25 things worth stop doing after 30


Age, of course, a despicable passport conventionality. And it is really cool, if you still manage to stay in one color at any age. Still fresh, but already awareness is a delicious cocktail in the world!

To build this drink, let's try the original method: do not add components - but on the contrary, to relate. We discard an extra ballast hanging on to breathe! Here are 25 things that have long time to stop doing:

1. Non-show

Dancing all night, jumping all day ... This formula described a saturated life. Then the magnitude of the "dance" began to be crowned with "Pasche" by the constant. And we got a formula to get into a medical institution with a nervous breakdown. Or a sick of psychosomatic origin. And rest - do not blazy. This is a living condition.

2. To blunt

Beauty requires sacrifice? Yes, if you walk on the frost without warm clothes and headdress, everyone around will be able to enjoy the spectacle of inhumatically beautiful legs and hair. But not very long, unfortunately.

3. Smoking

The item that is easy to write and is very difficult to perform. However, now you have no excuses. "Ah, I still do not recover." And the motivating cough and other calls are already there.

4. Treat all analgin

The logical chain "hurts - accepted a tablet - healthy" starts to change the other: "Hurt - I don't do something like that - you need to be examined and, perhaps, change the lifestyle." Not everyone, though ... But the results are usually evident.

5. Fry in the Sun before the formation

Red face, faced nose, skin problems - such things not a single child care. An adult is aware that even in the city in sunny weather a headdress and a tool with a normal SPF - are creating miracles with well-being and appearance.

6. Trust your body to someone

The third ten is usually located their, "proven" dentist, therapist, a massage therapist, the laryrshen - a gynecologist. The recipe for the selection of a suitable specialist is very simple: if something strains something in the doctor's office, you need not to regret the time and means - and go to another. Until you stop on who actually understands and helps.

7. To be confused and focus

When you are praised and you sincerely happy - the amount of good increases at the same time at least in two human beings. When you frown and collapse oven - burn gold in the sand.

8. Julian

In school, we are trying to inflate the universe in the face of the teacher, writing off the essay. Often rolls. But when you try to flush, creating the appearance of activities at work or in family life - for some reason no longer works.

9. Saving dreams

Dreaming about something far, of course, convenient: emotions seem to be experiencing, and you do not attach efforts. But if you really want, let's say, see Brazil to old age, build a plan. Yes, just in case we remind - "That's when I suddenly get rich" is not a plan.

10. Score to planning

By the way about the plans. In teenage, it is fashionable to be spontaneous and sudden. Think something step by step is considered low and unworthy. It is gradually it turns out that absolute spontaneity is extremely inconvenient, and if there is a serious relationship, it is simply impossible.

11. Search for an ideal

Knight's romance as a genre remained in the middle ages, but to compose an abstract angel who has an Osin waist, never complains and does not cook, love the young beings of both sexes. Over time, you begin to understand what to look at living people and to learn how to coexist with them - more fascinating and creative task.

12. Want "like in a movie"

Pour tears over a melodrama or root for a steep guy who punishes bad - normally. To transfer the situations, purposely created by the screenwriter and the director for the tickness of the nerves, on their own life is not particularly reasonable.

13. Sculpt yourself masks

You are not Lena, you are a rocky smaller hearts. You are not sellers, you are an incomprehensible genius with a broken heart. In the mirror it looks like it. And from the side on the mask you can see the cutters from which the funny ears look like.

14. Cancel and hide your head in the sand

"This will not happen to me." This is a magical spell, as it seems to us, helps not go crazy from any sad news. But what vulnerable it makes us for every difficulty! No one advises, of course, panicing and savor horrors. However, recognize and think about complex and unpleasant situations is a useful lesson for the soul.

15. Invent orientations

Often, we sculpt the heroes and imaginary friends not only from celebrities, but also from the neighbor, with whom it did not come close. "And what would he say ...", "I will do it, because he ...", "Diva - and he will understand ..." Focusing on the invented myth, you miss your own life.

17. fear their feelings

Heroically hold everything in yourself "and quietly, proudly dying" - another popular extreme. But to ask for help or share the experiences at all is not amazing. The right people, in the appropriate situation.

18. Promise to the right and left

Empty promises - a wonderful way to get rid of requests or seem good. But the effect gives very temporary. And by-site - unwillingness to communicate with you - keeps much longer.

19. Climb where they do not ask

A friend did not ask your arbitration referee in his family relationship, but you just can't see injustice ... That's strange, and why was it just worse? You wanted good!

20. Save people

It is impossible to re-educate pathological sloths. It is impossible to fade out of the pipette unrecognized genius. It is impossible to cure an alcoholic. Any combination of the will of the will and the strength of love. Only a person himself can change his life.

21. Believe in a magic wand

That is, the fact that the relationship is formed by themselves. What "Your man" is someone, hearing your thoughts and guessing desire. In real life, you have to talk. And sometimes even conflict. And this is not a sign that next to you "not that"!

22. To do called parents

To live in contrary - this is also a dependence, also the lack of maturity. In addition, often you buy a ticket with such a motivation and walk through the sleeves. Baby offense It's time to work and let go.

23. cling to installation

In the Holy Confidence that "friends should always be together," we make tragedy from the appearance of a person (quite natural) family and children. Under the slogan "You can not betray the ideals" we do not recognize any changes. It is found at any age - and slows down in terrible.

24. Enjoy suffering

In 18, the eternal sufferer - touching romantic, young verte ... in 30 - tedious bore. Continuing at such a pace, you can shoot to an elderly donkey IA.

25. To consider yourself an adult

Collecting these reasonable rules, we started feeling such umuded taltilla for some time. However, they remembered in time, one big secret for the small company of the earth's population. It is that adults do not really happen. Therefore, we have shown the mirror language ... and recorded several valuable points themselves. Because it is not antonyms to improve and enjoy life. One does not interfere!

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