10 natural ingredients that are an excellent alternative to brand cosmetics


10 natural ingredients that are an excellent alternative to brand cosmetics 40069_1

Today, people are forced to believe that there are no simple and inexpensive cosmetic councils and tricks for which extremely natural products will be required.

This is not surprising, given that the beauty industry is an empire worth almost 300 billion dollars, as well as the average woman spends about $ 15 only one makeup. At the same time, practically nothing is said about toxic chemicals, extremely commonly found (for this almost no one watches) in cosmetics.

It seems that in the current realities you need to spend a lot of time, a lot of money and risk your health to be beautiful. No need to believe it. There are many simple ways to care for yourself, feel more beautiful, and for it you do not need to pay a wallet or health.

1. Hair treatment with bananas and eggs

If someone wants more shiny hair, you just need to mix one egg and puree from a banana. This thick paste must be applied to the hair and leave it for 10 to 30 minutes, and then wash off. Voila! Super a simple way that helps is not worse than the "fashionable" and superdrawrs.

2. Moisturizing nail care

Everything you need is to make a bath with olive oil for five minutes. And then just admire with his beautiful hands.

3. Simple Honey Face Mask

Raw natural honey has an antibacterial effect and is a super quick way to get a soft, beautiful skin. Once a week you can carry out the following procedure: we take a tablespoon of raw honey (this is important, you should not use the processed product similar to honey) and carefully warm it, rubbing between fingertips. Then I smear honey in the face, we leave for 5-10 minutes, after which we wash with warm water. The skin on the face will just shine.

4. Cleansing apple vinegar shampoo

Those who use expensive shampoos: To stimulate hair growth, it is worth mixing a quarter of a glass of organic apple vinegar with 1 cup of water. After that, the mixture needs to be used as an ordinary air conditioner.

5. Peeling elbows and knees and skin cleansing

Everything is simple - we take an orange, cut in half and wipe the elbows and knees. It helps to soften the flapped areas of the skin, and also smells perfectly (of course, wash it all at the end of the procedure so as not to stick).

6. Gentle body scrub

You need to mix in proportions 2: 1 olive oil and sea salt in order to quickly get an effective body scrub. It helps to get rid of dead skin cells, after which it will be softer and shining. And this is a natural cosmetics much cheaper than expensive body scrubs that are sold in the store.

7. Light, but deep hair conditioning

What kind of beauty does not want super soft, moisturized hair. For this there is a natural cosmetics. It is necessary to use melted coconut oil for deep air conditioning and scalp. It must be rubbed into the skin of the head, and then wipe the hair. Leave the oil is needed for a couple of hours, after which you wash the head shampoo.

8. Simple shaving cream without toxic substances

You can use coconut oil as a natural replacement of shaving cream.

9. Fully natural removal of black dots from the nose and skin of the face

We drip 4 or 5 drops of raw honey on the lump of lemon, and then for a minute, wipe the lemon face, paying particular attention to the problematic areas. We leave the mixture for 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. It should be borne in mind that citrus fruits can make skin photosensitive, so it is better to do this before bedtime, and not before going outside.

10. Dry massage with a brush for perfect skin

Dry Brushing or Rubbing Skin (Massage) Dry Brush is a simple process of detoxification of the entire body. The procedure stimulates a number of organs using a soft massage. It also helps the lymphatic system, removes dead skin cover, strengthens the immune system, eliminates cellulite, stimulates hormones and helps pull the skin due to better blood circulation. And what is best, it is cheap and simple.

To take care

It must be remembered that even the best advice and beauty secrets are not a rapid solution. It also requires a good sleep, removal of stress, proper, healthy eating and exercise. Although all the advice given above can give some attractiveness of everyday beauty, it is worth remembering that real beauty is the result of daily concern about the body. And you just need to be ourselves, because every person is beautiful.

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