How did we survive? 10 dangerous games of our childhood


How did we survive? 10 dangerous games of our childhood 40061_1

When you remember what we have fun in our 10-12 years, we are wondering how we survived in that whole dangers of the world. Maybe it's not so bad that our children are sitting on the Internet, do not make paintasters from magnesium? In this review, 10 dangerous classes, in spite of which we have been survived before these years.


This invaluable thing could be found there, where gas welders recently worked. They just poured the remnants of carbide to the ground, not particularly experiencing an ecology. Basically, the remains of their activities were white dulk, but there was some strong pebbles in it. Carbide in the air is quickly oxidized, so it did not make sense to store it. It was used right there.

The simplest thing is to throw it in a puddle. Calcium carbide enters a chemical reaction with water and combustible gas acetylene. Throw the match in the puddle and get a cool "boom." Or did carbide guns. Cut out the dichlorophos bank top and pouch the hole with a hole with a nail. Throw carbide to the bank, Ivy, you shake to speed up the process and wait until gas is selected. Then you bring a burning match to the side hole and get the same "boom" as in a pool, but aimed.


This is a separate class of devices that serve to create unbearable conditions in any room. The most bold chimneys in school, the rest were limited to cellars, entrances and open spaces. The smoke was made from the "Funks". This is such a plastic that was mined from nevosha and tennis balls by splitting. He also met in the "officers" rules. Watch the broken fastest in foil, set fire to the hole, wait until it turns around and caring. Foil begins to pour thick white smoke. Delight for what flipped the chimney, and the death of someone who threw it.


In peacetime, Selith is a fertilizer common among dacnons and gardeners. For us, it was the source, again, the smoke. But in contrast to the fastest, the Selitra was impossible to use in its pure form. Only experienced boys who kept hard for shamans were able to prepare her. It is necessary to mix the saltter with water in the proportion of 1: 3 and to impregnate with the resulting solution with newspaper paper. After the paper can dry by the smoke. You twist into a tight roll, turn the foil tightly and further as well as with the frequency. Gilt, and on the road!


This weapon used the ancient hunters, and the guys who grew up in the USSR, felt their relationship with the ancestors, when they shot out of a slingshot in pigeons or by windows. The slingshots were made of wood and from thick wire. The first was shot by anything, for the second type, bobbins were required. These are centimeter pieces of copper or aluminum wire bent in half. When an experienced hooligan looked at a bush or a tree, he saw not the beauty of nature, but successful joints of branches, from which you can cut a good slingshot.


Making this complex pyrotechnic device could only have a real sample. As a rule, the aged guys were older. In essence, this is a homemade gun on the similarity of those used in the army of the time of the Patriotic War of 1812. The basis of the fitting design was a metal tube, approximately a centimeter in diameter. On the one hand, the tube was flattened.

To spare a closed end, a little liquid lead poured inside. From above, the pipe was inscribed, there was a mockery. A little powder was hushed inside (which was rare) or sulfur sulfur believed and pyzh was scored. Drive the match to the hole, sulfur fuses, flies flies into the enemy. Injuries occurred. If you take a lot of sulfur, and the pipe is weakly clamped or just a bad metal, then the alert could well be broken in the hands of a pyroman.


Making this pneumatic weapon could also only very sleeves small. The main components of the air is a tube, piston and harness. This is if in a nutshell. The principle is the same as in the syringe or pump. The piston presses on the air in the tube, and he already pushes everything that shoves in a blow. As a rule, the blower was blusted with plasticine or rowed rowan. But if I wanted to apply a bigger damage, then together with the plasticine, the blood was sealed with a small stone or bearing. Then the air became really formidable weapon.

Sulfur from match

It was the most important value for any Soviet boys. Apparently, the ariance of the alignment was in our blood. The huge plus of sulfur is that it is flammable both from fire and from impact. Therefore, it was used not only in dangerous frogs, but also in entertainment. For example, if you take two large bolts and nut, you can make an excellent grenade.

Hold your nut on the bolt, but only half. Fuck in the nut sulfur and tightly twist on the other side by the second bolt. We throw the garnet to the asphalt or in the wall and get an excellent explosion. Moreover, the bolts are not rarely spilled despite the threaded connection. You can also drive a construction dowel to asphalt with bricks, take it out, expose sulfur into the hole and install a dowel again. You throw a brick from above and get the same wonderful explosion and a small funnel in the asphalt.


Magnesium appeared in some kind of magical way. No one could say where he took it, but, according to rumors, he was filtered from the wheels of aircraft on aircraft dumps. Where these dumps found, the story is also silent. Initially, magnesium is a piece of metal that needs to be turned into a metal chips. For this, a file was used. But it was necessary to do it very carefully, because the slightest spark could not only burn everything that was already sharpened, but also to burn the house.

A manganese was added to the magnesium chips for better burning. And then from it you can do the same bombs, like sulfur or powder. The bombing housing most often served tightly twisted paper. The main thing is to leave a place for the wick. The best bicford cord is a rod from a ballpoint handle stuffed with gray from matches.


Lead was probably safe from our dangerous entertainment. Mined it from old batteries. The main thing was not to burn the hands with acid, which was found in these batteries. Lead is a cellular soft plastics that easily break. You break the lead, put it in an empty tin can or a bowl and warm on fire until it melts. Liquid metal can pour any molds and get different interesting things, such as soldiers or bears. Foma most often squeezed out in the ground or in clay. Some craftsmen made shapes under the clutch. That's then lead became a very dangerous toy.


Powder for the guys was luxury, he took away, as a rule, only by living in military towns or not far from them. In a rash form, he was rare, more often in the form of "Macaron." This is a tubular powder used in rocket installation projectiles. "Makaroni" looks very similar to the eponymous product used in the food industry, only they have more diameter. A stick of the length of centimeters is thirty with a through hole in the middle. Makaroni was most often exploded in two ways.

Gilt the macaronin from one end and make a little pulling the mouth smoke from the other and trying to discard until it exploded. It is terribly stupid, because Makaronin, as a rule, exploded near the face. Let not much, but she still could not post the face with fragments and get into the eyes. The second way was the danger to shoes. Gilt the macaronin, put on the ground and gently clamp the sole fire. It is necessary that he penetrates inside. There is a pleasant explosive, but only the sole is suffering.

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