Domestic movie stars, before whom no one could resist


Since the cinema has appeared, women do not cease to violate the commandment about the idol. And how is it not to create him, when you show such beauty? PICS.RU presents a list of domestic movie stars who have become sex symbols for our women.

1940-E.Poohloguby and clear-eyed

Pavel Kadochnikov

Siegyglase handsome man with a volitional chin and a shrill look - in the military uniform of the cadochnikov was irresistible. The star was made by roles in the films of the "feat of the scout" and the "Tale of this man." For both paintings of the Cadochnikov, the company's then domestic Oscar is the Stalinist Prize. True, a second degree, but loved his spectators, as with the first. Postcards with his portrait were bought up instantly. But after his first film, who passed completely unnoticed, the Kadochnikov decided never to film again. Thanks to the director Uutkevich, who persuaded him to continue.

Georgy Yumatov

Yumatov made his debut in one film with the love of Orlova, the comedy "Spring". Maybe it brought him good luck. Already after the third role (Anatoly Popova in the "Young Guard"), Yumatov began to recognize on the streets. And especially often women. And in the movie he was invited literally from the front. The YUMATOV war was a young torture boat, participated in the capture of Budapest and Bucharest, was wounded many times. He did not have time to return to Moscow, as director Alexandrov took him into circulation. Remove, says the point. Yumatov and starred.

Vladimir Zeldin

In 1941, Zeldin played a major role in the film "Penarka and Shepherd" Dagestan Chaban Musaiba, and instantly occupied the niche of the main exotic handsome man. This role only was reproached in the 50s, after the popular TV link "Dance Teacher", where Zeldin played the main role, the Spaniard Aldemaro. On February 1, Vladimir Zeldin was exactly a hundred years, and today he is the oldest acting actor of the country and the world.


First guys on the village

Owned Davydov

In the Girl's Great Hearts, Davydov brought one of the most popular paintings of the time, Kuban Cossacks, in which he played a major role. Cossack Konevod sought the love of the advanced collective farm in the execution of Clara is absolutely, and he achieved reciprocity at once half of the country. Potential, in any case.

Leonid Kharitonov

After entering the screens of the country's color comedy "Soldier Ivan Brovkin", a stunningly young blond with a thin neck dreamed of whether to adopt, or ... to captivate under the crown of thousands of women. On the wave of the popularity of Kharitonov, the director of Mdivani removed the continuation, "Ivan Brovkin on the virgin". But in four years, a touching boy turned into a very well-friendly man, and the effect turned out to be the opposite expected: the audience sharply cooled to a recent idol.

Oleg Strizhenov

Unlike other handsome, whose star rose in the 50s, stredens did not become a sex symbol for one film. Arthur in the romantic and dramatic "felon", stubborn and fragile Felipe Rivera in Mexican, captured by the red Amazon white lieutenant in the "forty-first", mercilessly young Petya Grinev in the "Captain Daughter", bribing to a soft smile merchant traveler Athanasius Nikitin In the "walking for the three seas" - they all were equally forced to beat female hearts. Before the semi-tech view of these blue eyes was resolutely impossible to resist.


Youth, love, space

Alexander Demyanenko

The 60th did not want a lyrics or masculinity. They wanted to love and the sun. Youth began to rule the world and cinema. In 1965, the comedy "Operation s, or the adventures of Shurika" came to the screens, and the girls of the country fell in love with a funny, soft, peaceful, but sports, brave and resourceful student Sasha. "Caucasian Captive", filmed in two years, pulled oil into the fire. Alexander Demyanenko became the main blond movie. The brutal truth, however, is that the blond he was painted. Radically change the appearance forced Demyanenko precisely for the role of Shurik.

Evgeny Zharikov

Summer, sea, sun, girls in swimsuits and legoir boys in tiny shorts; The painting "Three Plus two" was doomed to success. From the role of Vadik, a slim, smiling and gallant student-major, the female actor Evgenia Zharikova began. The fact that the next star role accounted for only the 70s was not prevented at all.

Vladimir Korenev

The main exotic beauties of the 60s became, thanks to the painting "Man-Amphibian", Krymchanin Vladimir Korenev. The recipe for the popularity of the film was all the same: summer, sun, sea. Only the long-legged young man appeared not in the microces, but in a bizarre-fitting diving suit.


Ironic, intellectual, with nerve

Oleg Dal.

The fragile, angular and gentle, in the role of a jester in the "King Lira" - and many others - the distance literally caused the desire to hug and swim in the audience. And let him comfort, sad and gently.

Andrei Mironov

To enjoy women, Mironov spent a lot of strength. Hutted, watched the fashion, was engaged in sports and very carefully laid her hair. And they loved him anyway for charm.

Vladimir Vysotsky


There is even nothing to comment. Everyone also knows why they were crazy about him.


Romance and cynicism

Mikhail Boyarsky

Mustache, sings and almost all the time playing ancient foreigners - how was it to resist! With its popularity in women, young boyars actively used and did not hide it very much.

Igor Kostolovsky

Already after the "nameless star", many decided that he was mil, but the role of the intelligence in Tehran-43 made Kostoloshevsky madly sexual. The combination of calm masculinity and intelligent softness, the correct features of the face and athletic addition - all this was forced to fight female hearts.

Alexander Abdulov

But the main sex, will not be afraid of this word, the symbol of the 80s was, undoubtedly Abdulov. High, widespread, long-legged, with childish delicate lips and a soft look of brown eyes - and at the same time brightly courageous, confident. He was doomed to universal love.


Heroes of our childhood

Vladimir Mashkov

Troubled time demanded a new hero. Courageous, cold-blooded, decisive. Our domestic macho Mashkov fits perfectly in expectations of the country's women.

Alexander Domogarov

Some love the message. For such an ideal dish, the Count Louis de Clermont de Bursti, Senor D'AMBUAZ from the series "Queen Margo" and "Countess de Monsoro". For the arrogant athlete with a sword and in lace, many girls and even more female were dried.

Sergey Bodrov-Jr

Typical for films and books of the 80s, Karapivsky boy grew up, but remained a smooth, bulb and fighter for justice. Each of the characters of Bodrov-younger was a typical hero of his time. Yes, it was, heroism in the 90s - with illegal trunks and slightly according to the concepts.


Confrontation glamor

Dmitry Dyuzhev

This is probably the case when the actors do not like a popular character, but despite him. Because the character is a gangster a bandit and belching of the 90s, and the duughz is sexy, intellectual and tells the stunning bass. And we still did not even remember about the figure.

Konstantin Khabensky

All come out of dusk! Madly beautiful profile and covered intelligent reflection on the bottom of the brown eyes. If you are a fan of Khabensky, then in every film you want to save it. And then so that he is. And so several times.

Alexey Chadov

Where there are their Draculam and Edwardam Cullen to our bone Savushkina! The most tender vampire. Ever.

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