Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent


Parent is a position that does not imply a weekend. In the first year it strongly exhausts, but then each of us mastering the art to organize a small holiday in the middle of the day. We use literally any opportunity.

Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_1
Those few minutes in bed, while children are still waking up and did not have time to break into the bedroom with screams: "What about breakfast? And what should I wear today? And he pulls! And yesterday I had to do a report today! "
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_2
When you have long stand in the queue. Without children. God, let them not move there at all! You have a book with you. For half a year you try to read ...
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_3
If the child has done something and waits in fear when you notice it. Twenty minutes of his walking on tiptoe you have.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_4
Quiet hour. Have time to do everything !!! Or just to fall asleep next.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_5
Those for a few minutes when the child only unpacks a new toy and considers it. Then starts. Even if he bought a teddy hare, you know, it will begin.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_6
When a favorite cartoon or transmission is shown on TV. True, while watching the children love to shout out something, but you have not react to this for a long time.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_7
When you are in the toilet. You are now there are no less than half an hour, but the room is still equipped with any rest room. Library, game, movies, pedicure kits.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_8
When a child in the toilet. Well, if he no longer requires help and read the fairy tale.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_9
Hike to a supermarket without children. The shelves cease to look like that of them is about everything comes out, almost silence, and all the necessary products suddenly are quick and easy. If also with your half - this is almost a date! You can slightly clarify the music under the ceiling. Yes, right under the last year's eminom. You won't have another chance to create another ten years.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_10
When a child is engaged in something forbidden, but actually conditionally safe. Without demand, it plays on your tablet, Svikhar paints wallpaper for the sofa, navigates the margin of lipstick to make himself a clown killer. Anything. Let him do it forever. Perhaps it is worth banning children ... well, something else. Work perfectly.
Lifehak: how to find time for vacation in the middle of the day if you are parent 40146_11
And night, of course. After the cabinet was expelled, twice reread a fairy tale and gave a drink several times. Time for honeymoon!

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