Zodiac and PMS signs


Using PMS is very dangerous, and cracks on our editorial magic ball from our editorial wall confirmation. And if we take into account that the esoteric light of the stars is superimposed on the premenstrual hormonal storm, then you begin to be surprised - how does this planet be achieved at all, it wages to keep a steady orbit?



A balanced and rational Capricorn on the day of the beginning of its PMS wakes up completely different people ... He wakes up the beast, which is. And if Capricorn, in the world, it is beautiful wool and smart, slightly sad, glazes, then in the desired period, only the horns and noble madness remain in this beast. But it is precisely from the PMS that the most vivid events in the life of the Capricors are associated (swim in the fountain, escape with a conveyed circus, score the chef steppel to coma). And how the Capricor-Men's deprived PMS is not known to be entertained.



Aquarius during the PMS period is monstrously dangerous - their sense of humor increases sharply in size, climbing in all the cracks and hanging out from the balcony. Unhappy relatives and relatives whispering "pots, do not cook", but the pot cannot stop - he has PMS. Native and relatives try to guess with the dates and the day before being broken by crowds to the Canadian border, and they can be understood. Aquarius and on ordinary days is able to kill the word, and in the pre-critic - easily explodes the galaxies.



PMS in fish is usually not particularly noticeable. Pisces are familiar to all in two border states: "We will die, life" and "people, I love you." These states change sharply and without reasons for fifty times a day without any external reasons, therefore it is very difficult to notice in this kingdom of manic-depressive psychosis some increase in some sewing estrogen.



The PMS in Aries can only be involved in one case - Aries planned this in advance. If the Aries sat, sat and burst out - it is not Aries. This is a person who fake birthday, be alert, call the police. And the real Aries has a level of self-control that the level of progesterone is reduced only if the iPhone sends a reminder: "Follow progesterone, boss."



Native and close calves on the PMS pray. Because it is almost the only period in the life of the Taurus, when he does not flash the walls of the wall, does not destroy the building and does not kill people. Taurus with PMS suddenly turns into a small fluffy lump, who wants on the handles. And there, on the handles, promises that she will never knock the walls of the wall, destroy the buildings and kill people. Yeah, we believe, believe.



Gemini do not suffer from PMS, they enjoy them. And the point here is not in doubtful sensations from the premenstrual syndrome, but in its very (syndrome) existence. You can so much to blame for him! Did not wash the dishes? I have PMS. Did not write a report? I have PMS! Did not shake his feet? Yes, it is again, well, what will you do ... if the PMS did not exist, the twins would have come up with him.



Cancers are trying to involve as few people as possible in the particular functioning of their own organism. As a result, most close cancer believe that he does not have PMS, in principle, and the Cancer himself is a wonderful unaitful interlocutor and the best choice for living together. What a crayfish themselves think about this - we do not know: they are not allowed in the particular functioning of their brain even our magic ball.



Native, close, and, especially, subordinate Lviv are waiting for their PMS, as the new year and their own birthday. No, PMS is even better because more often. The fact is that one of the main symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome - fatigue - makes Lviv leaving the burden. And in this case, relatives, relatives and slaves (will not hide them behind the smooth euphemism "subordinates" - who are we deceiving?) Can a bit of breathe.



Most of the viritative to paranoia, therefore, in the symptoms of PMS, the contents of a large medical encyclopedia are found and all diseases put themselves alternately, including endemics of Amazonian swamps. Thank God, WHO included PMS in a generally accepted list of disabilities (with a complete list of symptoms), the devans became a little easier and now they, without being distracted by parano, can endure your brain, armed with official certificate.



Weighs on PMS, as a rule, do not care. Scales at all really do not really know how - they are constantly distracting. That work, then the children, then parents, then corporate, then the sun harness without declaring the war in the sky appeared, and now you need to walk. The worldview of the scales, in short, looks like this: here is, I will die, and then I will have everything that has normal people: both Migraine, and PMS, and perhaps I even sleep a little.



Two main symptoms of PMS: fatigue and irritability. But the scorpion does not like to exchange and chooses only one. Guess, from the same time? Yes, right. And considering the fact that scorpions and in the usual state are not a fruit basket, in order to avoid bodily damage to the middle (and above) severity, scorpion must be missed for different and drag into bed. Sex is the only proven tool to thrash the swollen scorpion.



Sagittarius, as a rule, people are small and in their heads absorbed by their own beloved business. Therefore, they are very appreciated by fans of silence and peace. But this is still not the PMS begins with them. And if suddenly the PMS - the Sagittarius turns into a twin capable of spoke without stopping ten hours in a row. Moreover, it will be not a unhurried monologue about the aesthetics of Hegel, and the classic "maybe we do not fit each other, it's not about you, and you love me for sure?" until morning.

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