What women do not like women for? But for it!


Our attentive readers are already aware that women's friendship is no myth, but even really true. Strong, indispensable truth. True, there is still female hatred of itself like. And this is also true.

PICS tried to deal with the reasons for this phenomenon. And I did not understand anything, of course.

What is it fat?

There are men who like fat women, there are men who do not like fat women. The first fat women notice. The second is not. That is, they do not notice at all. And only women notice everything. Each fold and every tubercle. Everything that dispersed and whatever you want to drag. "Look, it is fat!" - Screaming woman. "You are fat! Have you seen how you look at?! " - Screaming woman. If you ask her what she was so breed, the woman will answer that being fat very harmful. Sustaines, heart and liver suffer. But she is not a doctor, no.

And what she is thin?

Indeed - why would it? Anorexic, not otherwise. And this is very harmful, it die from it. And if not anorexic, then it certainly is very stupid. Because the books do not read, but only in the gym squeezes her dumbbell. Fu, what a fool.

And she eats it?

Straight eats. It does not take a piece of cake and right there in his head. And you are on the diet. You are about boiled eggs you dream the second week. Hatred. Kill.

And what she does not eat?

Nothing eats. All normal people took the slicer of pizza, and she sits and gives her black coffee. And looking at you condemning. Probably thinks about how fat you are. Throughout I want to take this piece of pizza and flush into her throat. Foot. And so that I did not imagine.

What does she look better than me?

Mortal sin at all. These must be burned on the fires in full moon.

What does she look worse for me?

And nothing does in order to somehow change the situation. Nightmare! And you sit down next to, look at her misunderstanding roots, ass and outrageous thick cuticle. Fu so be.

And what is it married?

And pulls his suitcase without a handle, forgive the Lord. This is at best. At worst - sitting at home, submissive. Ugh, looking disgusting how the woman turned into an appendage to his blash and tonkogo Mr. Take it.

And what is it not married?

And sitting here the whole namakyuned and eyes shoots. At the family party sits, by the way! On other people's husbands stare, by the way! It is necessary to ask her why she is still not married. Haha.

And what she is not friends with me?

Women's friendship is special. If it is, it is possible to undermine it only a ton trotyl. If it is not - then it does not glue her ton "supermoment". But if one woman wants to be friends, and the other is no, then there is powerless ton of priests (ton - total weight), at the same time prompted about the love of neighbor. There will be only hatred towards the neighbor. Amen.

And what is it against me friends?

Comments, as they say, unnecessary.

And what is she for men?

A woman who in a controversial situation takes the side of men worthy of all kinds of censure. Although not - let her stones scratch. On the main square. Because I betned my sisterhood. Because sold by enemies.

What is she for women?

How do they dare to demand something from you only on the grounds that you too are a woman?! And in position they are engaging, and a nuddle itself, and even think that you sometime is waiting for the same - only on the grounds that you also have two X chromosomes. Go Nafig! Nothing in common, except chromosome, we do not have!

What is she a feminist?

That's why? This is because of her normal women do not serve in the bus. Because of her, you sit in the cafe and you think - pay your coffee or not. Because of her femininity depreciated. At all. Some tits from that femininity and stayed. Who has them, of course.

And what is Patriarchal?

That's why? This because of it, normal women pay less than men - for the same work. Because of her, you sit in the cafe and you think - pay your coffee or not. Because of her, women's achievements are depreciated. At all. Some tits from those achievements and remained. Who has them, of course.

And what is she successful?

And invites you to drink wine and eat kebab in your country. 7 kilometers from the capital. Straight and do not know what dress on such kebabs to wear. And, let him eat his marble beef, cooked on coals from Sequoia. Because beef, maybe, and tasty, but listen about how a successful woman took an interview with Dmitry Anatolich - Unbearable!

What is not successful?

And whines, and whitewings, and whines. About the fact that live with two children, husband, mother-in-law and a dog in a small-sized bike - unbearably. About the fact that the state pays for a child a guide. which you can buy 3 chups. About the fact that buckwheat has risen. Docome?!

What kind of buy it?

And everything must her. Skip, help, yield. Just because she did what any cat makes every summer. Delivered with their etzherebein!

And what is Childfrey?

And also - Cho is empty, egoist and infantile fool. It would seem what business who is, yes? NOTE. There is a deal. Whose children will contain this dragonfly in old age, and? Our children! The same!

What is so smart?

Sits, shakes his doctoral thesis - also, staged Tver. The sorting jokes are not funny, you see. From Vaengi's songs, her ears are folded, you see. Well, sit alone, without ensemble.

What is so stupid?

Quotes from Coelho is a diagnosis. When will these devices already disable the Internet, and?

What does she discuss women?

Chicken stupid. There is no of life, so sitting in the Internet, writes about fat, about mothers and feminists. I feel sorry for her, wretched, of course. But the beam of hatred should be sent. He herself asked.

What does it do not discuss women?

What are we special, please tell me! She is above it, watch! Well, let him drink coffee alone. And after the corporate party, let's go to the bar, and I will not call it. It's boring, talking to her about something - it's time. And two - she called us gossip, girls!

And what is she at all?

Yes! What is it generally?!

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