10 unexpected zucchini dishes


Time comes when the world conquer reasonable zucchini. It seems that they want to settle our planet: it climbs out from everywhere slender pale-green rows! And there are a penny, sporads, and willingly surrender in stew. PICS proposes to fight this invasion by destroying it inside. Especially for those who are tired of stew and caviar, we have collected super-original methods!

Squash stuffed with cottage cheese

Ingredients: Shells of cottage cheese, pair of zucchini (total approximately the same weight), egg, grams 100 solid cheese, garlic clove, vegetable oil, greens, salt-pepper. The process itself. From the zucchini make "boats". In cottage cheese add chopped garlic, egg and greens. Mix well and load this mince to our zucchini ship. We sprinkle them with grated cheese and let go in a slightly squandered baking tray in the oven, preheated degrees to 170 - about half an hour. We argue, wait for them with great impatience!

Zucchini pancakes without flour

Ingredients: Already big, but also a young zucchini, a pair of eggs, 50-70 g Manka from solid wheat varieties, vegetable oil for frying, pepper-salt. The process itself. Cooking three on a fine grater, press the extension fluid, connect with the other ingredients, form small pancakes and fry from two sides to crispy appetizing goldenness. The arrangement of which can be honest to say: "This is not a flour!"

Warm salad with mint

Ingredients: Couple of zucchini or a few small zucchini, a pair of garlic cloves, a spoon of olive oil, salt, mint. The process itself. Mytie vegetables cut on thin rings or stripes. In the frying pan heating the oil with garlic when he will be twisted - we delete. Now on this flavored oil, inspire our salted rings on high heat. We mix with chopped mint, decorated with several mint branches, we are in warm form, reap the laurels.

Cuccachk pizza

Ingredients: A large cabinet, a small eggplant, a pair of tomatoes, a gram of 100 solid cheese, egg, a couple of tablespoons of a mankey, salt. The process itself. The washed and purified zucchini with eggplant twisted on the meat grinder (you can leave a few pieces), add a semoline and egg, salt, well mix and leave the dough for 20 minutes. Now lay it out in a lubricated oil shape, we lay the cut tomatoes and pieces of zucchini-eggplant And completely from above, all this is polishing with grated cheese. All this is sent to the preheated oven for 20 minutes - and the super-diet vegetable pizza is ready!

Kabachk Parmjana

Ingredients: A pair of small zucchini or zucchini, 200 g of boiled lentils, how much sorry for tomatoes Cherry, a small bowl, about 125 g mozzarella, grams of 50 parmesan, vegetable oil, salt. The process itself. Onions are golden in a frying pan, then they connect the cut tomatoes to him and put more minutes 5. Then lentil - and another 10 minutes. Zucchini fry (better without grilled oil). Now laying out the layers: tomato-lentil - chopped cheese - zucchini - repeat. Top sprinkled with cheese and 15 minutes we bake in the oven at 200 degrees. BUON APPETITO!

Kabachk lasagna

Ingredients: Polkulo stuffing, zucchini, carrot, bulb, sweet pepper, floor apple, gram 200 cheese, 4 spoons of sour cream, egg, curry, saffron, salt, pepper. The process itself. Puffs gently, without fanaticism, fry with onions and carrots. Vegetables fruit cut thin, cheese rubbing. We post all this beauty in the form of layers, pour sour cream, whipped with egg and spices, sprinkled with cheese. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes - and enjoy the latest patricians.

Cauccian cake

Ingredients: Several small zucchini or zucchini, a couple of carrots, 4 eggs, a pair of sugar glasses and flour, three-quarters of a glass of vegetable oil, a pair of bundling spoons, a bit cinnamon, salt and soda. For cream: a pack of cream cheese, oil strips, several glasses of sugar powder (to taste), vanilla. The process itself. Let the eggs live for some time at room temperature, and we are still cooking cream. Cheese with butter whipped to a pomp, add powder so much so that there is a desired cream thickness, and vanilla for smell. Carrot and zucchini three on the grater. While the oven heats, in one bowl mix flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, salt and soda, in the other - vegetables, eggs and oil. Now let them meet, and we mix them thoroughly. We lay out the dough in two blurred forms and bake for about 30-40, while the toothpick penetrates in the cake will not be dry. Finally, on one korzh smear the cream, we put the second on top - and again with a smear cream. Sliced ​​cake can be decorated with nuts and mint leaves.

Chocolate-zucchy cake

Ingredients: grams 350 grams, gram flour 200, pair of eggs, 120 g sour cream and twice the creamy oil, 100 g of vegetable oil, a glass of sugar conventional and vanilla sachets, 4 spoons of cocoa powder, a cinnamon spoon, a pair of spoons of cooked strong coffee, floor tea Spoons of soda, burst spoon, salt. You can take milk and sugar powder and make glaze. The process itself. Zucchini Blendim, Solim, press. All dry ingredients mix, all liquid (including melted oil) - beat. Now we connect it all into the dough, including zucchini, and mix well. We spread it into the dashed shape and bake at 180 degrees 45 minutes. If it is very inline, along the way you can check the readiness of the toothpick. Now lubricate the cake with icing, cool - and arrange the most insane tea on the light of tea!

Kabachki smoothie

Ingredients: Young zucchini, cucumber, slight salt, pepper and coriander, greens for beauty. The process itself. My-clean vegetables, rub them on the grater, season - and thoroughly smash the blender at high speeds. We decorate green twigs - and enjoy the freshness of the summer morning. Cheerful and healthy, and at the same time the original, it is necessary as it happens!

Kabachkovo-Orange dessert

Ingredients: Large orange, small zucchini, lemon, sugar. The process itself. Orange with lemon cut the lonely, and the zucchini - cubes. Now lay out in the pan of layers: first citruses, sugar on them, then zucchini, again citrus ... Cover the lid and shop, while the zucchini does not prepare. If there is not enough syrup, you can add water. If you want to save this taste for the winter, you can, similarly welding, close the zabachkovo-orange jam in the banks. Zucchini for him is better to lose on a large grater, and in front of the cooking to fall asleep with sugar for several hours.

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