Survive with parents


This moment has come. On the one hand - economic reasons. The rental price of the apartment coincided with the size of the average salary, and if they live separately - there will be nothing. On the other hand, your parents are not young and do not become healthier. And here you are with a suitcase, inexpensive flat-screen TV and a fashionable dog Cherga standing on the threshold of the house and look around with horror. Nothing changed. It was here that the family court was waiting for you when the comrades brought you home at 5 am unconscious. It was this door that closed 10 years ago when you went to the will. Welcome home.

Parents promise you that everything will be wonderful. That you will live together a soul in the soul. What will happen a significant saving of money. What they will never begin to interfere in your life and in general "we are so glad, so happy." And at first it will be so. Moreover, it will be even fine: wonderful fritters for breakfast, for example. When was the last time ate pancakes for breakfast? And then the alarming bells will begin. At three o'clock in the morning, the father will suddenly be included with the question "Why are you not sleeping?" Then the Commandant hour will be added to the regime. It is clear that if you are delayed, you need to call. But if you come home to the usual Friday, even with all calls and SMS, you are waiting for a reproaching look in the morning. Well, how can you - my mother do not regret, Pope offended, do not take care of yourself! And now, finally, the inevitable final: at five in the morning, friends are trimming your immobilized body and leave it under the door, followed by a fair Family Court. Mom drinks Walockordin, her father's view is ruthless, you have sixteen again, welcome to Pubertat. I really want to write "But all the troubles can be avoided, observing simple rules," but in fact, all the troubles can not be avoided. You can only try to minimize losses.

Personal space

Yes, this is a parent apartment. But your room is just your room, and there should be no daddy jackets and mother towels in your closet. And on the door there should be a lock or at least a cheek. Yes, when you tried to set a junk at 14, it ended with a grand scandal, after which you asked for forgiveness from Mom. But now you are an adult, gather, rag!

Contribution to the general

You must make money. You have to buy products - and what they eat, and this is this whole rubbish that you eat - germinated soybean, coconut milk, rabbit and New Zealand lamb. You have to clean the apartment - well, or hire a cleaning lady. You have to carry the mother to the store - because for her it is responsibility, and entertainment, and valuable pastime. You must tell them something and listen to them carefully. Want to live with your parents - be a competitive son, nothing can be done here.


The established mode greatly facilitates life with parents. Always go from the apartment at the same time. Even if you can work at home - believe me, in the office it will be easier to do it. It is also useful to return to approximately at the same time - immediately before the parents are time to go to bed. Teaches them to the fact that, for example, on Wednesday you do not spend the night at home. And on Fridays you come home after two. Choose a culinary day - let's say, you cook dinner on Thursdays. Or on Sundays. Cooking - excellent psychotherapy. And do not forget to call or slate the example, if you are delayed. In modern conditions, it is quite easy to install alarm clock on a smartphone.


Forget! The event "bring a girlfriend to my home" is postponed until you have your own home. Mom always considers all girlfriend as a potential daughter-in-law. Do you need it? Does it need it? Does this make my mother in the end? There are hotels, saunas, diving houses that give sex toys for rent.

Think about the future

If it's about you - use life in parents' home with benefit. Give debts, raise the qualifications, find a new job, scolding money for the first installment, take a mortgage or rent an apartment. If the case is in parents - terpi. Compliance with the commandment "Read your father's father and your mother so that it was good to you and to continue your days on earth" practically guarantees you a place in the kingdom of heaven.


In the end, your father is the smartest and courageous man in the world. And your mother is witty, good and loves you as no one can ever. Personal freedom and the opportunity to drive home girls is, of course, it is not bad, but there are things and cooks.

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