7 places where you need to drive a man if he behaves badly


If you need such a rare element as men's tears for ghosting and dark riters, read our instructions and get them with liters.

Store Ikea. Fabrics


Tell me "Tomorrow we are going to Ikea, cute" and enjoy his dead paleness. ABOUT! He knows in advance that he is waiting for him! We all have seen these zombies of comrades that are helplessly crowd with stands with a sisty and organza, instinctively forming a small one, but a friendly herd. We all know how it is convenient to use a husband for holding selected cuts and rolls. We all understand how your second half feels when it is worth everyone in sight and comes in a fist of the Motok with a braid.

Let them stand. You will spend these two hours with benefit. You are considering new sample samples, pick up the upholstery for your favorite chair, sweep up with a consultant and with a neighbor in turn to the board. ABOUT! You can also periodically put the spouse or boyfriend samples of the tissues of the most idiotic colors, shouting joyful: "What is needed! And from the residues I am a panama!

Department of colors in Obi


The principle is the same as with Ikea. The main thing is to take a husband in the obsession of deception or caress and immediately burden by a couple of passionist pots with some kind of it, so that he has not fastened anywhere. And then frolic you can. You can, along with the thay, carry it from the rack to the rack, requiring the argued board of the choice of velvetsev. You can make these damn velvets (take no less than thirty pieces), then put in the stroller, then remove it, because "not that texture." You can already at the exit when the educated almost exhaled with relief, "Suddenly remember" that Mother's Ficus needs to transplant and drive a poor fellow back to the Times, loudly offended by insufficient involvement in the process.

Important! In no case let him "at least for a minute" look into the department with a tool. Educational effect will immediately disappear.

Express Manicure Rack


"I quickly. Ten minutes and that's it. Do not go anywhere "- a code phrase, without which an experienced hostess cannot do. The main task is to hold the husband of one and a half hours in a tense waiting. Better - within reach. Even better - on the legs. The unattainable ideal - to discharge the phone in advance, so that he should not be distracted.

Whenever the head of the idleness of the idleness will try to bring skis and twist to the nearest store with gadgets, you need to confidently report that "only one minute" remained. " And continue to enjoy the process, slowly and with knowledge of the case, for example, between "mint" and "green tea".

Spontaneous arrival in an unfamiliar hypermarket in order to roam the products for the week


Spontaneous! Unfamiliar! For a week! Agree, already from some of these words you want to hang. Do not be shy! Issue to my husband the biggest stroller and seed trail, it is believed that everything ended in the house, including vinegar. On his question "And where is the list?" Fly shoulders and make a look that is about to pay.

From time to time you can clap my forehead and remember that cats have no absorbent filler that the son needs sports socks with an orange strip, and that parents will come on Saturday, and dad can not do without the Spanish pomegranate spinning juice. It is recommended to wait for home rolls near the ticket and send the poor to the poor man in search of the Japanese Rack. Usually, the "Japanese" is driven into such impassable debts that the beloved Humanwoman will be absolutely lost. After an hour and a half you can generously find and save.

Parent-teacher meeting


To send a man to the parent meeting you need to either pretend that you are at death, or to arrange a scandal. Choose yourself. The main thing is that the dad does not have the opportunity to "jump off". And then calmly pass the process of education for professional outsource and do our own business. There, at school, the man will get in full (the teachers will do everything both with a fantasy characteristic of teachers with experience).

Trip to the cottage to parents to plant, albeit and repair


"Mom asked to come and help with the pump." From this proposal begins the educational and preventive reception "Cottage of your beloved trembling". And here you also do not need to do anything yourself - Mom perfectly will figure it out with an adored son-in-law, forcing him to survive the most terrible flour from possible. And we are not about the weeding and repairing. This is bullshit. But Mamina innocent hints to modest salary, intellect and potency have a powerful educational effect.

Family psychologist


Another wonderful, modern and most successful way to shift your work to upbringing a husband on the shoulders of a professional. "Dear, I think we have problems. We urgently need to a family psychologist, "you say and immediately see the result. The husband becomes a dark green and gloomy, like that's the same. And on the session itself, the poor fellow is so scary to suffer that you are hardly kept from tears of compassion! Do not Cry! After all, all this for his own good. Pity and pedagogy are incompatible!

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