5 ways to save lips if balms no longer help


Winter - gloomy lips time, even if you do not have the habit of kissing in the cold. The cold and wind make their black things, the lips are cracking and reminded to the touch of Berest. Here are five natural means to save the weathered lips, which solve the problem, and do not mask it.

Coconut oil

It has so many fatty acids that it is not that lips - you can save your heels. In comparison with balms based on oil production waste from natural coconut oil, there is one huge plus: it does not fasten the skin of the lips and does feed it, and not just creates a waterproof film on the surface. If you apply it several times a day, you can "get drunk" at all and forever.

Green tea bags

Brewed a cup of tea in the morning? Cool, now take a tea bag, the cooled of him and the clouds lips. Both are five minutes for five minutes (and turn your fingers so that your homemade you saw). What is the benefit? Green tea is rich in tannins and antioxidants, it moisturizes the skin, quickly heals small cracks and removes inflammation.

Aloe vera

One of the best funds from sunburn - but not only from them. The scarlet generally has wonderful healing properties, so the lip balm can be replaced with a gel with an aloe vera extract or even an outcred leaf of live scarlet, if you do not feel sorry to rip off a green friend. Keep in mind - aloe bitter juice. But helps small cracks faster to delay and speeds up the growth of new skin cells. You can suffer.


We do not know whether you have a scarlet on your windowsill, and in the bathroom - coconut oil, but there will definitely find a cucumber in the refrigerator. You can hold the cucumber slice between the lips (as a tea bag), make a mask of two thin cucumber slices or a cotton disk, impregnated with cucumber juice - as it is more convenient. The cucumber perfectly moisturizes everything that it does not apply to it, and it also contains vitamin C, which speeds up the production of collagen.

Pink petals with milk

Sounds as a description of the spa program for Valentine's Day. Actually, this is a spa program. Dumps 2-3 handustrians of washed pink petals in a half hour of cold milk for 3-4 hours. Then shove all this romance in a blender and the resulting smoothie spread on the lips. Leave for 20 minutes and see. The recipe assumes some of it, but it is worth it: pink petals contain vitamin E, which feeds the skin and accelerates its regeneration, lactic acid exfoliates dead cells, and milk fat makes lips with elastic and moistened. By the way, the contents of the blender can be poured into ice molds and disposed one cube every morning and make a lip mask.

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