25 signs that you have a little baby


With the advent of children, our life is changing radically. There are no more sitting at home, no parties at home. Our life is adopted by itself under the requirements of a small little man, which becomes the local center of the universe. Everything is spinning around it and adjusts to new laws. We installed 25 error-free signs that you have a small child.

  1. You constantly come to someone.
  2. You are not familiar with the feeling of squeamishness.
  3. You have a very short and sensitive dream.
  4. Unlike most of the representatives of mankind, you absolutely do not strain the noise, but at the same time silence scares.
  5. Do you have a heart when you say with an unfamiliar room: "Anatoly Mikhalovich? Hello, it is Valentina Ivanovna. " It does not matter who Valentina Ivanovna is still on Mikhailovic, the pulse shifts to the scrotum area.
  6. You cried with cowards - do not part with them even at night.
  7. You can give master classes on silent sex. Even the rainwill does not know how to do it quieter than you.
  8. You are nervous balcony doors.
  9. During the night, you can easily glue the layout of the solar system. Or billet from match boxes. Or wall newspaper about animals of the priocy-terrace reserve. And, damn it, you have all this perfectly. Even animals.
  10. You know how to wash during the advertising pause.
  11. You can make a fish chicken. If you wish, you will easily make Potatoes Fri, ketchup and ... what else does he love with you?
  12. You are the perfect dressman. You can customize anyone anything. Even unpacked sausage back to Celofan.
  13. You do not fully understand why the iPhone need you, but you know perfectly well how he can swim. In no way.
  14. Coming to visit, you see not so much a festive table as a rosette, a low crystal, and a master plasma. Very, very large master plasma.
  15. In your lexicon there is no longer a word hobby. He was devoured joint leisure.
  16. Replacing windows on the tablet - your third hot phone number recorded immediately after rapid and firefighters.
  17. You know who is such a zolik, Simka, Masya and Spool. No, no, not workers district brothel.
  18. You do not scare a collage from the passport. Although for the first time, of course, it was not on my own.
  19. At least once washed away the gouache with Barsika.
  20. You know what the five-thousandth bill looks like after she was trying to die. Surprisingly, it wrapped you not that someone fought your five thousand dollars, but the microbes that were on it.
  21. The most loaded instrument in your house is a washing machine. You are just happy that she is not familiar with the Labor Code.
  22. You can see any film 378 times in a row, and the point will not end with the challenge of the Sanitary.
  23. In my free time, you can easily write an "Encyclopedia to anyone who is not necessary facts and knowledge." Oh yes, you know perfectly well where the Havalka in the dog, as the fish says and the bee buzzes.
  24. You can create spatial holes in the zone of slot machines in shopping centers. True, it turns out not always.
  25. The meaning of the phrase "nothing to do" is, perhaps, the only thing you do not understand in this life.
Photo Source: http://www.shutterstock.com/

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