pressure. Usually, everything ends with a month.

He changes the role

Psychopaths are inborn manipulators, they do not even need to read the relevant books and go to trainings. Any ordinary psychopath to manipulate the floor will wash the floor. Psychopaths need to knock you out of the gauge, and the best tactic is to put you inadequate. Here he is bullied, beats in the submerged service and kogotit the service, but it is worth it to raise the voice itself, as a psychopath instantly calms down and looks at you, the Saints Heaven, well, you are hysterical. Drink Valerian.

He has excellent memory for pain

They do not mind to undelled over the person when he stays in the most disassembled state. The psychopath may look very politically, while you, shyring your nose and reach the third Martini, dump him the painful. Oh, you didn't do it better. People seem to be your vizabi perfectly remember what exactly the most upset, and if you do not mind to kick you into the most sensitive place. "Of course, you have no one - who will want to listen so much whip."

He's a man

Most likely. Guys, nothing personal, but three quarters of all psychopaths are men.

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