5 products that will help keep the heart healthy


5 products that will help keep the heart healthy 40070_1

From what a person eats depends on how well he is. Any food affects all organs of the body, including the heart, whose health is needed numerous nutrients. Therefore, it is not surprising that you need to "feed" your heart with the right products to be healthy and function properly.

We give examples of 6 categories of products that should be made to their diet so that the "Motor" was healthy.

1. Omega-3 fatty acids

According to the American Cardiology Association, people must eat fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the risk of heart disease. Fish contains unsaturated fatty acids that can control cholesterol levels. Omega-3 fatty acids also prevent damage to blood vessels, reducing inflammation in the body. Fat fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are the best sources of these substances.

2. Vitamins

To reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, you need to consume more vitamins E and C. Vitamin D is also an important source that is able to prevent heart disease. The easiest way to get a maximum of vitamin D is just to stay in the sun. Papaya, citrus, broccoli and green vegetables are one of the best sources of vitamin C. Vitamin E can be obtained from Bulgarian pepper, asparagus, spinach and turnips.

3. Telicol

The soluble fiber can reduce the "bad" level of cholesterol in the body, reducing the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the replacement of purified grains into rich whole grains rich in the diet may reduce the risk of stroke. It will also control blood pressure indicators and help maintain normal weight. Bananas, oranges, grains, legumes and nuts are rich in fiber products that can be included in their diet.

4. Antioxidants

Eating food products with antioxidants can help prevent heart disease. Antioxidants prevent or restore cell damage caused by free radicals, including damage to the inner part of the arteries. They also prevent the accumulation of dental plates on the walls of the arteries, thereby significantly reducing the chances to get a heart attack. Products rich in antioxidants include onions, garlic, seafood, whole grains, green vegetables, milk, carrots, seafood, etc.

5. Magnesium

Products rich in magnesium can help avoid metabolic syndrome (condition that leads to heart disease and diabetes). The products rich in magnesium include bananas, raisins and almonds. The use of these products can reduce the risk of developing this dangerous syndrome and control blood sugar levels. It also reduces blood pressure and triglyceride levels. In particular, the diet is worth adding spinach, cabbage, legumes, nuts, broccoli, seafood, green beans, bananas and avocado.

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