5 reasons why good girls love bad boys


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It is believed that all women dream of a beautiful, noble Prince on a white horse, but at the same time life shows that most often the dark knight defeats in the battle for women's hearts.

And not Batman in a hat with ears, and one of those representatives of the Dark Triad (False, Egocentrism, impulsive behavior), which is customary with scams. Why? "It's sad, honest princes, who feed the bouquet and putting the capricious princess with candies that the capricious princess neglected. And come to the only logical conclusion: because the princesses are fools. Well, we will not argue. There are girls who have butterfly not only in the stomach, but also in the head. But, in addition to obvious nonsense, there is still at least 5 reasons why women love assholes.

The basic Instinct

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The world changes quickly, and people are slow. It turns out that we do not have time for themselves. We invented airplanes, penicillin and hot water. We try to create fair laws. But our instincts are instincts of a caveman. Aggressive, power males attract women for the same reason as chocolate donuts: this is atavism.

Our ancient woman from the dark cave of the subconscious at the sight of a donut begins to scream - eat! Eat! Eat! Glucose and fat - valuable resource, and most importantly - rare. It is necessary to burst in the future, while they give. Brutal, strong, predatory male, according to the same non-Adandal system of values, was the most promising from the point of view of genes, alas.

A holiday that is always with you

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A good girl from a good family who does everything right, whose life is like an advertisement of a washing powder, whose future does not require hiking to fortune teller (a cozy husband in glasses, career, children, grandchildren, life-affirming music on a decent funeral), suddenly meets the scum. And that's it. Wild biker or playboy without a yacht, lemming hunter, James Bond and Forrest Gump in one bottle - In general, the one for whom the law is not what is not written, but rather, not chitan - ride our girl on the carousel of life.

Everything can be with him - exceed the speed, scandaling and singing into full voice, run barefoot not only under the sun, but also in the rain. This is not just a holiday, it is freedom that we all do not have enough.

But the chip is that the rules exist just for those who are least located to adhere to them. A good person will not exceed the speed - this is a piggy, in the rain they run wet, colded chickens, and if you go to the carousel five times in a row - there will be happiness, but if twenty-five - the case will end with migraine, vomiting and, possibly, an unpleasant LBA meeting with asphalt. And, by the way, good boys also love to break away, God was not in vain created a weekend.

Charm of Evil

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Alas, hellish fire burns brighter, and even cinema rags often look more attractive than poor chumadic heroes in torn T-shirts, from morning to evening the world. The villain is distinguished from the crowd, it is special, not like that. Without honor, without conscience, without brakes - the one who will pink the princess into the abyss of the forbidden passion, and in fact, in our cute cozy life, there is not enough heat! With a bastard, everything becomes much more interesting - the heart is silent, it freezes.

It is so nice that even scary - as if you are in great danger, but you know that they will save anyway. Will not save, no. Scratch - he is a scratch. Spere with her friend, plays the entire home budget in Poker, puts it, offended and quit. Not in vain he stood out of the crowd - it is worth remembering the bright hats of poisonous mushrooms, and catchy patterns on the skins of poisonous snakes.

Where dreams lead

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Most often - straight into the paws of sociopaths and fraudsters. This is another type of assholes, before which resist harder than in front of the chocolate ponchik. Everything is simple: manipulation and use of others require certain skills - psychological alone, the ability to virtuoso to lie and, of course, the external charm, which allows you to excellently play the role and dismiss the princess head. He will say exactly what you wanted to hear, and it will be exactly what you always dreamed about.

The man in love, but honest, of course, will try to carry out the dreams of a beloved woman, but he has his own. What is certainly annoying - selfishness is not only inherent in men. I want everything immediately - and the pony on the gold dish, and so that I understood without words, and to promise to love forever.

Well, with the promises of the assholes everything is in order. They can keep the maiden on a diet from sweet fairy tales and low-calorie breakfasts - tomorrow, everything will be tomorrow, and pony, and happiness, and eternal love.

Secrets of bad luck

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No for the woman is more tempting than to save the lost soul. In this fascinating sport, they are manifested as the best quality of women - loyalty, tenderness and kindness, and the dark sides - like the desire to rummage the whole world and the illusions of their own exclusivity, for which, of course, everyone will immediately love, will be admired to tears and will kiss sand for which.

With a lost soul can be anyone - an eccentric scientist, easieving square roots, even from its own ears, but not able to fasten the shill - ah, a poor thing. The serial killer - which is only worth understanding, love, launder his chainsaw, and he will immediately become a domestic and affectionate. Cynical false scoundrel - about such a whole life you can increase self-esteem (neither a scoundrel, neither self-esteem will not change, but they do not have to miss). The eternal loser, who has so many problems that you can easily forget about your own. Homeless cat (by the way, the best option is from all).

A good guy in this scheme is not to fit. Who does not whine, not sorry. Who himself knows how to fasten the shirina - that itself and buttons. So what to do?

Never mind. Let the holy terresses beat their records, and for a good guy there is always a good girl who will be able to take care and take. And the cat - the cat can always be laid together.

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