We remain wintering: 15 reasons to wait for cold in Russia


Wintering in Thailand? Who did you want to surprise? Do not forget your roots and stay for the winter of the house - it will show all you are nonconformist and the original. Besides here and in the cold there is something to do. Can:

1. Tuvet

In Muin or Goa, you will be one and the same, even the coconut juice is not with anyone to drink, because all the friendships are sitting at the place of registration and curse you and your palm instagramchik. At home, maybe it's cold, but everyone is around.

2. Save

Winter is a high season in tropical countries, and restaurateurs with hotel managers drut from tourists three skins. Meanwhile, it is, on the contrary, the time of savings. Any Bar owner understands - you can wear the electorate from the house only three mulled wine at the price of one.

3. Cool dressed

You can boil new bots, parks and caps. And the beach remains only to shy cellulite. Because around - the crowd of models whom the dodges were taken to cut down on the sand.

4. Watch a festive mood

What about the new year? And christmas? Hot cocoa, sweaters with deer and fragile Christmas tree? New year in southern latitudes looks some kind of deceptive.

5. Do not bathe about midges

Take a timeout from flies and mosquitoes. They have a year-round watch, and here they are at least for the time of winter they are spread through the slots.

6. Flose in childhood

Skiing, sleds, snowmen and other shutders. Snow has an amazing euphoric impact on adult people - hefty my foreheads run to the street to make snowy angels and organize the reconstruction of the Borodino battle on the snowballs. FIG, this will be offered on the beach.

7. Make peelings

Behind the physiognomy should be followed, this is a fact. Washing in economic soap, if you are not 15 years old, it is not enough for a long time. Any beautician will tell you that the peelings must be done in winter, because ultraviolet turns a polished person in a rush chicken. Start in November, just end by February. You will have a smooth dial, and these people who in the seas rode are photoboring, pigmentation and sadness.

8. Learn New

When the entrance removes the most visor, and the temperature on the street approaches the absolute zero, the time of operation comes. What else to do something? The door still approx. We learn the languages ​​on Skype, listen to podcasts, read already, after all, the entire short sheet of the buoy.

9. Play BeloMigration

Welly on the Black Sea, where at this time there is no absolutely none, and Brodie by empty embankments, depicting a countess in exile. For mood, you can read something sluggish and lyrical, type of sagan or remark. And you can grab a guy instead of a book. If this is not a romantic weekend, then we do not know what you still need.

10. Go to Baikal

Shield originality and ride to Baikal. The lake covered with blue ice is a real natural attraction, a landscape of sleep and the largest rink in the world. And there are hot springs and delicious dumplings-overgrowth called Pose. And none of your friends there was not and will not.

11. Lucky


Try to make yourself press yourself when +35 and parties in the pools. And then there is nothing more to do, well. But in the laundry frost, push-ups will not only climb cubes on the press, but also warm. 10 minutes a day, and annual panic "I need to lose weight for vacation !!!" will be held without your participation.

12. Tolstty

However, winter in Russia - just that time when you can argue with cream cakes and a pilaf of a fat lamb, without watering all this case with flammable tears. Well, you score a kilo-other. So who will see them there for ten sweaters.

13. Walk on the rink

The most romantic place in any winter city, here you and lights, and nostalgia, and music, and dating with all sorts of tightened skaters.

14. Crying

In the heat which hugs? All sweaty, wet and smack, oh, move away, nasty. And in the winter there is nothing more cozy than to wrap one blanket.

15. Waiting for spring

Because even such a cool winter may be bored.

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