10 computer games that are no worse books and not weaker movies


Computer game screenwriters have learned how to create worlds that crumbling any Hollywood blockbuster. And you no longer just play - you become part of the story that occupies hundreds of megabytes in Word and hundreds of hyperlinks in Wikipedia. This is not even considered fan fiction, to which only lazy was not attached.

Here we were going to write that the study of many virtual worlds and characters would give odds, for example, the worlds of Tolstoy (without clarifying the name), but did not write. Since I understand well that in the comments there will be a hagger in quantities, and chairs will burn under them. And we respect the chairs of our readers.

In the meantime, nothing caught fire, let's take a little configure. This is a selection of games that are more than games, and no less than books.


Two fantasy universes who have given rise to thousands of postmodern cartoons, comics, fan fiction and irrevocably spent hours. Colonization of Mars, expedition to other stars, parallel space, orcs, eldars and sliced ​​by forever from humanity. We visited the Universe "Wahi", residents of the real world are forever receive a special seal, which glows when the bad mood approaches and causes the owner to call on our planet Exterminatus.


Epic Saga from the "Metelitsa", which, in places, more accurately "Faust" Goethe. The spirit of the lord of horror was sitting for a long time, sharpened in the soul stone, and he was pretty tired. Well, wrap: madness, betrayal, legions of demons, destroying cities - everything we love. By the number of history on the square pixel "Dyablo" will give odds of the history of mankind. At the very least, the evil and not very creatures in the world of Sanctuary are more than in the Scandinavian, Greek and Indian mythology combined.


The huge universe, where any boy or girl can play the role of Cinderella. The game begins with the fact that you are a slave who forgotten as unnecessary and engaged in more important things. But quite soon, the former slave may be bought half of the mainland, head the Order and kill fatty monsters with an intelligence. The game does not have a clear plot of the development of the hero and quests that you need to fulfill, "you yourself choose how to dress Masha. Full freedom for those who are characterized by Daeliki. Nobody plays in Morrowind, live in Morrowind. There you can even do sex. True, in the dark.


Gloomy post-lands, mutants, sectarians and you are a lonely wandering hero and savior of unfortunate women and children in refuge. However, if you suddenly want unfortunate women and children to move - it is also possible. Freedom of action in Fallaut is designed, so, in fact, he loves so much. Well, blood, blood.


This game (the generator of the genre "Strategy in real time") occupies a separate place in the hearts of the graying zadrotov, and the children in the sandbox boast: "My grandfather fought! - For Stalingrad? - For Arrakis! " The Gamers of the Universe of Frank Herberta was given a unique opportunity to replay the plot of the "dunes" and gear the ass on arrogant atreedis. For example, playing the home of the Ordosov, which in the author's saga was not mentioned, in principle. Well, cheaters, of course, played for the House of Harconennov, because those had an atomic bomb.


Astrologers announced a week of good luck. The number of persons of articles PICS.RU has doubled. Legendary game in the genre of a step-by-step strategy. And then all the backs were told by the choir: "The third part!" That's right, by the way, they said, for "third heroes" cannot be defeated. We do not need any three-dimensional graphics - a real gamer for happiness is pretty small: boots with wings, pumped earth magic, and a castle with black dragons.

Neverwinter Nights.

Never freezing the North city is waiting for a hero who will save the population from plague, bandits, zombies and other cute characters inhabiting any RPG. Lords arrange to each other such a goats that somehow automatically begin to suspect the hand of Serne Lannister to be suspicious of the parallel reality. Fraudsters, orcs, magicians, people, terrible cults are unique, swearing the hours of incorrecerant (c).


10 computer games that are no worse books and not weaker movies 40123_8
A series of town planning simulators with a sense of humor, pumped to the level of "God." It is favorably different from the fellow by the genre that you do not need to stupidly build the city of Dreams - you need to be cleverly to build a Caribbean island during the Caribbean crisis. Accordingly, in addition to the eternally offended residents of the city, any of your action leads either to the dissatisfaction of the United States, or wildly annoying the USSR. Thus, it is necessary not only to catch the rebels in the wild jungle, but also carefully balancing the barefoot on the razor of diplomacy. But you repeatedly coped with the nights of Naughty, yes, El President?

World of Warcraft.

You are not ready! (c) Illydan. You are not ready for exams, to the planers and to personal life. You have a raid. Thousands of plot lines, half of which still did not have time to learn players with experience in a few years. Four huge continents, dead planets, excellent fishing and best gameplay EVER. The game presented a wide intern of the MEM "Troll 80th level", although the wide internet is not aware that the maximum level is already a hundredth, and the 80 level troll is a naked Nubas, dying red Dalaranian in the tavern of the Orgrimmar. One of the funniest jokes about WOW sounds like this: "I downloaded I woops here - play on the weekend, then demolished." Yeah, she will demolish. Swedes, for example, equated this game to cocaine. And it's not for nothing - even the uncle and the auntons who have thrown the game, and there is no, yes, and there will be a depository sky outland.

Super Mario

And completes our little attack of Nostalgia Saga about Plumbing, in love with the princess. Did you think that this is a fun game, where the drowned fat man in a jumpsuit is emancated and the time is doing well under their action? Oh no. This is a story about the heroism of a simple person and crushing the power of love, which is not terrible even crawling quiet violets. The princess languishes in the gloomy basement of the Mushroom King of the Cuppe, and its relatively beautiful prince must pass all the mushroom kingdom, armed with only Vanutuz da Yershik. No, the story is sad in the world, by the way.

Pulled at the computer, right? To work! And the vacuum cleaner, receipts and the store do not forget. Sorry.

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