10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned


We are all somehow sacrifices of a common cultural context. And the fact that we imagine or want to represent - the result of centuries-old pumping of brains. There is nothing terrible or bad in this, but sometimes you look around and think that it would be nice to ban some works of art. Well, just that society is healthier, wiser and calmer.


10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_1
Generations of the maiden, reading and seeing Cinderella, believe in the highest justice, and that if they carefully separate millet from the millet, patiently demolish the stumps and insults, as well as raise a special pumpkin in the garden, a fairy will appear in the garden. Further - free shoes, carriage, ball, prince and other cinderingles. Stupidity! Fay does not exist. Pumpkin is just a pumpkin. Shoes from crystal damn is impractical in the sock. And for the highest justice - in Sportloto. There are more chances there.


10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_2
"Thumbelling" believes that noble vegetable origin and a permanent diet in the "Crash" sooner or later will lead them to the country of elves. There, where a vague creature with thin legs will give them a new name, wings and crown. The main thing is not to hurry with marriage and politely refuse numerous toads and cloths. Meanwhile, if you remember, the toad was sincerely in love, albeit slightly infantile. The mole honestly sought his wife and hostess. But the elf behaved like a self-confident and arrogant goat. So, it is not known whether it is so lucky as a dehyctic, as it seems to us. And was there an elf in general?


10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_3
Who is waiting for, will surely wait! So they consider romantic and lackless young women, convinced that their fate will not go anywhere, and sooner or later on the horizon will appear scarlet sails. It is enough just to sit at the window, eat pastries and sighs beautifully. Naive fatalists. Somewhere in forty-five or a little later, the ass is obesity and the understanding of what they missed something. But, alas, by that time, all the sails have long been dismantled, and greens - radiculitis and grandchildren.

the little Mermaid

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_4
"I will sacrifice yourself, he will see everything, everything will be appreciated, and we will be happy." Honest word, Cinderella with her pumpkin smarter. After all, even in the source, the Little Mermaid fought badly, but it would seem - the fairy tale should have heptiend. But convinced mermaids do not want to see this and for the sake of fictional love are ready to sacrifice voice, friends, pride, housing and career. So live - silence and sacrificial. And if you're lucky, come terrified.

Nagnika Flower

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_5
"I was blinded from what it was" is about her. Every "Nastya" certainly knows that under the appearance of a sloppy sociophobe is hiding an enchanted prince. The main thing is not to be lazy, and gently tame a monster. Take up the methods of modern dresser - and forward. You look, in a year the monster will learn to bring allen flower and salary in the teeth. And I still need to wash it, combat and wear in clean jeans - but this is the tenth business. In fact, everything is great, only these relationships are not at all like a friendship or love. Some kind of grandfather's grandfather, honestly.

Lady Winter (she is Milady)

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_6
The ladies who choose this hypostsy, need it, or everything, or nothing! It is vital to constantly get involved in adventures, actor, weave intrigue and go to the goal with any possible means. While in the zone of their activity, phlegmatic portos and romantic Dartanyans are all right. But the ambitious Milady of this is not enough - they give them graphyer. Little trouble: when the long-awaited "Count de la Fer" calculates their intentions (and he always calculates!) And contemptuously turns away, Milady receive a fatal blow on pride. Alas, the fate of Mili - either be content with small, or remain alone.


10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_7
At first glance, Roksolana - Milady Side view. The same unprincipledness and self-confidence. But Rocksolane from Milady is distinguished by the ability of long and carefully plan their future and, if necessary, take a step back. Where Milady will stick to Narnol - Roksolana will sit on the sofa and will think well. Where Milady rushes into a fight, Roksolana will get pregnant in a fast. Where Millady prefers to kill, Roksolana bribes. It would seem what wonderful archetype ... Husband is Sultan. House Palace. That's just for all these many kind of roksolane, there is no time to love and be beloved.

Elizabeth Bennet

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_8
Umnitsa-wise-modest. All she knows, everything understands. Above the head does not jump, the bar does not dare, wears a dresses of non-smoky colors and considers the flirting a humiliating occupation. And why should she kill? After all, sooner or later there is a rich and beautiful aristocrat who will appreciate its spiritual qualities, a subtle mind, and elegant bending of the neck. Alas. In real life, Mr. Darcy is not looking towards the wisdom of Lizzy, preferring to the girls of their circle. However, the ladies do not say so that the very "iron logic" comes to the rescue. Anyone who did not appreciate her advantages immediately enters the list of idiots or snobs. And there is nothing to build from yourself!

Beautiful girl

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_9
Pretty woman - Cinderella inside out. If Cowushkin asset is chastity, kindness and humility, then beauty asset is a stormy past, noisy present, vulgar manners and bright makeup. According to the beauty, the princes for many centuries are pretty a fear, which neither in the piano Nagish is not drank, no champagne cracker. And here you are all such a natural, original, daring ... but, of course, gentle and wounded in! What a millionaire will stand? The beauties sincerely wondered when instead of rich and smart handsome hands, marginal or, at best, thick bores. After all, they were shown in the movie as it should be!

Carrie Bradshow.

10 of the most famous heroines of books and cinema that should be banned 40102_10
If you behave like an unrestrained nymphomaniac, dress like a glamorous homeless, wearing a "careless laughter" on the head, constantly reflecting and spend a salary for designer shoes, then in the forty-five years you will meet a man of your dreams. In the extreme case, the series will be removed about you. Those who deliberately or unconsciously chose Carrie with their prototype, pushed on fashionable parties, hang on the streets loaded with colored bags from boutiques, lacquered in the mornings of the brut, lead the blog and believe that in forty-five it will happen a miracle and he will appear! Carry happened! Unfortunately, in the entire history of the female kind, it happened, it seems, only at her.

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