The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau


You don't even imagine what is happening behind the closed doors of the funeral bureau! We are sure that they are ready to read the shocking recognition of their employees? Well, we warned!

Sometimes the client is not dead at all

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_2
Once we went to pick up the dead. We got pretty quickly, I went upstairs, went to the body and was going to shift him to a killer, how suddenly the corpse began to cough !! It turned out that he was lying in the room, where someone else slept on the next bed.

Employees are constantly brutally joking on each other.

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_3
And to play a novice - and the case of honor! Usually a classical joke is triggered: someone hides in the coffin, the newcomer is asked to go to find something and - Tadaaam! - A man with a cry pops up from the coffin. And the newcomer goes for a new pair of linen. Pure.

Some embarrassing things late

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_4
Once we prepared the body, already put it in the coffin, how suddenly I discovered a couple of tickets on the subway at the dead man in his pocket. I somehow automatically took them to myself, but then I felt such a sense of guilt, which was twice read "Our Father" in the Church. Although on the other hand, it was like a fee for Charon in ancient Greece, isn't it?

Lips and eyelids glue glue

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_5
You have to glue the lips and eyelids of the dead so that they do not open during the ceremony. However, the blunders still happen: once, for example, directly from the mouth of the deceased crab. It is good that relatives noticed him on time.

We are afraid to stick to the body

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_6
In addition, the list of the biggest fears of employees includes:

- Fear that the dead man moves;

- Fear that the body will break;

- fear of confusing the body;

- fear of sticking to the body;

- The fear of putting the body is wrong, and it will fall in the middle of the ceremony

During the funeral, people often carry full garbage

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_7
For example, once we heard someone said "Congratulations!" Widow of the deceased. But let's be honest with each other: few people know what to talk to such moments.

If the body is too big, you have to break the bones

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_8
Often the body does not fit into the coffin, so you have to break, for example, the blades to squeeze it there. Or, if the corpse is completely ridicked, then they break the fingers to crush their hands on the chest. Coming goosebumps? It's good that you do not hear the sound with which it happens!

We are not always dressing dead

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_9
We do not even paint them. Sometimes it is enough to wash the body, take the mouth and eyelids and wear in clothes for funeral. Once, the relatives of the departed 90-year-old grandmother asked us to wear her in a wedding dress in which she was married to the distant 20th. We just cut the dress and put it on top of the body. The only thing was to wear hands in the sleeve, it seemed that it was true.

People for some reason are interested in whether we have sex in coffins

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_10
Answer? It all depends on the specific person and the level of his madness. For example, would you do it?

And often ask whether we are doing the bodies of "things"

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_11
What do you have in mind? Things? Seriously?

Over time, you get used to the fact that the bodies "sigh"

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_12
Due to the processes of decomposition in bodies, some amounts of gases come out. You cannot imagine that fright when you first hear how the dead "breathe". And do not even try to present the sound with which gas leaves the body through the back door!

Each Funeral Bureau has its own methods "Clean"

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_13
It is believed that each person leaves his trail on Earth, including at the place of the last stay. So methods are distinguished by a variety: someone burns sage, someone puts the glasses with water everywhere so that she will absorb energy, and someone turns to experts to exile perfume. In addition, it is not recommended to come to the funeral bureau with babies and animals, as they are more sensitive.

Sometimes people are interested, whether the body is in the coffin, and is there anyone else there

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_14
After the coffin is closed with a body, many begin to be interested in whether the body is right there. But before that, the identification procedure occurs, so the error is excluded. But if the body is cremated, then there are options.

Happy funeral - the best

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_15
One woman ordered a funeral to the Mexican ensemble. It turned out to be a surprise for employees of the Bureau, but even a big surprise it became for friends and relatives of the deceased. Well, the most surprised by crying people in the next room at another ceremony.

Some have uncontrollable bouts of laughter

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_16
Once a friend of the deceased right during the funeral happened a real attack of laughter. Everyone was approached to hug her, and she just laughed and could not stop. Then she cried, but exclusively from laughter.

"When we approached to close the coffin, it turned out that my girlfriend had one eye half-open - as if she had winking. And then I thought that she did not die, and all this joke! "

Die - it is not cheap

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_17
The funeral is sad, but people are even more sad when they find out how much flowers are, wreaths, coffin, place in the cemetery, all ceremonies and so on. But on the other hand, if you died, it does not concern you.

People are often more concerned about whether the food will be delicious than how to support the family of the deceased

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The funeral can be sad or cheerful, but it is definitely a moment when people need to regain. But some cannot resist criticism: Delicious sandwiches? Who is wearing? Who's come? Who did not come?

Excellent way to stand out - Designer coffin

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Want a logo favorite football team right on the lid? Or maybe own name in roses? What do you choose?

Sometimes extreme situations happen

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_20
For example, one woman decided to hold a farewell ceremony with his mother in the macaron store. Or, for example, an employee made Selfie with the dead man. Of course, he was dismissed immediately after his publication.

Not everyone watched the series "The client is always dead"

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_21
Just stop finally asking !!

Fear alive, not dead - they are capable of much more worse things

The client is always dead: 21 History from the Funeral Bureau 40158_22
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