Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide


Many of us have time from time to time to face a very serious problem: how to get rid of her husband. Reasons can be diverse, ranging from life insurance and ending with complex psychological calculations that can be short-to-see "because he is reptile!".

Suppose the decision is made. But how to bring it to life? Here are some unacceptable tips that any woman can take advantage.

Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide 40101_1

Enter the room with a decisive step, go to my husband, stop opposite it, look into your eyes and tell me in a penetrated voice: "Dear, I changed you." Then go, sobbing, as if you would like to forget the gun on the writing desk. Pros: Cheap - no monetary and time costs. Among other things, the method is beautiful and elegant, they can boast on the bachelorette party: "Ah, he did not survive my treason." Minuses: Unfortunately, it does not work.

Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide 40101_2

Heavily drink a husband from the evening. In the morning, put a bubble with poison with the inscription "poison" near his bed. Pros: The method is reliable and verified. The main thing is not to confuse anything and do not try to slip my husband's pistol instead of poison. From the pistol, he misses. Minuses: The method is very cruel. You will have to keep it secret, and this in itself is unbearable. In addition, the method is not suitable for non-drinking and moderately drinking men, and even though they are rare, but still meet. So what are they now, do not bring suicide?

Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide 40101_3

Sign up on your husband's favorite dating site, appear to a gentle and passionate green-eyed brunette, rewrite for a long time, assign a date and do not come. As an excuse, let us know that at the last minute decided to show his letter to the graphologist, and the graphologist immediately said that people who use the ARIAL Narrow font small dick Pros: The method is cheerful, without sullen seriousness. Leaves a place for playing, creativity, light casual jokes. Minuses: The dating site itself may interfere to concentrate on the main task. You will be distracted by outsiders, which is completely unacceptable for a decent woman, mother of the family, a socurated morality. In addition, high risk of error - what if you confuse and bring someone else to suicide? Conscience then madness, and you need it?

Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide 40101_4

Of course, the phrase "format the hard disk" little tell you. But if you wait until the husband takes the penultimate level of the computer game, and then you will sit down at the computer and will push your finger to different buttons for a long time, then sooner or later you will be offered such an opportunity. You ask, how to distract your husband from a computer in such a responsible moment? Well, do not know. And the rod for what? Pros: The method brings inexpressible pleasure. Just do not even know why. At some point you can even feel that the tool chosen is overshadowing the noble goal. And this, according to psychologists, the main criterion is the correctness of your actions. Minuses: The method is dangerous. By the time the husband will suspect the wrong, it is better for you somewhere. Do not look thoughtfully on the cabinet in the guest room, this is not an option. Think about political asylum in a country that does not produce terrorists. Because if the husband kills you before suicide, then all the idea will lose its initial meaning.

Five simple ways to bring her husband to suicide 40101_5

Bring in one evening all family condition. Pros: Perhaps this is the most pleasant way to bring her husband to suicide. Moreover, it is not necessary to delay everything in a casino. It is possible to jump out between the roulette and poker to the neighboring store and buy beads. Minuses: Yes what minuses? Well, finally, remember that unambiguous recommendations do not happen, the key to success in the creative individual approach. Try, experiment. And remember: only one who does nothing is not mistaken!

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