Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great


Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_1
In our history there are glorious dates that should not be emitted from the memory of descendants. Here is one such date that, unfortunately, do not everyone know and remember. This is the day when Women Cossacks of the village of Vaurskaya turned into a flight of the army, superior to them in terms of about 10 times. In honor of this, the feast was later established the holiday of Nurskaya Cossacks.

History History

In 1768, the first severe Russian-Turkish war began. All new settlements were based on the protection of the southern and Caucasian borders. Ekaterina Great commanded to move part of the Cossacks from the Volga to the strengthening of new defense lines. In 1771, the immigrants founded 5 new villages. Among them was the village of Nurskaya.

Cossack Stanitsa in the Caucasus is a practically full fortress. Because Cossacks lived from the very beginning in a hostile environment. And the Russian-Turkish war added tensions in relations with the local population. Therefore, the village of Nurskaya was acquired by a strengthened shaft and had tools.

Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_2

In 1774, in June, the main part of the Cossacks was in the campaign. The village remained, as they say, only old yes, young people, children, and a few legion team. In addition, on June 10, it was a festive, all the rags went to church. And when they just went out, a terrible message came, that the enemy's army moves towards the village.

The connected forces of the Turks, the Crimeans and the Highlanders, who gathered a large army, set themselves the task of completely destroying all Russian settlements on Terek. One of the goals was Nurskaya.

Stanitsa Nurskaya launched the Crimean-Turkish army, which consisted of about 8 or 9 thousand warriors. They all knew that there were no defenders-Cossacks in the village, so they were hoping for easy prey.

Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_3

Mild prey Nursing Stannya did not. He led the defense Cossack Colonel I. Savelyev. All the defenders of the men who had experienced went to the tools on the fortifications. Only it was very little compared to the enemy army. And then women came to the rescue, on the occasion of the holiday dressed in their best sundresses. Change clothes, they naturally did not have time. The enemies went to the storming of the fortress of the village.

Cossacks helped to carry heavy pig-iron guns to send to those places where there was a threat of a defense breakthrough. They shot down the rifles and warmed the resin and boiling water on the bons to pour on the heads of the attackers. According to the legend, even soup and borshs, cooked to the holiday, were poured on the heads of enemies. Cossacks were not afraid to go to hand-to-hand, choking the enemy assault of braids, sickles and forks.

As later, this battle of historians described this battle, no bullets, nor arrows, nor wild screams of attackers were frightened.

Not only adult women, but also very young girls fought along with men. They even managed to pull the weapons from the attackers to make them and kill them with the same weapons. One brave Cossack oblique cut off his head to the enemy and took his gun from which he fired.

The assault lasted more than 12 hours and was removed. There were about 800 people killed among the attackers to different estimates, at the time, huge losses. The forces were defended melted, they hoped for the help of troops from the Mozdok Fortress. But the commander could not leave the fortress, because She also threatened the enemy's troops. It was not far from the village of shy, but sending a message to the help of the help it was impossible.

The next day the fight lasts. But unexpectedly enemy army began to retreat. A shot from the Cossack Perepsh gun was very successfully in the tent of the Turkish commander and killed his nephew. Turks counted it bad sign. And stopped the siege.

Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_4

By the way, this army was subsequently broken and his remnants went back, abroad. The task of destroying Russian settlements on Terek was not fulfilled. How could not be fulfilled and subsequently.

It was the first fight on the Teresk Earth, in which the Cossacks took part. Subsequently, they had to get used to military life in this edge and often help men in battles.

Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_5

Catherine Great highly appreciated the morale of women Cossacks. The defenders of the village were awarded medals for the Turkish war. And the decades after this battle are local women with pride wearing these awards. For many years later, the ternts, seeing the Highlander with a burnt face ilitally joked: what, they say, the Cossack schu under Nurskaya tried? In the very Stanza in honor of the victory hung the hill of glory.

You can, of course, to say that the defenders of Nurska are lucky, the tagged shot helped to remove the siege. But if it were not for the courage of women, the village would capture the first day on the first day. And then her defenders would not save anything.

Cossacks Day and Modernity

Cossacks called this commemorative date "Babiy Day" and did not forget to celebrate. In the 20th century after the revolution and subsequent events, many Cossack traditions were forgotten, partially or completely. And only now they began to recover. According to a new style, this day is celebrated on June 24 as a national Cossack holiday. The delegation of the Cossacks from other edges and regions arrive at him in the village of Nurskaya.

Baby Holiday: the feat of the Cossacks of the village of Nurskaya, who appreciated Ekaterina's great 40078_6

The holiday comes through all the Cossack traditions. Concerts with the execution of Cossack songs and traditional Cossack Lezginka are held, concerts with the performance of Cossack songs and traditional Cossack Lezginka.

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