Wonderful rules of life from mumi-trolls



August is one of the most wonderful months, including because 101 a year ago on August 9, an incredible Tuva Jansson was born. The author is the most sad of funny fairy tales and the most joyful of melancholic stories - about Mumi Troll, Mumi-Mama, Mumi-Pope, Hemul and the rest of the wonderful creatures.

Through them, she managed to tell us a lot of very important, although in childhood we did not even even understand how much. It seems the man in whom Moomin-Trolls imprinted, can not be evil and stupid. We want to believe it.


"All unusualness are good, but only for a while. Scary stories, blotting, loneliness and all that is so different. " (Hemul)

- Oh, dancing! Let's go to? - exclaimed Freken snark, clapping in your hands. - I have not danced so long ago! "We have no time for dancing, when the earth dies," said Sonya. - Well, a little! - begged Freken Snark. - After all, the earth will die only in two days!


"Life is terribly complicated when you want to have things, wearing, keep them with you. That is why I just look at things, and when I am removing from the spot, I uhu them in my head. In my opinion, it is much more pleasant than carrying suitcases. " (Snusmumric)

- Of course, from a philosophical point of view, it is completely indifferent, you are alive or not ... Only who knows what will be with me after such a cold ... (OduTara)


"Before bedtime, I always look at the stars and guess who lives there and how to get to them. The sky seems so friendly when it is full of little peephole. " (Snusmumric)

Everything should sometimes stay alone with you. (Mumina-Troll) I can not describe how it is bad when your friends are either married or become royal inventors. (Mumi-dad)


"What a pity, if the earth splits! She is so good. " (Snusmumric)

And in the next room sat Mumi-dad and scribbled memoirs. At the same time, he wondered that he almost let a tear. He from birth was an extraordinary, gifted child, whom no one understood. But the grasses, he remained incomprehensible, and he was so hard in all respects so hard. Mumi-dad scribbled and scribble, imagining himself how everyone will repent when he reads the memoirs out loud. This again led him to the fun arrangement of the Spirit, so he even exclaimed: "So they need it!"


"Only would have time to go home to my mother before the comet is tensed to the ground. Then maybe all this is not so dangerous. Oh, mom will think of something ... " (Mumi Troll)

In the darkness everything seems terrible than in fact. (Mumi-Mom) ​​scare yourself, Winter, how much will fit. Now I missed you. You are not worse than the rest, only you need to know. Now you no longer deceive me! (Mumi Troll)


"What a pity that all the most interesting ends when you stop afraid and when you, on the contrary, becomes fun." (Mumi Troll)

Why should all be as you used? (Mumi-Mom) ​​because someone is right, your disappointment is no less. (Tuu-Tikki)


That's it always happens in adventure stories. Everything is just done that they save each other and save themselves. I would like someone to ever wrote about the one who is trying then warm the heroes ". (Tuu-Tikki)

I adhere to the opinion that from a terrible situation it is necessary to squeeze everything you can. (Mumi-dad) Now, rearly, it seems to me doubtful, as if I was really frightened, most likely, only the result was necessary to take precautions. That is why I courageously shake under the bed and began to wait. (Mumi-dad)


You can lie on the bridge and watch how water flows. Or run, or wander around the swamp in red boots, or curl to the glomerome and listen, how the rain is knocking on the roof. Be happy very easy ". (Mumla)

Picture author: Tuva Jansson

The article and postcards prepared Lilith Mazikina

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