Six recipes for men idiot

Any man must cook. Firstly, this for some reason produces an invariably deliberate impression on girls (although the effectiveness of this method as a means of seduction is greatly exaggerated). Secondly, everyone loves to devour. Thirdly - cooking is one of the ideal methods for creating chaos and slicing, and chaos and srach are the main goals and the results of the life of a real man. Women love to say that cooking is long, difficult and generally a full job. But in fact, they just justify their laziness and reluctance to lay the sleepers full-time. Below are some simple recipes for tasty and healthy food, the preparation of which takes no more than twenty minutes (and you can still smoke in the process). Yes, keep in mind, male idiot kitchen requires only three kitchen tools. You will need a large frying pan with a thick bottom and high walls (although the cheapest tin will also fit), the mill for pepper and a large culinary tweezers. And if without the first two items, you can do it (fry meat on a rolling sheet with a steel sheet or reflux ground pepper from the bag, for example), then cooking without culinary tweezers - it's like an attempt to score a nail without a hammer: no matter how you can, but why?

Colored meal

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This is the simplest basic Hruchivo, which is striking the imagination of the uninitiated. For two: approximately 600 grams of chicken breast and all seasonal vegetables to taste - a few sweet peppers and tomatoes (they, in fact, give color food), zucchini or zucchini and onions. The chicken should be cut into small pieces, throw into a bowl, pour soy sauce, and add a finely chopped ginger and mix. Leave to think while the vegetables are cut. All vegetables, respectively, cut. Fry on a large pan (you can in wok, this is a more Pijon version) already grilled chicken, then throw vegetables there and to do under the lid. The chicken should have time to go through, and vegetables ideally - stay crispy. Yes, it is not necessary to fry onions in advance - some roasted onions cause memories of high kindergarten cuisine and the associated depression and the desire to kill. Fresh-hearted black pepper (the main ingredient of delicious and healthy cuisine) add to the taste, but it is not necessary to salt - the soy sauce will give enough salt. As a result, it should be beautiful and tasty colored food. Serve with white or pink dry wine. Well, or with beer. The level of chaos and silent: 4 out of 10. Leukoy husk and pepper seeds are cleaned with a plan.

Fried fish

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The easiest way to cook Sybas, fish for consumer. Fish need to be cleaned (if it does Kyrgyz in the store - chaos and there will be almost no silence in the kitchen and the goal will not be achieved) and pay, after which rub the salt inside and outside. Preheat a pan with a rather large amount of oil (fish loves oil) and fry until ready. You can put in the belly of each fish on the dill branch and a piece of lemon, but this is already a shifted, in essence. Serve with bitter white wine type Pinot Grijio, well, or, again, with a light beer. The level of slicer and chaos: 8 out of 10. You will have to clean the sink from scales well, and in general, wash the kitchen.

Stakes from the liver

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Usually people hate liver. This is all because the mother and the cook in kindergarten extended her in some flour sauce and brought to the state when it is color, consistency and taste resembles the sole. Do not do that! It is necessary to buy a fresh liver (for two - about 700 grams), remove films, cut into large (from half palm), and thick (at least two fingers) slices and throw on a hot frying pan. It is not worth the salt (fried meat at all should be salted during cooking). But sprinkle from above the hammer coriander, which will give the liver a sweet taste of Borodino bread - it is possible and necessary. In fact, it is very important to buy a liver in a proven place with all sanitary seals, because you have to have a slightly departed. Ideally, she should be Rare or Medium Rare, with a layer of raw meat or in extreme cases with a large number of red juice, the one that will be mixed with a large salt in your plate. You can serve with some sauces for meat type green tchemali, but it is better to simply use it without any sauces, like an animal, making indecent sounds. The liver will be gentle and sweetish, and together with it all the bravery and the power of the cow will be in you. This dish is better to use with some dense red wine type Carmenere or unfiltered dark beer. The level of chaos and silent: 5 out of 10. Film and blood puddles are not very difficult to remove.

Grilled meat

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Cut the beef with large fat slices, throw on a very hot pan, fry until readiness. The complexity here is one, but very serious: the taste of this dish by 90% depends on the quality of meat, and buy decent meat in Moscow - akin to the search for St. Grail. Australian beef was banned, Argentine is as a human, Lipetsk steaks - junk. Go to markets, be friends with butchers. Serve roasted meat with dry red wine or any other drink. The level of chaos and silent: Very low, 2 out of 10. To leave a trace in history, you will have to try. Is that you come into mind to beat off meat - then his pieces can be on the ceiling.

Tobacco chicken. Well, or something very similar

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A small chicken is rubbed with red pepper and salt. We do that, because we will sing and do not use the ready-made "chicken seasonings", but if your culinary and religious beliefs are not so hard, you can use the finished mixture of spices. Further, this chicken should be thrown onto a hot pan, cover the plate suitable on the diameter and put the press on top. If you have not survived a five-kilogram girome from grandma, a small saucepan of water will come down. Fry, then we turn over, some more fry and serve on the table with any, in essence, wine. Do not bother - the plate will be very hot, use culinary tweezers or passages. The level of chaos and silent: 6 out of 10. Suddenly high, because the chicken will spit with fat and oil from under the plate. And then, she has a plastic packaging, well, not to throw it into a bucket immediately?

Duck breast with apple puree

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The vertex of idiotic cooking for lazy people, a highly efficient seduction tool, an ideal for the ratio of spent effort (striving for zero) and the result (divine). For two - approximately 700 grams of duck breast fillet without skin (sold in the markets and in some stores) and sheltered sour apples. The duck is cut fairly large (10 * 5 * 1.5 cm) pieces. Sour apples rub on the grater. The meat is roasted in a frying pan. The apple puree falls on top to it, which sprinkles salt and freshly ground white pepper. If there is no white pepper, you can do it black, but white is more fun. Further, it all makes it ready. If apples are sour enough that you feel, you can add a little cranberry sauce (probably also have your girl in the freezer for some reason, lying frozen cranberries). The degree of readiness of the dish is determined by the smell: strong and someone even an unpleasant animal smell is mixed with apples and turns into divine nectar. Traditionally served with young pink wine (with natural bubbles), but dry cider will fit. Spell level - from 4 to 6. Duck blood, packaging, leather, which must be removed - it is not so bad, but if you rub vigorously apples, the apple puree raspolzetsya all over the kitchen. All photos:

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