Egyptian incense, "Cologne Water" and other entertaining facts from the history of perfume


Egyptian incense,
Using a pleasant perfume, we get the true pleasure of inhaling his aroma. The smell involuntarily activates our receptors, causing mixed feelings of excitement, mystery, passion and universal happiness. Perfumes are a mysterious world that has its own history and traditions. When did the first perfume arise and did the development of perfumery occurred? In this matter we will try to thoroughly understand our article.

When did the first perfume be used?

The history of perfumery leaves its roots during the times of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Greece. The priests to make their rituals, mummification and sacrifices burned herbs, roots and plants with the aim of the aroma published to force different people to think in one direction and comprehend the Divine essence.

Egyptian incense,

Primitive people knew that, filling in the resin and tree, could be improved the taste of food. Over time, the incenses began to use on the altars and in the temples. They are at the origin of the origin of perfumery.

Egyptian incense,

Each nationality used perfume in different ways:

  • The Egyptians were used aromamasla during rites and in cosmetic procedures;
  • Ancient Romans created incense ointment and smoking for medical purposes;
  • The Arabs and Persians specialized in spice smells, and were also able to obtain fragrances from plants by distillation (the healer of Avicenna first invented pink water);
  • The Greeks constantly staying in maritime expeditions opened and brought new smells to their homeland.

An interesting point: the particular popularity of perfumes in ancient Egypt was received during the reign of the queen Cleopatra. Noble seducer independently made up some of the songs of perfumes, successfully used to rub into the body. Ancient Roman emperors, such as Caligula, Nero and others, simply adored noble smells. Patricia, imitating their imperial greatness, adopted a similar habit to smell a pleasant habit. So the perfumes spread.

Perfumes in barbaric Europe

For a long time, Barbara did not see anything special in pleasant and sophisticated incense. In the convention of the Roman legionnaires on their territory, the situation with the development of perfumes has improved somewhat. But after the fall of the Roman Empire from the sword is ready and Gunnov, the cult of aromas revealed again in the fly.

Egyptian incense,

During the crusades, the situation with perfumes in old Europe has ever changed. Knights, returning from the overseas countries, brought their ladies of heart fragrant presents, and the popularity of Ambre resumed. For example, several perfumes worked in France in XII.

France - Mecca Perfume Reviewers

In a small French town Grass, there was a profession "Perfume". Specially trained people could form whole compositions based on essential oils, essences, extracts from plants and other fragrant components.

In the XVI century, the profession of perfume and the glovenant was combined. The fact is that in a secular society it was popular to wear gloves emitting a noble fragrance. That is why there was a special position of the instrument by the perfume of this item of the wardrobe.

Egyptian incense,

After the French Revolution, when the guild of gloves and perfumers broke up, in 1608 in one of the monasteries the first perfume factory is created. The monks-Dominicans independently produced perfumes, and patronized in this business in this case, princes and even Pope itself.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, Farina's spices trader invented "Cologne Water", which was consequeled to belated. After the departure, she was brought to France. Cologne water was used by Napoleon himself. The emperor ordered about 60 bottles per year. Because of the fashion, the French Aristocratic Society of Russia also became actively using toilet water and cologne.

Spons of the XI X- XX century

In the middle of the XIX worldwide, handicraft production of spirits develop into a large-scale factory. Several fundamental theories of art perfumes were put forward, which allowed to correctly mix the flavors, creating excellent smells.

The twentieth century is characterized by the fact that perfumes falls on the podium. Fashion Legisite Gabriel Chanel in 1921 produces famous perfume "Chanel number 5", which subsequently turn into a trademark. At about the same period, Schipr appears, which became the ancestor of a whole line of fragrances.

Egyptian incense,

More than 100 years ago they learned to combine natural flavors and artificial Ambrel. Already then there were perfumes with floral smells, resembling the enchanting east, exotic fruits, powdered, marine and vanilla notes, and even with pheromones.

At the age of 50, the twentieth century with the progress of perfumes from the Atlantic there was a separation of smells on women's and men. The latter differed in a saturated sharp aroma, designed to demonstrate the strength and confidence of the strong half of humanity.

Egyptian incense,

Closer to the end of the twentieth century, fashion for fruit notes was formed. Lemon, Mango, Orange, Patchouli, Pineapple and Currant and to this day are present in various spirits, toilet water, sprays. Compositions with tea tree aroma, lotus, sandalwood and water lilys are relevant. Nowadays, thousands of exquisite wood, sweet, sea, fruit and other aromas compositions are sharpened in small bottles that are successfully sold worldwide.

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