Neighbors who poison our life


Maniac TV

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Dark-dark night on a dark-dark street, when all kind people sleep, the maniac wakes up a maniac. He feeds his dark strength of leading talk shows. The maniac wakes up not at night, but only when the head splits, and tomorrow to seven in the morning it is impossible to be late.

Man with hammer

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A man with a hammer has even more highly precious weapons. He makes "Bach! balls !! Sharakh !!! " Clearly above your head exactly six zero-zero, at the moment you only fell on the pillow after overtime night work.

Man with perforator

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If a person with a hammer live an active life and hurry the right number of victims, in the next reincarnation, he is waiting for an increase in Level: he will be born a man with a perforator. This is supersila. Especially if a person with a perforator spins his absolute weapon into the carrier wall for all Sunday. That is the very Sunday, which you have been waiting for two months to move away from a hard project.

Atsky Zverlyavr

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The Azz Zverlyavr men from the first floor for some reason thinks that you have to do with it, and should be personally. In any case, every time you meet, he at least goes in the wild lae, and how much the maximum is trying to gnaw with your foot.

Babe Babulka.

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But if you go out with Pesik (he is the kindest in the world, and you with a kule), the fighting granny is thrown on you. In her opinion, you are to blame for all the troubles of the world up to 1812 inclusive. It is fraught to argue with a combat granny, because in terms of the destructive power, it easily produces three hellish beversary.

Grandma active

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There is another extremely unpleasant variety of granny, called grandmother active. Active grandmother is able to collect on the barrier in one conversation, campaigning for the candidate, curse the house management, condemn the girl from the fifth, comment on the latest events and toggle the apocalypse. It is impossible to get away from the conversation.

Babus sociability

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Those who have not yet got rid of the remains of optimism will catch up with grannie sociable. She is actually kind. It will only share the details of the family life of his niece, important information about its pressure, strategic data on raising prices, advice, as it is more correct to eat your children, the weather forecast at the end of January, the recipe for the golden cadk, and the way to bring the wart apple and immediately will leave. Immediately.

Virtucy Smoker Champion from the balcony

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His name is uncle Vasya or Uncle Zhora, and he is a virtuoso smoking champion from the balcony. He knows how to do it somehow so that the wind of any power and directions fills your apartment smoke so effectively that the curtains should not just wash away, but also soak before.

Girl behind piano

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Against the background of all these people, the girl behind the piano seemingly not so terrible. Cute child in Ryushah, an intelligent family, all that. However, the Study-Major Dawn Sketch, who was fake at dawn eleven times with the use of the right pedal, quite successfully compete with the perforator.

Stretty merciless baby

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Before getting a hammer, a hammer, a TV, a piano and the Azz Zversalo, every person is a baby. However, not every infant is capable of vocal exercises comparable to decibels with a heating aircraft. Usually, only the fatters that were born behind the wall have such abilities. He is called - a stall merciless baby.

The most crucial family in the world

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The most crucial family is able to arrange scandals by force in 8-9 points for several decades, and do not touch. The anniversary of living together, they note the crash of the furniture.


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The passionate pair is fine, complete harmony. They love each other. Only too often. And too loud-oh oh!

Any main pipe

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One day it will definitely happen. You have some major pipe - and it turns out that the neighbors from below have just pasted on the ceiling with Swarovski crystals and manual painting Michelangelo (otherwise these amounts do not explain). However, sometimes it happens and vice versa. That's just you get Michelangelo to the walls, and there she. Any main pipe. What to say here? Sympathize.

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