New poverty, or how to enjoy the economic crisis


Exchange rates and price tags in stores continue to cause shock and trepidation. No money. In different companies began reductions. We will now travel for Windows sealances and photos from the magazine around the World. But everything else will become much, much better!


Meat will rise in price, tropical fruits and exotic vegetables will not afford (later, do not forget about food sanctions), which means we will better eat: buckwheat with my own collected forest mushrooms, rice, potatoes, carrots, sour cabbage, all In accordance with the most fashionable culinary concept of our days - there is only what is grown in a radius of a hundred kilometers from the place where you live. As a result (if you do not get involved in bread and potatoes) the figure will be just excellent. We will eat meat on holidays, which is also, in general, much healthier than to rub the pork every day.

Homemade needlework

Have you noticed that girls suddenly began to learn to knit massively? For twenty years, this almost no one did, the home sweaters of poisonous shades were ridiculed for poverty and bad taste, and then suddenly Rzraz ... Well, right! Dressed something like something. Do not throw away the Prababekin sewing machine, it will be useful for you too. Men can do the manufacture of homemade furniture, remember how to keep the plans and level in the hands.

Flooring of culinary art

Our ancestors said: "Cow and chicken - makes a fool." This meant that if you have good products - you can cook anyone. Now everything will be wrong. 800 original and delicious potato dishes will take an honorable place on your table. We will have to learn the Hungarian six degrees of Luke. Learn to prepare a pasta with carrots and a ray of gray pasta strategic reserve. In a very ideal situation, find out how carrot tea brew.

Wives will stop nervous

This is the extremely irritable process - "Let's go with me to the store, you will help me choose a dress" - forever leaves our lives. Because the purchase of the dress will now become an event of this approximately scale, as in the fat years - buying a car. If not apartments. Another thing is that it is exactly as in the anecdote "no, dad, you will be less." That is, earlier will cancel his subscription to a football channel, which will stop buying rags. In addition, there is still an unpleasant chance that the girls will begin to go to the clothing stores, as in museums and there is bitterly crying over the windows.

Tubes dissipate

If the price of gasoline returns to its natural level - about a dollar per liter, and the state will also apply the tax maneuver and will introduce a new excise, to ride the car every day will be expensive. In addition, the car service will also become very expensive: all imported parts or import components. Therefore, the cars will stand at the entrances, rust and get cheaper. And those lucky people who are on the pocket content of their own car (hand-sized couliabs, first of all, and the happy owners of Zhiguli) will ride on the empty Moscow streets, as in 1986.

We enriched spiritual

There will be no money for entertainment (and there will be no time for the time, since after work we will mark stools and knit skirts), so instead of going to the movies and drink in bars, we are in a few free hours we will ruin the parent library. Increase spirituality and waste intellect. Again, the parent library is a large strategic reserve. Books can be perfectly trampled "Burzhuyk".

Return our Friends - Downshifters

Friends and friends who decided to live at their pleasure, passed the grandmother's apartment and went to Goa and Thailand, return to Moscow. Because the apartment is rented in rubles, and in Goa pay in rupees, which are already standing as rubles. And Thai Bati - two rubles each. So soon they will buy tickets for the last money, will come to their native city and you can be perfectly drinking delicious cheap vodka and eat acidic cabbage. Friends - they are even more valuable books!

We will be closer to nature

Do you have a cottage? Here you will go there and go there, take the shovel and night the garden. Spare potatoes, onions, carrots and turnips. Explore literature already now, in order not to waste time. Agricultural work, by the way, contributes to strengthening the shoulder belt and the buttock muscles: the ass will be like a nut, on the stomach - cubes (and you can not use anything, corns and chickets to be fashionable).

Minor repairs

After all, we have not yet cleaned anything, if something broke, the thing was throwing out and bought a new one. Now the boys will learn to solder, will pump electrical circuits with resistors and transistors from the Internet. They will begin to independently repair the cranes in the bathroom, they will master the "cut gasket from an old bicycle chamber" skill, will make it yourself to repair and serve the car ... This, of course, takes a lot of time, but gives great moral satisfaction, much more than even victory in a computer game.

We will appreciate what we have

This is probably the most important thing. Previously, how was it? Ivanova has a VCR, everything goes to Ivanov. Petrova has a foreign whiskey. WHISKEY! This is a whole story, we go to taste whiskey. Pavlova has a car, Pavlov is an important person. Katsman has a computer, you can see how he plays in Pacman. And Sidorov walks in jeans. And then it turned out that everyone has everything, and things do not deliver former pleasure. And now there will be! And let we own a little, but again we will begin to appreciate it and even be proud of it. What is not achieving?

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