Novels whose authors would we like to strange. And make rewrite the ending!


Each girl and every boy has an unlucky gestalt. It is associated with artistic books. Here you read a wonderful novel, you admire the turn of the plot, and then hop - and everyone die. Or become cripples. Or another world injustice happens.

PICs specially collected in a single list of novels and authors who want to at least encourage the development of events. And as a maximum - to find, shake out of the lapel and make rewrite the end!

Hans Christian Andersen, "Girl with matches"

Andersen was never married and had no children. Probably, he thought that children were such low adults who could understand his metaphors about the best life. MODE.

Well, we, of course, understood something, but did not forgive him a "mermaid" or the "persistent tin soldier." But in a fairy tale about the mermaid was at least morality, and the soldier was still a toy. And a girl, a live girl for what?

In this fairy tale, Andersen did not relieve allegory, and directly in the forehead wrote, as the girl was her deceased grandmother and they ascended to God together. No one else suffers. Lord God! The child froze to death, because I was afraid to go home! And these her lost shoes ...

Colin Maccalow, "singing in a thorns"


It seems that McCalow wanted to win the main prize in the contest "Who is better mocked on his character." The only and unloved daughter in a large family is already enough. The death of the younger brother, the disappearance of the elder brother, marriage with indifferent bastard and endless, unbearable coldness of the mother - and this is all one little Maggie. BUT?!!!

It is not surprising that she never turned his children's love in the priest - and whom she was still loved if no one ever loved her? However, no, she loved her son. But such a good child, yes from his beloved person - a lot of happiness. It will be fat. Let him also become a priest!

Very beautiful course. The circle closed, the church again took away Maggie love, everyone sobs. Why, why did you need to drown a poor boy? Punish priest for pride? Excellent - he did not suffer this and also died. In general, everyone died. In addition to Maggie. Although it would be better and she also leand away, it would be more mine.

Turgenev, Mulum


Turgenev, may not be guilty, but the Ministry of Education is guilty, which included a story about the severe fate of the Russian serfdom in the school curriculum. We did not understand and did not want to understand why Gerasim was drowned. And not a lady, for example.

Well, okay, God with her, with a lady - but he still left! What, what prevented him to leave with the dog? When we grew up and understood that it was too late. Moumu was already drowned. And with it - our children's faith in the fact that no one will ever take our most expensive.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Pumping"


Anton Palych knew felt in perversions - good people with him or die, or live so that it would be better to die. And not just people. Here, let's say, "Chestanka": we have crushed a little over the fate of the unfortunate dog, it's also a horse on the goose. Gusik died. For what? He was so good. ...

Although, of course, before Dr. Smoke, the gous was far away. Maybe we would have forgiven Chekhov "Pumping" - if it were not shielded. Unhappy Osip now looks at us with the bottomless eyes of Bondarchuk. And dies. Every time dies. Unjust, unfair!

Alexander Duma, Vikont de Brazheon


On the last pages of the book, D'Artagnan dies heroically: he was creating a shell at that very moment when he finally took Marshal's rod. Heroic death. We cried not because I feel sorry for d'Artagnan - he, in the end, the coolness and die worried as he wanted. It was sad because now everything is exactly. No more Musketeers.

However, at this place we cried the most persistent - those who read. Those who have not worked out their own soul, reading how the dying atost is the ghost of just the deceased Raul. However, there was no longer left on the soul of a living place, because Portos died. Why first? Why is that?!

Gustave Flaubert, "Mrs. Bovari"


The woman who created to kill. From the very beginning it was clear that the unfortunate Emma was not a tenant, because is that life? But we still do not forgive.

Here we are forgiven Tolstoy Anna, because she was still nervous. She ordered her by the circles of invented hell, and threw the train - there, actually, and the road. Because the glow of passions was such that otherwise she would have burst.

It is not true. Normal, living people actually live yet, and not only burn in fire contradictory feelings-with. Here Emma lived. He lived, lived and died, heated arsenic. And it is terrible, because too much like the truth.

Jack London, "Martin Eden"


London knew how to write so that he made through the busiest. So that the reader literally was washed with tears, and hazing, felt that life was going on, and death was just a mandatory part of it. Nothing special, "water gave - water took," as the peoples of the harsh north said, to which London devoted so many lines.

No, however, even the unfortunate Paola suied then to make it easier to live. And only the brave guy Eden died just like that. Nizach.

London's genius is that all his heroes are like alive. And Martin did not want to die naturally. Did not want! After all, he snapped, but the crooked London was still drowned. We directly see the author's heavy hand on the wet head of the unhappy character. He would have gotten! He is a sailor! Yes, what was floating - he would never jumped overboard!

Joan Rowling, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows


In the finals of the book, the heroes grow up, and it turns out that the clever of Hermione married a stupid of Ron. And it seems even happy. Nothing special, it's just a nonsense of a dog, whom we generously forgive Joan. Having removed the head, they don't cry through the hair, you know.

Dumbledore has already been killed. Snape has already been killed. Sirius died and we even murgerated it. How suddenly - absolutely, very meaningless! - Lupine and Tonks die. Leaving orphans her baby. And Fred, Fred Weasley - well, what? And after all this - the cherry on the cake - Hermione goes for Ron. Lord, yes, even for Hagrid! Worse will not be worse. Because the bite's owl also died.

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