3 steep ideas for meeting the new year


If an average person ask how he met the 2007th and 2001, he, most likely frown, was going to remember "as it was," but not the answer to the question. Because meaningless boys, even in the company with best friends, rarely turn into the most important human value - memories.

We offer for a diversity to move away from alcohol theme, and make a meeting of 2015 such that you will remember it forever. Even if you are not leaving on December 31st to Paris.

City Quest

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In any major city there are companies that organize such events. Send to Google "City Quest + the name of your city", choose, call, profit! What is the essence? Find a certain thing. Often this is a sign with a phone number of one of the organizers that you do not know in advance. Called before other participants - won. How is the game go? As a rule, these are several teams that compete with each other. Each command receives envelopes (identical) with the first task. The task, of course, is encrypted. It is difficult to encrypt, but so that you have a chance to guess. For example, a certain "Annushka" is mentioned in the text. And some toponym. Of course, in this case you have to go to the Museum of Bulgakov. But most likely, the next envelope can be found not in the very house of the museum, but in the store next door. On the shelf with sunflower oil. What do you need? Flashlights, comfortable clothes on the weather, the car (can be without, but difficult, especially in the new year) and good knowledge of the history and topography of your city. Why is it all? This is crazy, there is little with which comparable excitement. It is impossible to explain, you need to try. A separate row is a night trip by fabulously illuminated and completely empty streets. Exclusive seasoning are disappointed faces of traffic police officers - what does "sober" mean? Are you all sober? But how, Holmes?

Role-playing game

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No, it is not about sex. But if it turns out, it will be no worse than sex. What is the essence? Limited time, limited space. Each players have pre-issued goals that need to be achieved by the end of the game, and legend. How is the game go? For a short period of time (4 hours, on average) you stop being an aunes, Masha and Andrei and reincarnate in the Wild West Indians, the crew of the spacecraft or the heroes of Fantasy. One of you is a sheriff, someone is the head of the mafia clan, and someone is a folk avenger who came to shoot half of this dusty town. One of the most famous similar games is the "Gloria yacht" - http://srv.vatchenko.com/active/node/39. Your company becomes passengers and crew of a comfortable yacht, next of Spain in Latin America in the summer of 1945. On board - runaway Nazis, employees of exploration of allies, scientists and fraudsters. Everything, including captain, can not get to Rio just like that. Everyone has a goal. And something will definitely happen. What do you need? A good organizer who is able to be a moderator of such a game. And he will not pass the Kate that her husband Dima is a hiding officer of the Abver. If the moderator does not find out, again, in large cities there are offices that organize you such a game right at home or in a restaurant (it is inexpensive). Some will even provide, actually a restaurant (this is more expensive). Why is it all? To win, you will have to act quickly and resolutely in extreme situations (which in unlimited quantities will be thrown into the plot, and friends playing their roles). To climb into the skin of James Bond - there is little comparable pleasure, doubly pleasant with the fact that you do not risk getting a bullet in the forehead. Although…


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Why look on tv what you can do yourself? What is the essence? A couple of days before the new year (that is, today) you need to come up with the topic of the musical and distribute the roles to your guests. Each guest must prepare his own "Aria". That is, a parody of some famous song to speak with her, for example, Athos. Or Darth Vader. If a person does not know how to sing, such genres such as melodiclamation and pantomime are always open for him. Let him be spinning, as he wants, but the aria of a red hat should be shiny. How is the action? You pounce on a paper approximate libretto. It does not necessarily comply with the original. New Year's Eve - It's time to miracles, so no one bothers to meet Mowgli in the forest, if one of the guests accidentally wrote Aria Mowgli. So, you are reading a libretto with a beautiful theatrical voice, and the guests come out one and show the rest of Kuzkin. What do you need? Creative. The author of the idea will have to face tedious guests, which will call the 31st in the morning and say: "I did not come up with nothing, is it anything?". That's what. We must quickly help. No one should leave without Oscar from rain and fir bumps. Why is it all? You can not even imagine how talented people surround you. See them in an unexpected role - delight and yourself, and they. Even if they are initially shy and rest in all the paws. In the case of a musical, as well as in all previous cases, you, as a result, drink vodka anyway. But she will have a completely different taste. Honest New Year!

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