Men's idiot kitchen: enjoy poverty


Did you pay attention to, friends how the final figure changed in the weekly purchase check in some Auchan? I noticed. So far, it has changed by 20%. And the salary has not changed. So we officially declare: the crisis has come, and therefore we will save on food.

Not that soon we do not save on it. Well, just in the concept of male idiot-kitchen, a different strange food is valuable mainly because it is almost no need to cook - she has so interesting taste. How to cook, let's say good meat? Throw on a frying pan and watch it is not burned. Or here are seafood. You take, let's say, scallops, sometimes let's drink, back on every teaspoon of red caviar - and eat naked with cute with candles. Now, however, this pleasure will be available to the officials of the Mountains and traffic cops, and other people will move to the chicken. In fact, in the nineties, after almost real hunger at the end of the restructuring, cheap chicken legs suddenly appeared and became almost the only source of protein for many families. Some after that, the chicken did not eat a few more years, but, nevertheless, then it was a real salvation. And now the chicken is another hundred years ago a festive food for most Russians - has become the cheapest food. This, however, does not mean that it is tasteful. Chicken, as we know, consists of legs, wings, pleading about beer, dry white meat, which is so wonderful to stew with vegetables, backrest skeleton with the neck, from which you need to cook broth, stomach that you need to throw in soup, liver, which Gorky and therefore we will not eat it (although it can be awaited), and the hearts that we will somehow tell in more detail, because for some reason I don't like the girls. So, chicken lunch. First - soup. We buy two chicken backs (budgets - rubles for forty or sixty) and we do, as described in the article on a hangover food. When the broth is ready, we throw something else: a bulb, a finely cut carrot, a little potatoes, if the salary was recently a cauliflower, if the money is convertible. If you twisted the soup with a vermicellier, it turns out such a clutter brew, which can no longer cook. Real gourmet can instead of the vermicelli use a pearl bench (this is especially true if you are prudent paranoid and made stocks). To make the received dish, it is necessary to add a lot of pepper and the bay leaf there - thank God, spice in our time almost nothing is worth it if you insist on the second - well, let's cook chicken legs. The main problem of broiler chickens is that for some reason they are wildly watery (they say they are specifically pumped with water, so that they weighed more, but it seems it is a city legend). Therefore, they need to be slightly dried. That is, we bake them in the oven. We post on a baking sheet or rubbed without a handle, sprinkled with olive herbs and putting. Alternative option - grasp each leg adzhika. Will be delicious, but good market adjustment costs at least fifty rubles per jar, do not want any money for any moneyFurther put in the oven and cook, looking at, so as not to burn. If the oven melts lazy - you can just fry in the scheme. As a side dish, make a cabbage salad. Cut, actually, cabbage, onions and fill it all with unrefined sunflower oil. If you managed to steal dill - it will be wildly appropriate. Salt, pepper to taste. We are poor, right? Not at all the fact that with these sanctions we will be able to afford Oranges, Feichoa, Mango and Apples in the winter. Therefore, the cabbage + onions + sunflower oil will be our main sources of vitamins, may not be a poke from Qingi. Acute cabbage, by the way, is also suitable, but it also costs money. Now about pleasant. Lunch for two will thus cost rubles in 200 - 250 - together with backs, vermicellies, a couple of carrots, a pair of potatoes and a pair of chicken ham. But the time it almost does not take it - the broth is brewing half an hour, and while he does it, you will have time to smoke, sculpt the Internet through the neighboring Wi-Fi (save!) And do everything else. Poverty is not a vice, let's hope that for the new year this lunch will not begin to be considered festive.

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