# Prokino. Lobster (Ireland, Netherlands, France, Greece, USA - 2015)



Announcement and presence in the main roles of Colin Farrell and Rachel Weiss hinted an experienced viewer for an overlooking adventure drama with elements of postmodernism. Naive, naive experienced viewer.

Let's agree on the shore. Perhaps the authors of the film were not at all intended to use this picture, like a stupid sterbatu aluminum dining room for devouring our brains. It is possible that the picture of this is the essence of the high-dimensional metaphor of self-sacrifice and lonely fear, erected in Absolut. But the viewer we do not have a highly productive, the viewer is experienced. Therefore, he saw it like this:

Attention, spoiler. Total spoiler. Do not read if you do not like spoilers.

Far, far to the meadow will graze, right, horses. A woman comes to the meadow, shoots a horse from a pistol, a horse drops, a woman leaves. Experienced viewer looks out - not whether the surviving di-drug survivors? An experienced viewer at the very beginning of the path - it is still capable of having fun in the metaphorical popcorn.



The main character comes to a certain hotel, suspiciously brushing on a comfortable Auschwitz. The manager, delusito knocking on the keyboard, duty is aware of the sexual preferences of the hero.

"Hetero," says the hero. - True, I had a homosexual experience in college ...

"Sick bastard," the experienced spectator is joking, but not very confident.

- So it is impossible, "the manager reports," since last year, a new norm - you must clearly specify the orientation. And then earlier it was too much confusion.

- Write - hetero, - shrugs the hero. And sadly stroke a dog, which all this time holds on a leash.

The Hero take personal belongings, give a uniform, approximately suitable in size, and look at the dog. "This is my brother," explains the hero, "he did not cope." The staff nods, the experienced spectator squeezed grunts.

The hero examines its number when the hotel administrator comes to him in the form of the SS officer with a tender smile between the cheek.

"I," the administrator says, "came to psychologically prepare you. In the hotel you will spend 45 days. If during this time you will not find your love, you will be turned into any animal of your choice. Who would you like to turn?

"In Lobster," the hero is confidently responsible. - They live to a hundred years old, they have blue blood, like the aristocrats, and they are capable of breeding to old age.

"What is the charm," the administrator rejoices, "Lobster is a great choice, and then all the dogs and dogs ... okay, place, only we bite you to your back. You will live while with one hand and remember that "2" is always better than "1".


Colin Farrell lives at the hotel, trying to be friends with the neighbors, and the experienced viewer with hints reported that in this wonderful lonely world out of law. Singles go to the hotel and find a couple. Or a gavage in the doorways - optionally. Judging by the fact that one of the heroes falls into the hotel on the fifth day after the death of his wife, the time to enjoy the inhabitants of this world to enjoy the inhabitants of this world.

Yes, I must say that the couples in this world are created not just like that. They must certainly be something common. Therefore, the buddy of the main character, seeing how one of the applicants suffers to nasal bleeding, begins to break his nose daily about the door jamb. And the girl immediately decides that they are created for each other. The newly-made couple solemnly accompanied into the room for two, saying that if suddenly they will start quarrel and conflict, they will be given a child. Because it always helps. The experienced viewer breaks the mixtures. Fractional, small and very nervous.

Forty five days will expire quickly, but the sediments of big and eternal love have a chance to extend their stay at the hotel - they are sent daily to the forest, hunting alone. One caught single - one extra day. Colin Farrel, of course, can't catch anyone, but silent beauty from the next room caught myself five years ahead. Beauty is called heartless and secretly jealous.


And once in the morning, our hero discovers that Lobster is much closer than it seems. And decides to act, driving heartless beauties. For this you have to pretend that it is also very, very heartless. The beauty is carried out on this unaccomply manipulation, and for some time the ghost of Lobster looms exclusively in nightmarish dreams. However, one morning, the beauty scores to death a dog that brother, and Colin breaks down. And crying. Beauty wildly outraged - I believed you so much, and you, and you, all the guys goats - and is going to inform the administration that the hero was pretended. For this, he is waiting for a terrible sentence. Never guess - what. Punished turning into the beast, in which he did not want to turn into. Monstrous atrocity, agree. Therefore, the hero kicks the lady before the loss of consciousness and drags into the room with the inscription "transformation room", where turns into an animal into which she did not want. An experienced viewer does not speak to which one. He is told: "This is not your business."

And Colin Farrel, meanwhile, escapes into the forest, where peacocks roam, camels, flamingos and other victims of unrequited love. In the forest, Colin Farrell is solemnly taken in partisans alone. And there, in the detachment, the hero meets his darkness - Rachel Weiss. This, of course, love at first glance - they are both short-sighted, just created for each other. But insidious fate is so simple. The fact is that single groups have the same rules, only in the profile - they can not. Very impossible. Even petting. Half singles walks with sliced ​​lips - it is such a punishment for those who kissed. Called "Red Kiss". There is also a punishment of "red sexual act", but the experienced viewer prudently removed the brain site responsible for the imagination, even at the beginning of the film, so it did not fit him.


In general, heroes have to have sex under the most secluded bushes, develop a system of secret gestures and pray that no one can guess. But Rachel Wece prays with one hand, and the other is scattered in the sets in the diary, which is a steep in her bushes in the bushes. It is not surprising that Rachel's diary loses, and the diaphritics of a strict Madam-Ataman lonely is lucky to go to the city and gives a bribe to the doctor so that he cut out the evillment of his eyes. Colin is very offended at Ataman, so he feeds her dogs, takes a blind loved one in an oakha and runs to the city.

Nature is a city. Interior - restaurant. The hero asks the waiter with a knife for meat, explaining his companion: "I want to do it with a meat with a knife." The companion says "yes-yes" and "don't worry." The hero replies that he is not worried, "wait for me, I quickly," goes to the toilet and a knife for meat cuts his eyes to himself.


Experienced spectator exhales noisily, thinks up to ten, goes to drink a driver and involuntarily mows on a set of meat knives. An experienced viewer, as well as the chief hero, I want to achieve all this cost.

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