Botsad on the windowsill


Among the dampness and the sermost of the middle strip of the soul desperately asks for some Chunga-Changi. But you can organize a tropical gardens without leaving your own apartment!

So when on holidays will take pool themselves and seven vitamins and exotic, do not throw out bones, grains and roots. With them you can organize very fascinating environment. And with attentive care, some exotic green friends can even bring harvest. The main thing is warm, moisture, love and caress. They say with plants it is also useful to talk. And for both sides of the dialogue.

1. Limon

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The most important. Grow the tree, which will begin to give the fruits, you can have five years. A large bone (for loyalty is better somewhat - to choose the most magnificent seedling) in a depth of 1-2 cm in a pot with a drainage hole. After a few months, we move into a larger container, pinch the top so that Krona bushes. It is important to light well and moisturize - and a couple of times to replant, and also feed fertilizers. Subtleties. To improve the results, the bone before planting is well sufficient to hold 12 hours in the corneser solution. And on the fourth year, make the stenter "ring": the trunk at the base to drag the copper wire, after six months it is to remove the ring, and this place is smeared with water.

2. Mandarin

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The most important. Choose large bones of ripe mandarin and keep them in a wet marla, periodically wasting. Sprouts will be processed - we plant in the soil for citrus, without forgetting about drainage. During the period of active growth, feed fertilizers, once a year we transplant, trying to preserve the earth around the root at the maximum. If you like the tree, then after four, it can give you the fruits. Subtleties. Mandarin and boils, and grows slowly, so do not worry. And he loves the light very much, so it is better to provide him with additional lighting.

3. Coffee tree

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The most important. Coffee very quickly loses germination. Store Green grains are theoretically also able to germinate, but rather there will be experiments with seeds purchased on the Internet. Grains, disinfected in a weak manganese solution and purified from the shell, planting around a centimeter into a squeezed ground, mixed with sand and peat (approximately 1: 2: 2). We cover the container with glass, periodically removing it for airport. After the appearance of the leaves, we sear in different pots. Once a month feed, do not forget to go well and spray. Years in 3-4 Coffee tree may begin to give a crop. Subtleties. Coffee loves a little acidified earth, so if possible, add a sphagnum moss to the mixture. The optimal temperature is 22-25 ° in summer and not lower than 15 ° in winter. The crown does not need a special formation, it is worth only to remove too extended branches.

4. Granat

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The most important. Seeds of ripe fetus, washed away from the pulp, planting about 1 cm. When leaves appear, successful sprouts are transplanted into more spacious pots with soil from equal parts of sand, peat and humus. We feed a couple of times a month, trimming and pinching give Krone the desired form. Subtleties. Before boarding, it is 12 hours to soak the grains in the epin or zircon solution. At the stage of their germ, you can make a "greenhouse": put on a pot of plastic bag with holes for ventilation. In winter, the tree drops the leaves, and after wintering in the coolness and with minimal irrigation in the spring again returns to life.

5. Ginger

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The most important. Having chosen the most fresh and smooth root, healed it warm and moisture, so that the kidneys appear. Now we divide into pieces and shallowly planted into lightweight soil with good drainage kidney. We provide warmth and moisture, in the summer hide from direct sunlight, and about six months later, when the leaves and stems are completely dry, the harvest can be collected. And, if you like it, run the process again. Subtleties. The roots of ginger will not deep into the root, but styling, so the pot is better to take a shallow but wide.

6. Avocado

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The most important. The bone of ripe fetus is immersed in the water on a third of a stupid ending down. After the appearance of the roots, we plant it in the pot with a loose mixture of the earth, sand and peat (also immersing in the ground for only a third). The pot is better to take not ceramic, but plastic. Avocado loves abundant watering and warmth. You can replant once a year or two, fertilize - once a month. Subtleties. Avocado loves to stretch up, so it is worth forming a more magnificent crown, picking a twig. Fruits our tree to bring, most likely, will not, but bloom is quite capable.

7. Pinik

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The most important. Carefully cleaned and washed bone (to accelerate germination it can be dedicated or scattered) I germinate in a wet gauze in a warm place. Then put in a pot with a mixture of the earth and peat. It will grow up - relieve in a more spacious room. We water with soft water, 1-2 times a month we carry out feeding. Subtleties. The first two or three years, the plant will consist of several branches and fit on the windowsill. Then it can grow up so that it will be required. Fruit your home dates will not, except that you will manage to plant near and male, and female plants. But it will be quite honest to report that you are under your own palm!

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