How not to go crazy, standing in traffic?


Hello, hello new year. It so happened that in the pre-holiday days, the entire population of our beautiful city (and the rest of the cities too) sits behind the wheel of the car and goes to the store for gifts, food and alcohol. At the same time, the other eight centimeters of snow fall out to the streets, which snow removal machines do not have time to clean, and people who bought the rights inexpensive, fight. Accidents happen every 500 meters, and Moscow as a result is beautiful and deaf.

Infinite traffic jams cause rage and overwork in drivers, they begin to make nonsense and only aggravate the clinical picture. Riding 20 kilometers of 4.5 hours - the most common thing, and there is no exit. Now even the option "Throw the car on the road" has become unavailable: evacuated, fingered, remove money for parking. Cheaper on foot. And the most amazing thing - every time this situation becomes a surprise and causes rabies. Why is that? Why is it going with us again? At the very same man here, adults, "sit here for a long time," and have already developed certain strategies, which are divided.

Do not sit on the steering wheel before the new year

That's not necessary. It is necessary to walk more on foot (at the same time will be killed with an anti-flame reagent, but the boots are still cheaper than body repair), ride the subway, where there is a lot of people and there are a lot of people, and you don't need to sit down the steering wheel. Alcohol and products buy in the nearest to the house of Selpo, gifts to make the papier-mache itself and newspapers. Friends and relatives will understand.

If you are driving behind the wheel - drive carefully

No need to ride 50 kilometers per hour. We must keep the distance. Thug intermittently, even if you have ABS. Carefully look into the mirrors, because even if you know how to drive a car in critical weather conditions, the other participants in the road - Idiots and Lihachi, and someone will surely want to enter you. Come on to cut you will be long. Very very long. Take with me in a food and drink car, go to cigarettes if you have this destructive habit. Do not plan anything. "I'll have time to go to five places for half a day and do ten cases" - not this season and not in this life.

Entertain yourself with benefit

In a standing cork, you can call the old friend, with whom I did not talk for half a year (of course, only with the help of headphones or speakerphone, keep the phone with an echo in extreme driving conditions - a bad idea). You can buy (well, pump up) audiobooks and reread-tolerance thick. You can listen to the radio (although the ears from our radio are folded into the tube). As an option, the radio can be played in Bullshit Bingo. Make a pre-piece of paper with keywords: innovation, nanotechnology, energy superpower, humanitarian intervention, fascists, junta, strengthening the ruble - and celebrate how many times each expression has been said during one issue of news or "analytical" transmission.


Our all is language courses, audiobooks in foreign languages ​​and professional audiobooks. Repeat the poems that you know by heart. Try to apply working skills right behind the wheel: designers, for example, love to grumble on how the street advertising is bad, which there are terrible fonts in it and how much everything is bad. Do not grieve. Cork - and so disgusting phenomenon, and if you swear on what is happening around, the mood will deteriorate in general.

Do not read, do not use social networks, including even a scratchful chat in Yandex-maps

Because how many times it was: I got carried away by the Chatik, the cork went, behind the furious comrade in misfortune, you suddenly press the gas and come to the ass to the standing car. And the traffic police now will come to you only by morning. And the traffic jam has increased, and with it - the total number of hatred in the world.


Wink persons of the opposite sex. Watch out people in other people's cars. Forget about decency, everything is in one boat. But the main thing is to smile. Someday it will end.

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