10 scientific experiments that are easy to do with the child


We have collected amazing experiments with the simplest things you can do with the child. It is a cooler of any cinema games about the wizards - to deal with real harrigotters!

Use of such experiments - the sea: first, the heir on vacation is broken away from the monitor and with amazement detects how great and mysterious the world around. Secondly, in practice, uncomplicated physical, chemical and other patterns are comprehended. Thirdly, parents themselves remember them themselves - and missed together with children. Well, the immortal children's desire to launch some "pshik-pshik" and "fuck-babes" finds the optimal peaceful direction!

Volcano on the table

We will need: Bank or plastic bottle, clay for crafts or thick salted dough, vinegar, soda, funnel, red watercolor paint or food dye. Abra-Swab Cadabra! We install a jar or a bottle on a large plywood and crack clay or dough. When our "mountain" will dry, you can paint it with a gouache or acrylic. Now we are preparing Lava: in the hole we put soda, and then carefully pour the tinted vinegar there. And the volcano is erupted, the lava runs down the slope! It is better to spend experience in the courtyard so that the eruption does not span nothing valuable. What is the secret here? Acetic acid enters into a rapid reaction with sodium bicarbonate (that is, soda) - as a result, carbon dioxide is distinguished. This reaction uses mom in the kitchen, when pancakes prepares - carbon dioxide helps break the dough.

Homemade phone

We will need: Two plastic cups, thread, awl. Abra-Swab Cadabra! In the bottom of the cups we do small holes. They stretch the long thread (a few meters - depending on how much a distance from each other will take away for negotiations). From the inside tie the nodules to secure (for loyalty you can bind a thread to half a match). We take cups - they will be our microphones and speakers - and diverge. Only so that the thread stretched, but did not touch anything - even to our fingers who hold glasses. Now one quietly speaks into his microphone, and the other at the same time he hears him from his "dynamics"! What is the secret here? The thread serves as a conductor of sound waves - and they go on it faster than through the air. By the way, the sound is perfectly distributed not only on the thread! That is why if you knock on the battery on the upper floor, it will be heard to all tenants up to the bottom.

And we grow crystals!

We will need: Salt salt, water, pan, bank, pencil. Or instead of salt sugar, plus a wooden wand and clothespin. There are also special children's kids for growing crystals. Abra-Swab Cadabra! The first option is to grow the summer saline "ice". Water heated, sugar in it with portions and stir until dissolution. So we do, until the solution becomes oversaturated, that is, the crystalline salts will not cease dissolve. Now overflow into the bank, not leaving the grainbones. We find in a pack of salt the largest crystal, tie it on a string, gently omit in the bank so as not to touch the walls, and fix it - tieding a thread to a pencil laid from above. Or you can stick into the solution with a loop with a loop at the end. Now the bank be standing in a place where it will not be disturbed. After a week, the "ice cream" of the bizarre form will grow! The second option is sweet crystal lollipops. We are preparing a saturated hot sweet syrup, we break over the glasses - and we lower the sticks in it, consolidating on the edges of a glass of clothespins. What is the secret here? The water from the saturated solution is gradually evaporated, and the dissolved substance goes into a solid state: particles "bricks" are attracted to each other and occupy their places in a repeating structure.

"We paint roses in red"

We will need: Flowers with white petals (for example, daisies), a knife, several transparent high glasses, water, food dyes. Abra-Swab Cadabra! The stalks cut the knife at an angle, dissolve dyes in the water of different colors and put our flowers into the glasses with tinted water. Somewhere in a day, the petals will become red, green and so on. One stem can be split and put into two containers with a liquid of different colors - and then the flower will become two-color. What is the secret here? Plants receive "feeding" from the soil in water dissolved in water. Water comes up from the bottom of the tube vessels. And then the leaves will evaporate this water. Something it looks like a blood system in animals.

Secret spy letter

We will need: Milk, lemon juice, two cups, paper, hairdryer or iron. Abra-Swab Cadabra! Pour into the glasses of milk and lemon juice, on each of them a brush or wand and write something very important and completely secret on the leaves. When they are dried, the text will disappear. To read the secret message, let's drink on the sheets of hot air from the hair dryer or in the iron. And here the text appears, the secret becomes clear! What is the secret here? Lemonic acid and milk protein are darked under the influence of temperature. Tell your child that such a method is called "writing with sympathetic ink", and that it was really used in history, when it was necessary to transfer secret information - and could write in the books, from here the expression "read between the lines".

Battery from lemon.

We will need: Lemon, two pieces of copper wire 10 cm, light bulb, clip. Abra-Swab Cadabra! The ends of the wires are cleaned, we screw one bare end to the paper clips. In Lemon, we make an incision and insert the paper clips there, and at the distance a pair of centimeters - puncture, and insert the second wire to the stripped end. Now if you attach the free ends of the wires to the contacts of the bulb, it will light up! If the voltages are not enough, you can take several lemons and combine them sequentially. What is the secret here? Lemon juice is an electrolyte. Inside batteries are also contained. True, the eco-friendly power plant from lemons will not be built, because we get the minimum voltage, slightly less volt.

Citrus navigator

We will need: Mandarin or Lemon, Capacity (deep bowl or large mug), water. Abra-Swab Cadabra! Pour water into our container and put into it a crude citrus. He floats and does not sink! And now we clean it from the peel and omit again into the water. It would seem that it became even easier, but now he goes to the bottom ... What is the secret here? The peel at mandarin or lemon is less dense than its inside, it contains many air particles. They maintain it on the surface. After removing the porous skin, we increased the density of our "fruit boat", because it was weight and drowned.

Escape water

We will need: Two transparent tanks, water, fabric strip. Abra-Swab Cadabra! In one container, pour water and install on some stand. Empty cup put a slight distance slightly below. Now between them "bridge" put the strip of fabric. And after some time, the water will move from one cup to another! And if you change them in places, the reverse process will occur. What is the secret here? The water has a wonderful ability: it knows how not only to flow down, but also climb up the "tubules" in the fabric. This is called the capillary effect. For his demonstration, you can still put a few cups with water, part with a simple, part with painted - and put the tissue strip so that it concerns the surface of the water in each vessel. Soon the transparent water is painted!

The ball is not afraid of fire

We will need: Air ball, candle, matches, water. What is the secret here? In the ball pour a little water, then I do not fully inflate it and tie. Hold for the "tail" and bring a burning candle to the place of the ball, where the water is nanit. Even when the light touches the ball, he does not burn and does not burst. What is the secret here? Different substances have different thermal conductivity. Water carries out heat 24 times faster than air. Therefore, she takes the heat towards himself and does not allow the ball to melt. Explain to the child that the same can be observed in the kitchen - for the same reason, if you do not pour into the kettle of water, it can burn.

Magic paints

We will need: A glass of flour, a pair of salt tablespoons, as many baking powder, food dyes or gouache, unnecessary plastic jars. Abra-Swab Cadabra! From flour, salt and baking powder make the "dough", topping the driver until it becomes a consistency as a thick sour cream. Now mix the dyes and get homemade paints with a 3D effect. You can draw with tassels or cotton sticks, and you can pour paints into polyethylene bags, on the one hand knitting with rubber bands, and on the other hand, it traveled to the hole - and draw, squeezing. Create such paints better on dense cardboard. Dry drawings long (I want faster - you can put in the microwave for a few seconds), but what volume and shine! What is the secret here? And there is no secret here! Just very cool. And in order of enlightenment, you can tell the child that before the artists did paint themselves, so they were at the same time and chemists. And primitive - they got them right right in nature!

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